Versions Compared


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Released April 27, 2022

Technical Requirements

PLEASE READ - Technical changes required for this release

titleTechnical Requirements

Changes for this release:

  • Web and App Server require upgrading to from .NET 5.x to .NET 6.x

Required Software

Web Server

Application Server

Database Server

  • Windows Server 2016 or later (with latest windows updates)

  • SQL Server 2019

Web Browser 

  • Aceoffix Plugin

  • Modern Web Browsers (Chrome, Edge, FireFox)

Release Overview - Highlighted Changes


Highlighted changes to nCORE include:

My Account

  • Assign Submission Forms to External Users.  Site administrators may now assign forms to users who have Viewer access, enabling them to edit and submit those forms on behalf of the site without requiring the users to have full Editor rights on the site.  This is accomplished via an Assignment Mode tab on the submissions list.  In addition, the External Authorized Users screen has been enhanced to display each of the Active (non-completed) form assignments for the selected external user. A notification is sent to the assigned users to let them know of the form assignment.

My Tasks

  • Show Permit Number(s) if submission creates/modifies a permit. The My Tasks and Submissions - All list screens would only display a permit number in the "Name" column if the submission was a schedule related to a permit or was a permit change form. Now, if a submission creates or links to a permit via a workflow, those permit numbers will display as well.

Document Management

  • Signature Images in Documents.  nVIROnow supports the ability to embed signature images in generated documents. To provide this capability, a new function has been added to the user’s profile page allowing the upload of a user signature image.  There are two methods to include the signature in the document.

    • Signature Image at Time of Generation.  The first method provides the ability for the signature images to be added into the generated document at time of generation. This is accomplished via insertion of a textbox and tag in the document template.

    • Signature Image at Time of Document Finalization.  The secondmethod provides the ability to add the signature images to the generated PDF document at time of finalization.  This is also accomplished via insertion of a textbox and tag in the document template.  This method is more suitable to be used as a ‘signing’ step, where the user reviews and approves the document.  When they set the document to Final status, the PDF file is generated with the signature image applied to the PDF.


  • Automatically create and issue a Permit upon receipt of a Submission. Permits can now be issued automatically upon receipt of a submission, requiring no agency user intervention.  This is configurable via new workflow template options to immediately set the permit to Issued/In Effect upon creation. A document template may be specified to automatically generate and finalize a permit document, as well as a notification templated to alert the applicant and submitter of permit issuance. Workflow, Tasks, and Submission will also be set to Complete.

  • New Permit Termination Rules.  New rules have been created to warn the user when terminating a permit:

    •   if money is owed

    •   if there is pending or active enforcement actions

    •   if there are past due unsubmitted permit schedules

  • New Permit Validation Rules. New configurable error checking rules have been created for permit status change validation: 

    • The Site Primary Ownership Type must have a valid value

    • The Site SIC code must have a valid value

    • The Site NAICS code must have a valid value

    • The Site Address must be complete

    • All permit workflows must be completed (application workflows initiating the permit)

    • There must be at least one permit contact with the role of Responsible Official

    • Permit does not contain any limits (issuance warning)

·        Evaluations

  • Evaluation Samples and Sample Results.  A new Samples tab is available on to record Samples and Sample Results for an evaluation. The samples tab is configurable to display/not display based on the Evaluation Type lookup configuration.  The sample functionality is primarily intended for import of sample results from a LIMS system.  Custom interfaces would need to be developed to interface with other specific LIMS systems.


  • Withdraw a Submitted Schedule.  Schedules can now be set to "Withdrawn" after being submitted via an nFORM submission. This will result in the schedule being set to "Closed" status, and the submission cannot be re-submitted.


  • Add Events to Master Projects and support linking to Evaluations.  The ability to create Events has been added to Master Projects. This provides the ability to link Evaluations to the Master Project.  This is consistent with other linkage of Evaluations in other functional areas, and provides the ability to add other ‘basic’ events on a master project.

Public Notice

  • Ignore Holds before Public Notice.  Anew Deadline Calculation Start Date Trigger has been added for the public notice end date. When this rule is applied, If a hold overlaps and ends after the Public Notice End Date, then the Processing Deadline Date is only extended by the number of days between the PN End Date and the Hold Date.

  • Link different public notice event types to a permit.   Previously, the option to link a permit to a public notice was limited to a specific public notice event type of "Public Notice Draft Permit".  Other Public Notice Event Types, may now be configured to support a permit link by checking a new "Permit Linkage required" checkbox.  If left unchecked, the public notice cannot be linked to a permit.


  • Manually specify an annual fee for a permit.  An annual permit fee amount can now be manually entered, if allowed by the selected Fee Type (configuration).  The amount is enterable when the fee type is assigned to the permit.

  • Automatically create a Purchase Order from an Approved Schedule.  A schedule form can be configured to create a purchase order record in a similar fashion to a feature. This is driven by tags defined within the form section of the schedule.

  • Automatically create a Payable Record from a Payment Request Schedule.  A schedule form can be configured to create a payable record for a purchase order when a schedule is submitted. This is accomplished through tags on the form associated with the schedule.


  • Configure Parameters on Daily DMR.  Parameters can now be excluded from appearing on a Daily DMR form by unchecking a box on the Parameter lookup edit screen.

  • New Validations.  New validation rules have been added including rules to prevent submitting DMR if any DMR summary values are missing, and validate TMDL parameters have been set when a Monitoring Location is set to “T”.

  • Additional Submitter Metadata on DMR Copy of Record.  Additional submitter metadata information has been added to externally-submitted DMR COR PDFs for base nVIRO implementations.

Workflow and Tasks

  • Allow user to edit a completed task to which they are assigned. Users can now edit tasks in “Completed” status if they are assigned to the task and the parent record is in a draft/editable status.  This allows for reopening a task that was closed by mistake.


  • Delete pending invitations issued to External Users.  External site administrators and internal agency users who have rights to invite users can now delete a pending invitation. This is done from the Site Authorized Users page.

  • Pending Access Requests Page.  Site and site number have been added to the display, and the list now supports sticky filters so that the list does not reset after navigating away.

nSITE / nSITE Integration , Site Plan

  • ArcGIS Base Layer Migration. The release of the new ArcGIS Platform on January 27th, 2021 introduced new location services and pricing for ESRI’s ready-to-use services. This means public ESRI layers (used as default base layers on Site Plan and Site Explorer) are no longer free and a key is required to use and track the number of tile layers used per month. Once the number of tiles used is exceeded, there is a per tile charge.  For the time being, Windsor is providing its key to clients. It is unlikely that individual clients would exceed the monthly usage, collectively, that nuvmer could be exceeded. Should the usage costs become significant, this may be re-evaluated and individual clients asked to procure their own ESRI keys or find alternative base layers.

  • Suppress Features from external Site Plan and Explorer based on Feature Type configuration.  Specific Feature Types can now be hidden from external users on both the Site Plan and in nSITE Explorer.


Highlighted changes include:

This release was composed primarily of the work needed to implement new features in nFORM such as:

  • New Data Grid Control. Added a new advanced “Data Grid” control. This new control is like the advanced table but supports higher volumes of data with improved performance.  It also supports spreadsheet-like rapid data entry and also bulk data entry/upload from excel.

  • Hide/Show Calculated Controls. Calculated controls may now be conditionally hidden/shown.

  • Hide Validate Address. The “Validate Address” button can now be hidden from the Contact and Address controls.

  • Disable Location Map. The interactive map within the Location control can be disabled by the form designer.

Please see the nFORM v4.13 Release Notes – nVIRO Version for additional information.


No significant enhancements have been made to nSPECT in the 2022.1 release.  Changes were limited to bug fixes/patches.

titlenSITE Explorer

No significant enhancements have been made to nSITE Explorer in the 2022.1 release. 

titlenVIRO Data Hub and nVISAGE

Highlighted changes include:

  • nSPECT Data Sources in the Data Hub.  The data hub now includes data sources for reporting on nSPECT forms.  The new data sources will be named “Inspection – “

Release Notes

(Click to preview / download)


View file
namenVIRO Release Notes 2022.01.docx

Excel list of Stories/Fixes

View file
namenVIRO Release 2022.01 Ticket List (spreadsheet).xlsx

Related Release Notes

(Click to preview / download)

View file
namenFORM v4.13 Release Notes - nVIRO Version.docx

Release Demonstration

titleDemonstration Videos

nVIRO Release 2022.1 Videos - YouTube

1 - Introduction, nFORM Data Grid

2 - Financial Assurance, My Account

3 - MyAccount, External Users, Permits, Document, Fees

4 - Document Management, Submissions

5 - Projects, nVISAGE

6 - Evaluations, Administration (DMR, Site Plan, nFORM), Wrap Up

On this page

Table of Contents

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