ICIS-NPDES - Informal and Formal Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Action Identifiers
Informal enforcement actions in ICIS-NPDES are uniquely identified by a Enforcement Action Identifier (EAID). The EAID is set set automatically for new evaluations in nVIRO and is stored in the nVIRO database. This ensures that Enforcement Identifiers never change for a given enforcement action and allows for running nVISAGE reports based for a given identifier.
Enforcement Action Types
Each enforcement action must be prescribed an enforcement action type code. The table below shows the available enforcement action types. Enforcement action types are mapped in the nVIRO Compliance Action Type lookup screen.
Note that Informal actions are defined where the Activity Type Code is AIF in ICIS-NPDES and formal actions are defined for the AFR and JDC Activity Type Codes.
Informal Action Types
AERS | Agency Enforcement Review | AIF | State NPDES only |
CCA | Compliance Agreement | AIF | State NPDES only |
CSFOS | Citizen Suit Final Order | AIF | State NPDES only |
CSNOTS | Citizen Suit Notice | AIF | State NPDES only |
ENFMTGS | Enforcement Meeting | AIF | State NPDES only |
IRLS | Information Request Letter | AIF | State NPDES only |
LOVWL | Letter of Violation/ Warning Letter | AIF | EPA and State NPDES |
LRES | Letter to Regulated Entity | AIF | State NPDES only |
NFAS | No Further Action | AIF | State NPDES only |
NONC | Notice of Noncompliance Issued | AIF | EPA and State NPDES |
NOV | Notice of Violation | AIF | All |
ONVS | Oral Notification of Violation | AIF | State NPDES only |
PHEMLS | Phone Call/ EMAIL | AIF | State NPDES only |
SCLS | Show Cause Letter | AIF | State NPDES only |
UNDREVS | Under Review | AIF | State NPDES only |
Formal Action Types
ACC | Access Order | JDC | EPA and State NPDES |
BNK | Bankruptcy | JDC | EPA and State NPDES |
CIV | Civil Judicial Action | JDC | All |
COL | Collection Action | JDC | EPA and State NPDES |
EOGOV | Emergency Order - Governor | AFR | State NPDES only |
OSUSREV | Order of Suspension or Revocation | AFR | EPA and State NPDES |
PRN | Pre-Referral Negotiation | JDC | EPA and State NPDES |
SCRMACT | State Criminal Action | JDC | State NPDES only |
SCWAAO | State CWA Non Penalty AO | AFR | State NPDES only |
SCWAAPO | State CWA Penalty AO | AFR | State NPDES only |
STAOCO | State Administrative Order of Consent | AFR | State NPDES only |