Submission Processing Guide


The “submission overview” pages provide an interactive environment for processing submissions and collaborating with submitters. These pages replace the legacy submission view and detail screens.

Submitter Process

  1. Submit Form: The submitter completes and submits a form.

  2. View Submission: By logging into their account and selecting the relevant submission from the history tab, the submitter can access the submission overview screen. Here, they can view the submission details and its processing status.

  3. Respond to Requests: Submitters can respond to correction requests, download their submission, and share it with other account holders.

Agency Process

  1. Review Submission: Authorized staff members review the submission and perform workflow tasks according to the designed workflow.

  2. Annotate and Request Corrections: Staff can annotate the submission and request corrections. This locks the submission, preventing any changes until the review is complete.

  3. Complete Review: After defining all correction requests, staff use the “Complete Review” button to pass control back to the submitter, enabling them to make the necessary corrections. This collaborative process allows control to switch between the reviewer and the submitter.

This document acts a guide to agencies in how to use the functionality.


Submission Processing

Multiple submission processors can be assigned to a submission through workflow task assignments.

The workflow system can notify staff members when their tasks are due. In such cases, staff members will receive an email alert, and the relevant submission will appear on their dashboard.

Submission processors have the flexibility to tackle tasks based on the automatic ordering of the processing dashboard. Alternatively, they can search, filter, or reorder tasks within the dashboard to select submissions they wish to work on.

Once a submission processor selects a submission to process, their goal is to complete the assigned tasks. This may involve simply marking tasks as complete or reviewing submission details. During this process, staff members can perform various actions, including:

  • Modifying the status

  • Creating notes

  • Creating correction requests

  • Creating processing issues

  • Resolving processing issues

  • Completing workflow tasks

  • Recording internal data

  • Updating submission identification information

  • Updating payment processing information

  • Assigning a submission responsible person

  • Emailing the submitter

  • Revising a submission

  • Processing a revised submission

Each of these actions is described in greater detail in the following sections.

Search for and Select a Submission

To search for and select a submission, the user will navigate to the Submission Dashboard, select the desired search criteria, and select the submission in question. This is described in more detail in the following sections.

Search for Submissions

To search for submissions, start by navigating to the Dashboard via the link at the top of the nFORM application. Once on the Submission Dashboard, you have multiple search options, categorized into two main approaches: 1) Quick Search and 2) Advanced Search.

Quick Search

The quick search allows you to find submissions using a general search field that scans most submission attributes (e.g., Submission Numbers, form names, submission descriptions) along with a few key attributes (e.g., Assignees, Organizations, and Only Active Submissions). The search results update in real time as soon as you modify any attribute.

For example, if the user is looking for all active submissions assigned to them, they would simply select their username in the Assignee field and ensure the Only Active Submission filter is activated.

Advanced Search

To perform a more targeted and advanced search, the Advanced Search capabilities can be utilized by clicking the Advanced Search option.

Activating the Advanced Search will present the Advanced Search dialog where specific criteria can be selected and utilized. This Advanced Search provides many search options for use.

To add new search attributes, click the Add Filter button followed by the plus icon for the desired search criteria. Once added, the corresponding search value can be entered/selected.

Click the Search button to run the search.

Search Result Column Selection

To aid in the searching process, the system provides users with the ability to select the column that will be displayed in the search results area. This selection is opened by clicking the Columns button at the top of the page.

Once selected the user can activate or deactivate the desired display columns.

Based on an agency’s configuration, some columns options presented here may not be available in your installation.

Begin/Complete Review

To facilitate the review process, begin and complete review states are available for the form.

Selecting Begin Review will enable a processing lock on the form to prevent the submitter from revising the form during the review process and signify that the form is being reviewed. Note: The form will automatically be placed in the review state when a correction request is added.

Selecting the Complete Review button will stop the review process and disable the processing lock from the form. The processor will be asked if the submitter should be notified of the unlock and any correction requests.

Modify Status

Modifying status is a simple but powerful task that is achieved by selecting the wrench icon in the status panel and selecting the appropriate state.

Note that several states result in specific actions. For instance, selecting a final status will lock the submission down to both submitter and staff.


Create Note

A submission processor can add notes to a submission at any time during processing, and these can be assigned at the form, section, or control level within the submission. Notes are for informational purposes only and do not indicate an error or issue.

Notes serve as a way to communicate information internally or with the submitter about a specific submission. They are visible across all revisions and cannot be responded to by the submitter.

Two Ways to Add Notes:

  1. Summary Screen:

    • Find the "Notes & Issues" section.

    • Click the "Add New" button (top right).

    • Choose "Create Note" from the menu.

  2. Form View Screen:

    • Click either:

      • The "Add Notation" button at the top of the screen.

      • The "Add Notation" button next to the relevant section/control header.

    • Choose "Create Note" from the menu.

Note Options:

  • Visibility: Choose whether the note is visible to the submitter and internal staff, or only internal staff.

  • Attachments: Add files (like permits or notice templates) if needed.

Create Correction Request

When a staff member identifies a discrepancy that needs to be addressed, they can create a correction request for the submission. These requests can be created at the form, section, or control level.

Correction requests help guide the submitter to make necessary changes to their submission. Once all corrections are identified, the submission is unlocked for the submitter to revise.

Two Ways to Add Correction Requests:

  1. Summary Screen:

    • Go to the "Notes & Issues" section.

    • Click "Add New" (top right).

    • Choose "Create Correction Request" from the menu.

  2. Form View Screen:

    • Click either:

      • "Add Notation" at the top of the screen.

      • "Add Notation" next to the relevant section/control header.

    • Choose "Create Correction Request" from the menu.

Submission Locking:

  • The first correction request automatically locks the submission if the review hasn't started yet.

  • This prevents the submitter from revising while the request is being processed.

  • Add more correction requests as needed during review.

Completing Review and Unlocking:

  1. Click the "Complete Review" button.

  2. Set due dates for each correction request.

  3. Choose whether to notify the submitter by email.

    • The email will mention any correction requests.

Create Processing Issue

Processing issues help staff members address questions or concerns during submission review (e.g., verifying ownership or financial status). These issues are only visible internally and can be assigned to specific form areas.

How to Create Processing Issues:

  1. Summary Screen:

    • Locate the "Notes & Issues" section.

    • Click "Add New" (top right).

    • Select "Create Processing Issue."

  2. Form View Screen:

    • Click either:

      • "Add Notation" at the top of the screen.

      • "Add Notation" next to the relevant form section.

    • Select "Create Processing Issue."

Key Points:

  • Processing issues have two statuses: opened or closed.

  • They can be assigned to a specific form, section, or control.

  • Add additional issues as needed throughout the review process.


Completing Workflow Tasks

Workflow tasks are displayed at a summary level within the Summary portion of the Submission Overview screens and also within a dedicated processing screen.

To complete a task:

  • Option 1: Click directly on the step number.

  • Option 2: Click the "..." (ellipsis) next to the step, then choose "Mark Complete."

Reassigning Staff (in Bulk)

Need to change who's responsible for tasks? You can easily reassign multiple tasks at once.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Submission Overview: If you don't have it open already, see the instructions in the "View a Submission" topic.

  2. Go to the "Processing" Area: This shows the current steps, due dates, and assigned staff.

    • Tip: Click the "Processing" link in the left panel to see all steps for this submission.

  3. Click "Reassign": This opens the Bulk Reassign screen.

On the Bulk Reassign Screen:

  • Individual Assignments Tab:

    • Choose a new person for each step you want to reassign.

    • Click "Assign" to make the changes.

  • Role Assignments Tab:

    • Reassign steps to entire roles (e.g., "Manager," "Analyst").

    • Click "Assign" to update all assignments based on those roles.

    • You can also reassign the "Responsible Person" for the whole submission this way.

Adjust Workflow Tasks

In some circumstances, the workflow tasks associated with a submission must be adjusted. This is possible by manipulating the workflow steps within the workflow designer and is accessed by selecting the Manage button shown at the top right of the Processing section.

Upon selection, the user is taken to the processing step designer where the workflow steps can be customized for the submission. Once the user has finished adjusting workflow steps, selecting the Done button will return the user to the originating submission.

Submission Information

Update Submission Information

High-level submission information (e.g., Reference #, Description, Responsible Person, etc.) can be edited/refined by clicking on the relevant submission attributes value field in the top section of the Summary screen and editing the attribute, inline.


Assign Submission Responsible Person

The submission’s responsible person (e.g., permit writer, etc.) can be assigned/changed. This is achieved by selecting the manage button within the processing screen and selecting the new responsible person from the Responsible Person (note: this is the default label for this field) field in the Submission Identification area of the submission details page).

Record Internal Processing Data

Some forms and workflow processes support the ability for the processer to capture additional pre-configured data points. If this is the case for a submission, the data elements will be displayed on the Summary Screen in a specific Internal Data section. Addition or modification of the data is completed simply by clicking on the relevant internal data attributes value field and editing the attribute, inline.

Update Payment Processing Information

Payment processing information can be edited/refined. This is achieved by selecting the pencil icon within the Fees area of the Summary screen. The Edit Fees dialog will be presented.

From the Edit Fees dialog, the user can adjust the Fee Category, manually enter a payment (negative value) or adjustment (negative value equates to a downward adjustment and positive value equates to an upward adjustment) in the Adjustments field and the Fee Status can be adjustment.

Email Submitter

An email can be sent to the submitter, including correction requests or notes. This is achieved by clicking on the Submitter’s name within the Submission Information at the top of the Summary screen. The Email External User dialog will be displayed. From this dialog, the user can select the correction requests and notes to include in the email by checking the checkbox to the left of the item. Clicking the Email User button will open the users native email client, including any selected items.

Note: Total length of items that can be included in email may be limited based on your selected email client. Additionally, use of special characters in notes may cause issues when including them in emails.

Revising a Submission

Submitter Responding to Correction Requests

When your submission needs revisions, you'll receive a notification (usually an email). Here's how to address the feedback:

  1. Access Your Submission: Log in and navigate to the submission in question. Note that it will be in read-only mode while under review.

  2. Start the Revision: Click "Revise Submission" to create a new, editable version.

  1. Review the Feedback: Carefully read all correction requests and notes from the reviewer. These will highlight specific areas needing attention.

  2. Make the Necessary Changes:

  • Click on a request or note to see its details and the relevant section of your submission.

    • Update the information on the form accordingly.

    • (Optional) Add a comment explaining your changes by clicking "Add Comment."

    • Click "Mark Complete" to indicate you've addressed the issue.

  1. Resubmit: Once you've marked all correction requests as complete:

  • (If applicable) Review the entire submission one final time.

  • Click "Proceed to Review" (if shown).

  • Double-check your data and then click "Submit Form" to send your revised submission.

Important: You won't be able to resubmit until all correction requests have been marked as complete.

Processing a Revised Submission

Having received a revised submission, the agency staff assigned will once again select the submission from their list of assigned submissions within their personal processing dashboard.

Compare Submissions

Staff members can begin by comparing different submission versions. This is done by selecting the desired revisions from the left-hand menu and choosing which versions to compare. This comparison highlights changes made, enabling reviewers to assess revisions more efficiently.

Addressing Correction Requests

For each correction request addressed in the revised submission, staff must either:

  • Approve the changes as satisfactory, or

  • Re-Open the request, indicating the corrections are unsatisfactory.

This process continues until the staff member is confident the submission meets all requirements or determines another round of revisions is needed. Corrected requests are individually reviewed by selecting them, which automatically takes the reviewer to the relevant section of the submission.

Reviewing and Approving Corrections

The reviewer can see how the submitter addressed the correction request, add comments, and then choose to Approve or Re-Open the request.

Important: Re-opening a request sends the submission back into the review/revision cycle.

If the correction is satisfactory, the reviewer can Approve the request and move on to the next one.

Other Processing

The processing staff may wish to perform other tasks such as creating new notations, completing workflow tasks, updating submission information, or recording internal processing data. These tasks can be accomplished using the same steps as is described in the Submission Processing section.

Print a Submission

Users have the ability to print a submission on paper. When printing the submission, the user will have the ability to select the contents (e.g., correction requests, notes, history, etc.) that will be included in the submission. This topic describes how to print the submission.

To print the submission, perform the following steps:

1. Open the Submission Overview form using the steps described in the View a Submission (Section 6.3) topic, if not already open.

2. Select the Print button.

  1. The Print Submission dialog will be presented.  Select the content to be included in the print output and click the Print button.

  1. The browser's native print dialog will be activated allow the user to establish the print settings and send the job to the printer.

Download a Submission

Users can download either the current version of a submission or the Copy of Record—a legally valid version reflecting the submission's original content. Downloads typically include a PDF version of the submission and can optionally include any non-confidential attachments. If attachments are included, the download will be packaged as a ZIP file.

To download, open the Submission Overview form and click the Download button. Then, select Download Submission, choose the desired content, and click Generate PDF. Your browser will then prompt you to download the file(s).

Download a Copy of Record

To download the submission copy of record (as it was originally submitted), perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Submission Overview form.

  2. Select the Download button.

  1. Select the Download Copy of Record option.

  1. The browser's native download dialog will appear and prompt the user to download the submission PDF and any available attachments (as a ZIP file). A digital signature stamp will show in the upper right-hand corner of the document as a part of the digital signature for the document.