Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.













In order to provide the ability to generate highly formatted documents, Windsor has implemented a feature that allows Form Designers to:


  • User Information:

    • Name:

      • Full Name: <<[loggedInUser.displayName]>>

      • Username: <<[loggedInUser.login]>>

      • Email: <<[loggedInUser.primaryEmail]>>

    • Company: <<[]>>

      • Address: <<[loggedInUser.addresses.FirstOrDefault(a => a.addressType.Name =="home")]>> This is not yet available.


<<var [Location=SectionControls.FirstOrDefault(sc=>sc.tag ==”LCTN”)]>>

If you want to separate out the Latitude and Longitude

<<var [lat=Location.values.mapCoord.Substring(0,ctrl.values.mapCoord.IndexOf(","))]>>
<<var [lng=Location.values.mapCoord.Substring(ctrl.values.mapCoord.IndexOf(",")+1)]>>

Reference Variable Example

Coordinates: <<[Location.values.mapCoord]>>

Latitude: <<[lat]>>
Longitude: <<[lng]>>


Reference Variable Example


The following example prints all values of the short text control. The tag for the control in this example is ”Short” while the tag for the advanced table itself is “ADV_TABLE_CONTROL”. The short text value is called on with “<<[shortValue]>>”.


<<var[advancedTableRows =advancedTable.rows]>>

<<foreach [row in advancedTableRows]>><<var [shortColumn=row.columns.FirstOrDefault(c=>c.tag ==”SHORT”)]>><<var[shortValue =shortColumn== null || shortColumn.values ==null?””:shortColumn.values.controlValue]>>



DataGrid Summary Data

This code iterates through a collection of rows called summaryRows, representing summary data in a datagrid.

<<foreach [row in summaryRows]>> Summary: <<[row.footer]>>: <<foreach [cell in row.columns.Where(c => c.value != null && c.value != "")]>> <<[columns.FirstOrDefault(c => c.tag == cell.tag).label]>>: <<[cell.value]>> </foreach>> </foreach>>


Establish Variable Example
