Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Once customers have started interacting with the nFORM application and have filled out and submitted some forms, you will want to be able to take a look at those form submissions and do something useful with that data. You may want to generate a report or maybe you would like to update information in another system or database. While you could query nFORM directly, it's important to remember that nFORM faces your customers and it's important to ensure that it remains responsive. Running big queries or generating reports is often taxing on nFORM and it's backing database server, it's best avoided. nFORM provides nTEGRATE with updates as changes occur in near real time, we can run reports and query against nTEGRATE's database instead.

This document assumes that you are comfortable with SQL, that you have a query tool installed (for instance, Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio) and that you can connect to your nTEGRATE database. (smile) 


Most of us think of a form as set of questions and submissions as a set of answers. nFORM and nTEGRATE manage forms and submissions in much the same way, however, we need to add some additional terms to keep things orderly. We need to think about the different versions of the form (the form version), it's common for questions to be added, updated or removed over the lifetime of a form. We also need to think about different version of each submission (the submission version); nFORM provides the ability for a customer to come back to a form they have submitted and correct erroneous information. When it comes to the various answers for each question in a form, we need to be able to tell the difference between an open text field and something more complicated and structured, like an address or a date.

Each submission has a version so that we can track the changes in the submission over time, although we are typically only interested in the most recently submitted version. A submission is related to a particular form, this is referred to as a form item. Each form, or form item, has it's own version to track changes in the form over time; again, we are typically interested in the version of the form that is most recent (unless we are looking at older submissions). Every submission (and every form item) has one or more sections and each section has a set of questions, which we call controls.

Each control has a label, this is what we usually think of as the question or entry on a form. The label might be something like "current address" or "most recent inspection date". Each control then has one or more associated control values, this is the information provided on the submission (the answer to the question). For a simple text field there will only be one "value" for the control: whatever the customer typed into the form. More complicated controls, like the address control, will contain several values (street, locality, postal code, etc.)

Lastly all of the above may have a tag, something that makes it easier to find and categorize the data. Tags are typically short and have a concise name like "current_contact" or "case_history". They are most often used as shortcuts to find the specific information you are looking for. You may have a system that manages the address and contact information for your customers, to make it easier to get that data out of nTEGRATE you could query for all of the sections that have the tag "current_contact" from all of the recent form submissions and use that to update your customer contact system.

Topics Covered on This Page

Table of Contents

Database Structure

If you have looked at the nFORM database, the nTEGRATE database will seem familiar. To the degree that it's possible and makes sense, the nTEGRATE database mirrors the nFORM database. All of the tables, views and stored procedures are located in the "nForm" schema and many of these have names similar to those used by nFORM. We can interrogate our submission data by working with these tables directly but we have created a set of views that will make this easier.

Submission Views

Every nTEGRATE installations comes with a set of eight views that provide easy access to your submission data, their names are pretty reasonable. The "VW_Submission_Header" view contains summary information about each submission (who submitted it, what form was submitted, when was it submitted, etc.) The "VW_Controls_Data_Cleansed" table contains all of the data for each submission (answers to the specific questions, tags for those questions, and so on). Information about notes related to the submission are located in the "VW_Submission_Notes_View", likewise meta-data about the controls are in the "VW_Submission_Meta_Controls_Data" view. Lastly all of the data about the various processing steps of each submission and the history of the various statuses that each submission has transitioned through are in the "VW_Processing_Steps" and the "VW_Submission_Status_History" views.

Submission Header

The view "VW_Submission_Header" contains one row for every submission that has been processed by nFORM. Take a moment to query the view in your database and take a quick look at the data.

Code Block
titleQuery Submission Headers
select top 5 * from nForm.VW_SUBMISSION_HEADER order by LatestSubmissionDate desc;

The query above will return the five most recent submissions in your database. The interesting columns here are...

  • Sub_Id: The unique identifier for the submission
  • Tag: The tag for the form that was submitted
  • Organization_Code: The code of the organization of the form
  • OrganizationName: The name of the organization
  • SubmissionNumber: The human readable submission number
  • FormName: The name of the form
  • ApplicantName: The name of the applicant
  • ApplicantLogin: The login of the application
  • LatestSubmissionDate: The date the submission was most recently updated
  • CurrentStatus: The status of the submission
Submission Data

The data for each submission is available through the view "VW_SUBMISSION_CONTROLS_DATA_CLEANSED", for each value of each control of each submission there will be a row in this table with the data. This table ends with "...DATA_CLEANSED" because some sanitization has been performed to eliminate control characters and other bits of data that may cause trouble when querying or producing reports.

In the previous section we queried nTEGRATE for the five most recent submissions, go ahead and run that query again. Take a look at these submissions and copy the "SUB_ID" value for one of them. Run the query below, inserting the "SUB_ID" that you have chosen.

Code Block
titleQuery for Submission Data
where SUB_ID = '71AA2437-A050-4004-9063-1B9829451202'    -- use your sub_id ;-)
order by SectionSortOrder, ControlSortOrder, ControlDisplayOrder, AdvancedTableRowSortOrder;

The result set will contain all of the values for all of the controls for the submission. These values will be in order by section (the first section of the form will be first) then by the order in which each control appears in the section and then, lastly, the order of the field in the control. This result set is quite wide but if you scroll across you will see the submission data at the far right-hand side. The most interesting columns here are...

  • SubmissionNumber: The human readable submission number
  • SectionName: The name of the section
  • SectionTag: The tag of the section
  • ControlTag: The tag on the individual control
  • ComponentType: The type of the control (address, contact, select, selectMult, etc.)
  • ControlType: Confusingly, this is the type of the field in the control, not the control itself (street, locality, etc.)
  • ControlLabel: The label for the control ("Previous Address", "Business Phone", etc.)
  • ControlName: The name of the field of the control, this is generated by nFORM by combining the tag on the control with the control type
  • ControlValue: The value supplied by the customer when they filled out the form

With this information in hand, you should be able to parse out the data that the customer has provided with their submission. First, looking to the "SectionTag" column we can see what section these values are coming from. Next we can move to the "ControlTag" to see which question in the form the customer is answering. Looking at the "ComponentType" column we can see if we should expect one value (for instance an input) or a set of values (in the case of an address). Lastly we can consult the "ControlType" to get the type of field in the control and the "ControlValue" which holds the value supplied by the customer.

This data layout can take some getting used to but with practice you will find that you are able to scan through sets of submission data and pick out items that you want to use for further processing or seem erroneous. Below is an example of an "input" control. For the sake of clarity we have only listed the fields that we outlined in the list above.

HP6-RW23-WGC11InspectionINSPECTIONINSPECTORinputcontrolValuePerson who inspected facilityINSPECTOR_controlValueJonathan Winters

Many controls collect several values, below is an example of the data collected by the address control.

HP6-RW23-WGC11InspectionINSPECTIONFAC_ADDRESSaddressstreet1Facility AddressFAC_ADDRESS_street132 West Street
HP6-RW23-WGC11InspectionINSPECTIONFAC_ADDRESSaddresslocalityFacility AddressFAC_ADDRESS_localityPortland
HP6-RW23-WGC11InspectionINSPECTIONFAC_ADDRESSaddressareaCodeFacility AddressFAC_ADDRESS_areaCodeOR
HP6-RW23-WGC11InspectionINSPECTIONFAC_ADDRESSaddresspostalCodeFacility AddressFAC_ADDRESS_postalCode29883

You will find that the "VW_SUBMISSION_CONTROLS_DATA_ALL" view contains the same information, however, the data in that view has not been sanitized and could contain troublesome control characters. It is best avoided.

Controls and Their Data

Listed below are details on the various controls and their fields. You may consult this table to find out where your data will appear in the views mentioned above. The values provided in the submission are always returned in the "ControlValue" column.

Simple Controls

These controls typically collect one value.

Input Field

A field that collects arbitrary text, like a name or short description.

Component Type: input

Control TypeDescription
controlValueThe text supplied by the customer

Multiple Selection List

A drop down list (or set of check-boxes) where the customer may select one or more items.

Component Type: selectMulti

Control TypeDescriptionNotes
nameThe name of the selected optionComma delimited list of selected valued
selectThe unique code of the selected itemComma delimited list of item codes, typically business keys


A unique identifier used by nFORMComma delimited list of nFORM unique identifiers

Here is an example of the values collected with a multiple selection control.

HP6-RW23-WGC11InspectionINSPECTIONEQUIPselectMultnameEquipment InspectedEQUIP_nameTNK,PIP,ALRM
HP6-RW23-WGC11InspectionINSPECTIONEQUIPselectMultselectEquipment InspectedEQUIP_selectTank,Piping,Alarm
HP6-RW23-WGC11InspectionINSPECTIONEQUIPselectMultselectKeyEquipment InspectedEQUIP_selectKey11885854...,12923829...,...


This control collects a larger amount of text, typically about one paragraph's worth.

Component Type: paragraph

Control TypeDescription
controlValueThe text supplied by the customer

Single Selection List

A drop-down list (or a set of radio buttons) where the customer may select one and only one item.

Component Type: select

Control TypeDescriptionNotes
nameThe name of the selected optionThis is the value the customer saw and selected
selectThe unique code of the selected itemThis is the code associated with the item, most often this is a business key


A unique identifier used by nFORM

Below is an example of the data collected by a single selection list.

HP6-RW23-WGC11InspectionINSPECTIONEQUIPselectnameEquipment InspectedEQUIP_nameTNK
HP6-RW23-WGC11InspectionINSPECTIONEQUIPselectselectEquipment InspectedEQUIP_selectTank
HP6-RW23-WGC11InspectionINSPECTIONEQUIPselectselectKeyEquipment InspectedEQUIP_selectKey11885854-3e47-44bf-ac36-da77c5de3dcc

Social Security Number

This control collects a person's Social Security Number and it has the ability to mask out the everything but the last four characters of the supplied value (in the nFORM application, not the data stored).

Component Type: ssn

Control TypeDescription
controlValueThe Social Security Number supplied by the customer

Formatted Controls

These controls typically collect one value but may format it differently, depending on the data (date, time, etc).


The control collects a date.

Component Type: date

Control TypeDescription
controlValueThe date supplied by the customer in the format MM/DD/YYYY


This control collects an email address.

Component Type: email

Control TypeDescription
controlValueThe email address supplied by the customer


This control collect a numeric value.

Component Type: number

Control TypeDescription
controlValueThe number supplied by the customer


This control collects a phone number.

Component Type: phone

Control TypeDescription
controlValueThe phone number supplied by the customer


This field collects a time, including AM or PM.

Control Type: time

Control TypeDescription
controlValueThe time supplied by the customer


This field collects a URL or world wide web address.

Control Type: url

Control TypeDescription
controlValueThe URL supplied by the customer

Advanced Controls

These controls collect groups of data (an address, contact information, etc) and semi-structured data like a table.


The address control collects and stores information about an postal address.

Component Type: address

Control TypeDescription
streetThe first line of the street address
localityThe town


The state or province abbreviation
postalCodeThe ZIP or ZIP+4 code

The sample output below demonstrates what you can expect to find for an Address control.

HP6-RW23-WGC11InspectionINSPECTIONFAC_ADDRESSaddressstreet1Facility AddressFAC_ADDRESS_street132 West Street
HP6-RW23-WGC11InspectionINSPECTIONFAC_ADDRESSaddresslocalityFacility AddressFAC_ADDRESS_localityPortland
HP6-RW23-WGC11InspectionINSPECTIONFAC_ADDRESSaddressareaCodeFacility AddressFAC_ADDRESS_areaCodeOR
HP6-RW23-WGC11InspectionINSPECTIONFAC_ADDRESSaddresspostalCodeFacility AddressFAC_ADDRESS_postalCode29883


The attachment control allows the customer to attache one or more documents to a submission.

Component Type: attachment

Control TypeDescription
fileIdUnique identifier, pointer into the "section_control_file" table
fileNameThe name of the attached file
attachmentCommentComment for the file
confidentialFlag indicating if this file is deemed "confidential" by the customer
confidentialReasonText explaining why the customer believes the attachments are confidential

If the customer uploads more than one document, the fileId and fileName fields will contain a comma separated list of values.

HP6-RW23-WGC11InspectionINSPECTIONREPORTattachmentfileNameReportREPORT_fileNameInspection Report 12321.docx
HP6-RW23-WGC11InspectionINSPECTIONREPORTattachmentattachmentCommentReportREPORT_attachmentCommentIn progress, will be finalized soon
Download the Attachments through nFORM or the nTEGRATE API

In all cases the easiest way to get a copy of the attached file is to either download the submission from the nFORM application (find the submission and click on the "Download" button) or to fetch the files programatically through the REST-ful API provided by nTEGRATE. Alternatively you can find the data attached to the file by following the directions below.

Manually Extract Attachments from the Database and File System

Depending on your installation, the content of the document may be stored either in the nTEGRATE database itself or on disk at a location configured by your administrator. The contents of the file uploaded by the customer are arbitrary and, in some cases, quite large; for this reason we encourage storing these attachments on disk. The "ControlValue" in the "fileId" row points to a row in the "section_control_file" table. You may query this data like so...

Code Block
titleQuery for Section File
select * from nform.section_control_file where section_control_file_id = '1807797f-7f4c-40a2-9337-ff8dc7e8810b';

The query will return the matching row from the table, the "file_content_id" column is a pointer to a row in the "file_content" table. You can take that value and use it to query the "file_content" table...

Code Block
titleQuery for File Content
select * from nform.file_content where file_content_id = '915FAF32-494D-4A5A-A597-20D76FC2059A';

If the attachments are stored in the nTEGRATE database itself, you will find the data for the file stored in the "content" column of this table as a binary object. If your installation is storing attachments on disk, the value in the "file_info_id" column is a pointer to a row in the "FileInfos" table. Query that table for more information...

Code Block
titleQuery for File Info
select * from nform.FileInfos where file_info_id = '91167EA1-1BDE-4D3B-A5AF-08D8D9AC9A97';

The value in the "Reference" column represents the name of the file stored on disk. You may now navigate to this location, you will find the file in a directory named after the first four characters in the reference (for example, "fac3"). The file will have the same name as the value in the "Reference" value and no file extension.


This control collects all of the information about a contact: their name, title, phone, email, address, etc.

Component Type: contact

Control TypeDescription
titleContactThe business title of the contact
firstNameContactFirst name of the contact
middleNameContactMiddle name of the contact
lastNameContactLast name of the contact
phoneTypeContactThe type of phone (business, mobile, etc.)
phoneContactThe phone number
extensionContactThe extension for the phone number
contactStreetFirst line of the street address
contactStreet2Second line of the street address
localityContactCity for the address
areaCodeContactState or province abbreviation for the address
postalCodeContactZIP or ZIP+4 of the address
countryCodeContactThe country for the address

When more than one phone number is provided, you can correlate their values with the value in the "ControlDisplayOrder" column. Below is example output for a contact with two phone numbers.






This control contains a formula that is calculated when the submission is filed. These formulas may use values of other controls in the form and may, optionally, be hidden from the customer.

Component Type: calculated

Control TypeDescription
controlValueThe result of the calculation


This control is invisible to the customer filling out the form but becomes part of the submission data.

Component Type: hidden

Control TypeDescription
controlValueThe value of the field


A field that collects a latitude and longitude of a location.

Component Type: location

Control TypeDescription
locationThe latitude and the longitude (in that order) separated by a comma


A field that collects the name and title of a person.

Component Type: name

Control TypeDescription
titleValueThe business title of the person
fullNameValueThe full name of the person


The customer may paste in a chunk of data that they copy out of an Excel (or Excel compatible) spreadsheet.

Component Type: table

Control TypeDescription
tableTab delimited text containing the table data

Table, Advanced

The customer may add and remove rows with a fixed number of columns and types for those columns.

ComponentType: grid

Control TypeDescription
Tag of the columnThe control type will contain the column in the grid that corresponds to the value in the "ControlValue" column

Be sure to include the "AdvancedTableRowSortOrder" column in your query (it should be last). This column contains an integer that indicates which row in the table to which the values belong. Below is example output that contains the values from a grid control that has three columns (quarter, income, and country) and two rows of data.




HP6-RW23-WGC11IncomePREV_4_QS0INCgridQUARTERPrev. 4 QuartersINC_QUARTER1
HP6-RW23-WGC11IncomePREV_4_QS0INCgridINCOMEPrev. 4 QuartersINC_INC_QUARTER1300.00
HP6-RW23-WGC11IncomePREV_4_QS1INCgridQUARTERPrev. 4 QuartersINC_QUARTER2
HP6-RW23-WGC11IncomePREV_4_QS1INCgridINCOMEPrev. 4 QuartersINC_INC_QUARTER999.00

In this example the rows are in the order they appear in the grid (quarter, income, country) but this will not be the case for every query. We guarantee that each row with the matching value in the "AdvancedTableRowSortOrder" contains values for that row but the order returned in the query is not enforced. It's important to pick out the values you need by grabbing the values for the row based on the "AdvancedTableRowSortOrder" column and then to handle the individual values through the use of the column name in the "ControlType" column.