This section provides highlights of the release. Please see release notes for complete information on completed stories and bug fixes. nCOREHighlighted changes to nCORE include: - System Actions / Notifications
- Notification Templates moved from CK Editor to MS Word/AceOffix. Previously, notification templates used an HTML editor to maintain the notification content and data source merge field tags. CK Editor has been replaced with full MS Word editing capability, making them consistent with document management template functionality. Template conversion is include with the release deployment.
- Notification priorities. Certain notifications may be designated as always priority (e.g., forgot password) and will go to the front of the line for processing by the notification processing service.
- Sites / Regulated Entities
- Site to Site relationships display bi-directional relationships. When selecting or viewing a Site to Site relationship, directional relationship options (for example, Owner / Owned by) are now displayed in the selection dropdown and in the list page.
- Evaluations
- Add existing Evaluations as Site Evaluation Events. In the scenario where an evaluation should have been created as a linked Site Evaluation Event, the evaluation may be linked after the fact. This is done from the Event page by selecting the Link Existing Site Inspection Event
- DMRs
- Bulk Import from Excel. DMRs may now import one or more DMRs using a formatted Excel spreadsheet. This is available only for Daily DMRs and will not be available for configurations that only support Summary DMRs.
- Automatic calculation of Total Nitrogen. Total Nitrogen (T.N2) mg/L can be configured to be automatically calculated. The calculation is based on simple addition (A + B) or (A + B + C), specifically:
- (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen) TKN (00625) + Nitrate+Nitrite (NO3NO2) (00630), or
- (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen) TKN (00625) + Nitrite (NO2) (00615) + Nitrate (NO3) (00620)
- New ‘Warning’ labels. A new ‘Warning’ label style (orange color) has been created to distinguish between ‘Errors’ or ‘Violations’.
- Exchange Network Integration
- ICIS-NPDES Submission Management. Brand new screens have been developed for management of ICIS-NPDES Submissions. User may select permits to be submitted, preview the staged data prior to sending to EPA, or audit data and processing messages from past submissions.
- My Tasks
- Refined display of active Compliance Actions in My Tasks. The option to include or exclude Active Compliance Actions in the My Tasks was developed in 2020.02, but was not granular enough for certain agencies. This option has been moved to the Compliance Action Type level as a new "Show Active Compliance Actions in My Tasks" configuration setting.
- Schedules
- Schedule form data inheritance is now supported. Inheritance can be set to or from a schedule, or between schedule forms.
- Financials
- Invoice Set Groups. Invoice sets may now be subdivided into groups for individual processing. This provides more granular control for invoicing by allowing the subset of invoices defined within the group to be generated independently of any other invoices in the invoice set. The system automatically tracks which invoices have / have not been generated.
- Payment Remitter Comments. A comments field has been added to the Payment page to provide a place to designate remitter information.
- Projects
- Project Activity End Date. End dates may now be recorded for Project Activities.
- Administration
- Email alerts for failed scheduled server tasks. This is provided via a new system notification available for configuration. In the event of a task failure, the notification will be sent to designated recipient emails.
- Complaint “Part” Lookup maintenance. List and edit pages were created to maintain Complaint Part values. Parts are a multiselect list of values that can be used to classify a complaint by statute, rule, or other category designation
nFORM (Release 4.10) changes were primarily focused on new integrations related to standalone nFORM implementations. Some minor changes have bene made as noted below Highlighted changes include: - Multiple contact control mapping. Users may map multiple contact controls in a form to the same Affiliation Type. Since tags must be unique, contact controls are supporting this through tag extensions, for example, REF_AFFIL_TYPE_CODE-1, REF_AFFIL_TYPE_CODE-1.
Please see the nFORM v4.10 Release Notes – nVIRO Version for more information. nSITE ExplorerMinor enhancements have been made to nSITE Explorer Highlighted changes include: - Inclusion of DMR submission data (PDF Documents). DMR PDFs may now be made available nSITE Explorer as downloadable documents.
- Explorer batch population performance improvements. The nightly process to populate nSITE Explorer from nCORE had a tendency to time out at times. The batch process has been tuned significantly improving its performance.
There are no separate nSITE release notes for this release. nVIRO Data Hub and nVISAGEUpdates to the Data Hub and nVISAGE Release 2020.03 has been integrated into nVIRO. Highlighted changes include: - Multiple role support. nVISAGE has been configured to support two roles—Administrator and Report User.
- The Administrator may create a shared report and save it in the Shared or API folders. Administrator rights are provided via the Reports - nVISAGE Administrator security role in nVISAGE.
- The Report User may not create shared reports but may create a personal report and perform all other filtering, sorting, exporting of their own or shared reports.
There are no separate Data Hub / nVISAGE release notes for this release. nSPECTnSPECT changes for Release 2020.03 were limited to enhancements to the downloadable app, and bug fixes. Highlighted changes include: - Downloadable nSPECT App
- Sign out warning. A confirmation warning has been added on sign-out to ensure the user understands that upon signing out, all un-synched data in the application will be deleted. Synchronization should always be performed before sign-out.
- Improved Logging. The nSPECT App has incorporated offline logging (disconnected mode) to assist with troubleshooting.
- Data Backup. A manual data back-up function has been added. Data and logs are backed up to a Windsor cloud space to support troubleshooting.
- iOS authentication patch. Resolved an issue with the authentication cookie tied to iOS versions.
There are no separate nSPECT release notes for this release. coming soon... |