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The My Tasks Dashboard provides a list of active work items and workflow tasks. The dashboard is located under the Home menu and is the landing page when internal users first log in to the systemaccessed from the My Tasks link in the application header.
The list defaults to show work items assigned to the current user as the processor or as a task assignee. From this page, internal users may search for items and tasks assigned to themselves or other users or workgroups. The page is also configurable, allowing users to select specific columns to display based upon the type of work that they do.
Image RemovedImage AddedSearching for Tasks
My Tasks displays any item assigned to a user, including any functional area item or task. The search criteria are:
Functional Area
Assigned User
Assigned Workgroup
When an internal user first logs into the system, the screen will default to search for Functional Area set to All, Assigned Workgroup set to My Workgroups (any workgroup the current user is a member of), and Assigned User set to the Current User.
Info |
When All is selected in the Assigned Workgroup dropdown, a User must be selected in the Assigned User dropdown. When All is selected in the Assigned User dropdown, either a single workgroup, My Workgroups, or Unassigned must be selected in the Assigned Workgroup dropdown. |
Show only tasks assigned by other processors
When specifying an Assigned User, a search option checkbox is displayed: Show only tasks assigned by other Processors.
Checking this box limits the displayed tasks to tasks where the specified user is not the primary processor/owner of the record.
Mary is the processor for Application A and has assigned Danielle several tasks. Danielle is the processor for Application B and has assigned workflow tasks to herself and perhaps others.
Suppose Danielle views the My Tasks page. If Danielle is specified as the Assigned User in the search and the Show only tasks assigned by other Processors checkbox is not checked, then both Application A and Application B will be displayed in the My Tasks list. If the Show only tasks assigned by other Processors checkbox is checked, then Application A will be displayed in the My Tasks List, but Application B will not.
List Display
Items Displayed
Items displayed in the list correspond to functional areas that can have related workflows and tasks assigned. These include the following functional areas:
Compliance Action
- Conservation Easement
Environmental Project
Financial Instrument
Selecting Columns to Display
Users may select specific columns to display based upon on the type of work that they do. Users who primarily work with submissions may wish to display submission-specific information; users who work primarily with Evaluations may wish to display certain evaluation columns.
To select columns, click the Select columns to display dropdown. A list of data columns displays with checkboxes. Click the checkbox to select/deselect a column to be included. Clicking Show All will select all columns, and clicking the Image Modified (reset) button will reset the list back to the default columns.
Image RemovedImage AddedCommon Columns
Configurable columns that are common to all functional areas include the following:
Name | Description |
Functional Area | Functional Area of parent item. |
Site Name | Site Name of parent item. |
Site Alternative Names | Active Site Alternative Names. |
Item Name | Name of item (record) that is in process. This varies by functional area:
Reference Number | Reference Number for the listed item. |
Primary Contact | Item Primary Contact, as dictated by contact affiliation type; this varies by functional area:
Assigned User | Item Primary Processor. Searchable field via the "Assigned User" search drop-down. |
Status | Item Status |
: This varies by functional area. Only "Draft" or "Active" items are returned in "My Tasks".
| |
Item Comments | Comments or notes on |
the item record. These comments may be updated directly from the My Tasks list without opening the item record. |
Compliance Action Columns
Configurable columns that are specific to the Compliance Action functional area include the following:
Name | Description |
Compliance Action Date | Date that compliance action was set to either status "Issued" or "Entered". |
Evaluation Columns
Configurable columns that are specific to the Evaluation functional area include the following:
Name | Description |
Evaluation Scheduled Date | The date that the evaluation has been scheduled to start. |
Evaluation Start Date | The date that the evaluation actually started. |
Evaluation End Date | The date that the evaluation ended. |
Submission Columns
Configurable columns that are specific to the Submissions functional area include the following:
Name | Description |
Priority | Priority of the submission. This field may or may not be applicable, depending on form configuration. |
Received Date | The date the submission was received. |
Latest Version Received Date | The date the latest version of the submission was received (for subsequent revisions of a submission). |
Administrative Complete Due Date | The date the submission was deemed administratively complete. This may or may not be applicable, depending on submission type. |
Public Notice End Date | The date a related public notice event is/was scheduled to end (if scheduled). |
Processing Due Date | The target due date by which the submission should be completed. |
Site Inspection Scheduled Date | The date a related site inspection event is scheduled to be conducted. |
Amount Due | Total fee amount outstanding for the submission. |
Schedule Columns
Configurable columns that are specific to the Schedule functional area include the following:
Name | Description |
Schedule Due Date | The date the schedule submission is due. |
“Next Task” Columns
The Next Task columns display the next unstarted or in process task on the functional area record. If the My Tasks dashboard’s is filtered for the current user’s tasks, priority is given to the next task that is assigned to the current user.
Configurable columns that are related to Task Information include the following:
Name | Description |
Next Task |
Displays the name of the next task |
, the assigned user’s name (if assigned), and the task status. If the task is Unstarted or In Process and the current user |
has rights, a Mark Complete button is also displayed. | |
Next Task Due Date | The due date for the task, if applicable. |
Next Task Comments | Comments on the next task record. These comments may be updated directly from the My Tasks list without opening the task record. |
Info |
For a given in-process item, the "next task" shown on the My Tasks dashboard is the task that:
Work on a Task
Users may navigate directly to the functional item for the task by clicking the Open buttonNext Task Documents | Lists documents that have been linked to the task. |
See the following section for more information on Tasks.
Working on a Task from the My Tasks Dashboard
To work on a task from My Tasks dashboard, first reveal the following fields from the Select columns to display drop down.
Next Task
Next Task Due Date
Next Task Comments
Next Task Documents
The following actions can be performed from within the Task-related columns:
Open a Task - click the Task Name hyperlink to navigate directly to the task detail screen in a new browser window.
Mark as Task Complete - A Mark Completebutton appears if the task is unstarted or in process, and the current user has rights to update the task. After marking a task complete, the list will refresh to show the next unstarted task. The entire row will disappear from the My Tasks list if the current user does not have any other unstarted or in process assigned tasks on that record and the current user is not the overall processor on the record.
Add or Update a Task Comment - Click the button with the conversation bubble icon in the Next Task Comments column to supply a comment on the task. Once set, the comment will display in the column. See the following section for more information.
View a Linked Document - If one or more documents have been linked to the task, the Next Task Documents column will display the document name as a hyperlink. Clicking the link navigates to the document detail screen.
Update Comments from the Task List
Two selectable fields may be updated directly from the task list without navigating – Item Comments and Next Task Comments. Updating Item Comments adds or updates the comment for the functional item. Updating Next Task Comments updates the comments for the listed task.
To add or update a comment,
Click the comment icon in the corresponding comment column.
Enter comments in the Edit Comment window.
Click Save.
Columns with Record Links
The Site Name column provides a link to the site record. Clicking the link opens the site in a new tab.
If the record is for an Application/Request or a Complaint/Incident, the Reference Number column provides a link to the submitted form. Clicking the link opens the form in a new tab.
If the Next Task column is displayed in the list, it provides a navigation link to the listed task so that it may be updated.
Export the Task ListExporting the Task List to a CSV File
The Task List may be exported as a .csv file. To export and download the file, click the Export List button.
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