Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.











In order to provide clients with payment vouchers to uniquely meet their needs, Windsor has implemented a feature that allows system users to:


The following example returns a formatted Submission #.


Submission/Voucher Date Example

The following example returns the date of the submission, formatted as a date.

<<[submissionVersionSubmitted]:”M/d/yyyy h:mm tt”>>

Payment Remittance Address Example

The following returns the Payment Remittance Address assigned to the Form.

<<[billingAddress.fullAddress.Replace(“\n”,”<br/>”)]:upper:”format” –html>>

Note: The Replace(“\n”,”<br/>”) reference replaces all newline characters with a line break. The “:upper” reference is used to make all text uppercase. The “format” –html reference used to ensure the displayed text honors the HTML formatting tags.


The following example returns the amount currently due, formatted as a currency.

<<[submission.processingFee + submission.adjustments - submission.onlinePaymentsTotal]:”C”>>

Dynamic Data Attributes

When accessing dynamically data in the submission (e.g., custom data points defined in form sections by a form designer), there are a few steps that should to be followed, such as:


In this example, the Template is attempting to access text from a Short Text or Paragraph Control, the “Site Name”, that the user entered in the submission. The Short Text or Paragraph (e.g., Site Name) Control in the submission has a Tag value of “SITE_NAME”. The first step is to define the siteName variable. Assuming Site Name control will always be available on the Submissions, use the following syntax to define the siteName control:

<<var [siteName = SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”SITE_NAME”).values.controlValue] >>

One defined, siteName can be referenced from anywhere in the form using the following syntax:

Site Name: <<[siteName] :upper>>

Note: The “:upper” reference is used to make all text uppercase.


  • Defines the siteAddressCtrl variable so simplify the many references to this control.

  • Performs error handling to handle the situation where the site address is null.

  • The siteAddress variable is established by concatenating all the constituent parts of the address control (e.g., street address, secondary address, city, state, zip, etc.) and to improve formatting, HTML break tags are added where needed.

See example below:

<<var [siteAddressCtrl=SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”ADDRS”)]>>

<<var [siteAddress = siteAddressCtrl == null ? “”:”<br />”+ siteAddressCtrl.values.street + “<br />” + siteAddressCtrl.values.street2 + (siteAddressCtrl.values.street2 != null?“<br />”:””) + siteAddressCtrl.values.locality +”,” + siteAddressCtrl.values.areaCode + “ “ + siteAddressCtrl.values.postalCode] >>

Note: Each individual address component could be referenced separately (versus one address block, if desired.

One defined, the siteAddress can be referenced from anywhere in the form using the following syntax:

Site Address: <<[siteAddress]:upper:”format” –html >>

Note: The “:upper” reference is used to make all text uppercase. The “format” –html reference used to ensure the displayed text honors the HTML formatting tags.


  • Defines the submitterCtrl variable so simplify the many references to this control.

  • Performs error handling to handle the situation where the company name is null.

  • The submitterInfo variable is established by concatenating all the constituent parts of the Submitter control (e.g., name, street address, secondary address, city, state, zip, etc.) and to improve formatting, HTML break tags are added where needed.

See example below:

<<var [submitterCtrl=SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”CNTCT”)]>>

<<var [submitterInfo = submitterCtrl == null ? “”:”<br/>”+ submitterCtrl.values.companyNameContact+”<br/>”+ submitterCtrl.values.streetContact + “<br/>” + submitterCtrl.values.street2Contact + (submitterCtrl.values.street2Contact !=null?”<br />”:””) + submitterCtrl.values.localityContact +”,” + submitterCtrl.values.areaCodeContact + “ “ + submitterCtrl.values.postalCodeContact] >>

Note: Each individual address component could be referenced separately (versus one address block, if desired.

One defined, the submitterInfo can be referenced, in uppercase, from anywhere in the form using the following syntax:

<<[submitterInfo]:upper:”format” –html>>

Note: The “:upper” reference is used to make all text uppercase. The “format” –html reference used to ensure the displayed text honors the HTML formatting tags.


  • When defining the variables for the data to be accessed at the top of the template:

    • Perform this work at the top of the page (prior to the data attribute being referenced)

    • Do NOT add carriage returns in or between these definitions as the template will include these carriage returns in the presented document.

  • Any Controls referenced in the Template must exist on Submission Form. If the control doesn’t exist, errors will be encountered and the Payment Voucher will not be generated, unless error handling code is added. To trap for potentially absent controls, the following format of code can be used.

<<var [companyNameCtrl = SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag==”COMPANY_NAME”)]>><<var [companyName= (companyNameCtrl == null ?””: companyNameCtrl.values.controlValue)]>>

  • If a Control is empty (e.g., not entered), the value will be returned as a blank to the Payment Voucher. It’s worth noting that in some cases, blank values are saved in controls as a “?” to help with URL encoding. In these cases, the “?” will need to be replaced with a blank value during display.

  • Case does matter when referencing variables so be sure that your casing is in sync. Configuration values (in the Vars.config, VarsOverrides.config, etc.) can be exposed to the document generator. These can be exposed by referencing the existing configuration properties in the following format:

<add key="docgen.config.settings" value="

Any attributes referenced here can be accessed from within the document by referencing the configuration value without periods and capitalizing secondary words. So the app.Title configuration setting will be referenced as:


The configuration setting will be referenced as:




Establish Variable Example

<<var [ShortText=SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”STC”).values.controlValue]>>

Reference Variable Example

Short Text: <<[ShortText]>>


Establish Variable Example

<<var [Paragraph = SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”PRGRPH”).values.controlValue] >>

Reference Variable Example

Paragraph: <<[Paragraph]>>


No attributes are returned from this control.


Establish Variable Example

<<var [Single=SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”SSC”)]>>

Reference Variable Example

Selection: <<[]>>

Reason: <<[Single.values.otherReason]>>

Multi Selection

Establish Variable Example

<<var [Multi=SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”MSC”)]>>

Reference Variable Example

Selection: <<[",",", ")]>>

Reason: <<[Multi.values.otherReason]>>



Establish Variable Example

<<var [Number=SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”NMBR”).values.controlValue]>>

Reference Variable Example

Number: <<[Number]>>


Establish Variable Example

<<var [Date=SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”DTE”).values.controlValue]>>


Establish Variable Example

<<var [Email=SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”EML”).values.controlValue]>>

Reference Variable Example

Email: <<[Email]>>


Establish Variable Example

<<var [URL=SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”URL”).values.controlValue]>>

Reference Variable Example

URL: <<[URL]>>


Establish Variable Example

<<var [Phone=SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”PHN”).values.controlValue]>>

Reference Variable Example

Phone: <<[Phone]>>



Establish Variable Example

<<var [Name=SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”NME”)]>>

Reference Variable Example

Full Name: <<[Name.values.fullNameValue]>>

Title: <<[Name.values.titleValue]>>


Establish Variable Example

<<var [Location=SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”LCTN”)]>>

If you want to separate out the Latitude and Longitude

<<var [lat=Location.values.mapCoord.Substring(0,ctrl.values.mapCoord.IndexOf(","))]>>
<<var [lng=Location.values.mapCoord.Substring(ctrl.values.mapCoord.IndexOf(",")+1)]>>

Reference Variable Example

Coordinates: <<[Location.values.mapCoord]>>

Latitude: <<[lat]>>
Longitude: <<[lng]>>


Establish Variable Example

<<var [siteAddressCtrl=SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”ADDRS”)]>>

<<var [siteAddress = siteAddressCtrl == null ? “”:”<br />”+ siteAddressCtrl.values.street + “<br />” + siteAddressCtrl.values.street2 + (siteAddressCtrl.values.street2 != null?“<br />”:””) + siteAddressCtrl.values.locality +”,” + siteAddressCtrl.values.areaCode + “ “ + siteAddressCtrl.values.postalCode] >>

Reference Variable Example

Line by line Address: <<[siteAddress]>>

1st Line of Address: <<[siteAddressCtrl.values.street]>>

2nd Line of Address: <<[siteAddressCtrl.values.street2]>>

Location Description: <<[siteAddressCtrl.values.description]>>

City: <<[siteAddressCtrl.values.locality]>>

State: <<[siteAddressCtrl.values.areaCode]>>

Zip: <<[siteAddressCtrl.values.postalCode]>>

County: <<[siteAddressCtrl.values.county]>>

Country: <<[siteAddressCtrl.values.countryCode]>>


Establish Variable Example

<<var [Attachment=SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”ATTCHMNT”)]>>

Reference Variable Example

Comment: <<[Attachment.values.attachmentComment]>>

Confidential: <<[Attachment.values.confidential]>>

Confidential Reason: <<[Attachment.values.confidentialReason]>>

File ID: <<[Attachment.values.fileId]>>

File Name: <<[Attachment.values.fileName]>>


Establish Variable Example

<<var [Table=SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”TBLE”)]>>

Reference Variable Example


Establish Variable Example

<<var [submitterCtrl=SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”CNTCT”)]>>

<<var [submitterInfo = submitterCtrl == null ? “”:”<br/>”+ submitterCtrl.values.companyNameContact+”<br/>”+ submitterCtrl.values.streetContact + “<br/>” + submitterCtrl.values.street2Contact + (submitterCtrl.values.street2Contact !=null?”<br/>”:””) + submitterCtrl.values.localityContact +”,” + submitterCtrl.values.areaCodeContact + “ “ + submitterCtrl.values.postalCodeContact] >>

Reference Variable Example

Line by line Address: <<[submitterInfo]>>

Prefix: <<[submitterCtrl.values.prefixNames]>>

First Name: <<[submitterCtrl.values.firstNameContact]>>

Middle Name: <<[submitterCtrl.values.middleNameContact]>>

Last Name: <<[submitterCtrl.values.lastNameContact]>>

Title: <<[submitterCtrl.values.titleContact]>>

Company Name: <<[submitterCtrl.values.companyNameContact]>>

Phone: <<[submitterCtrl.values.phoneContact]>>

Email: <<[submitterCtrl.values.emailContact]>>

1st Line of Address: <<[submitterCtrl.values.streetContact]>>

2nd Line of Address: <<[submitterCtrl.values.street2Contact]>>

Location Description: <<[submitterCtrl.values.descriptionContact]>>

City: <<[submitterCtrl.values.localityContact]>>

State: <<[submitterCtrl.values.areaCodeContact]>>

Zip: <<[submitterCtrl.values.postalCodeContact]>>

County: <<[submitterCtrl.values.countyContact]>>

Country: <<[submitterCtrl.values.countryCodeContact]>>

Hidden Text

Establish Variable Example

<<var [Hidden=SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”HDDN”)]>>

Reference Variable Example

Hidden: <<[Hidden.values.controlValue]>>


Establish Variable Example

<<var [Calculated=SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”CLCLTD”).values.controlValue]>>

Reference Variable Example

Calculated: <<[Calculated]>>


If references to data found within a form repeater is desired, consulting services will be required to perform advanced configuration of the document template.
