Limit Set Templates

Limit Set Templates


Limit Set Templates define a template that may be used when defining limit sets on a permit. Limit Set Templates are categorized by Program Area and may be available for any permits related to that specified Program Area.

Searching Limit Set Templates

To manage limit set templates, navigate to Admin > Limit Set Templates. The Limit Set Templates list page is displayed. To aid in searching for a specific limit set template, use the column sort buttons or type a value in the filter text box at the top of each column in the list. When entering a filter value, the list is dynamically filtered to display all list items that match the entered value.

Adding or Editing a Limit Set Template

From the Limit Set Template List page, either click the Add New Limit Set Template button or Open an existing limit set template.

Alternatively, the Copy button can be clicked to create a clone of an existing limit set template.

Please see the Permit Limit Sets and Limits page for descriptions of the limit set fields and adding/editing limits to the limit set.

Limit Set Templates can also be bulk assigned to multiple permitted features, where users can separately define limits for different features and permits within the same program area.

Deleting a Limit Set Template

If the limit set template has never been used or is only a part of a prior permit version, a delete button will appear on the Limit Set Templates list page next to the limit set template list item. Once a limit set template has an active associated permit version, it cannot be deleted, but it can be set to inactive.



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