Users can view and edit details about projects on the Project Activity Details page. As with other functional areas within nVIRO, this page contains tabs for common attributes like workflows and tasks, contacts, and schedules. It also contains a Purchase Orders tab, which is unique to project activities.
Navigation Tabs
The following navigation tabs are available across the top of the page:
Tab Name
Details about the project activity, as described below.
Workflow and Tasks
Tracking of activities and steps needed to complete a business process related to the project activity.
Files related to the project activity that have been generated or uploaded by an agency user or received electronically from an external user.
Things that have occurred such as a phone call, meeting, or correspondence.
Contacts related to the project activity, including people and organizations and their related addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.
Program Components
Extensible, user-defined data entry forms used to capture additional information about the project activity.
Purchase Orders
Details Tab
The following table lists the fields available on the Details tab: