User Notifications


The User Notifications page provides the ability to view notifications that have been sent from nVIRO, and users to whom the notification was sent. (Also see Notifications for more detail.)

User Notifications List

To view the user notification list, click User Notifications from the Admin menu. The User Notifications page is displayed.

Searching Notifications

The notification search pane provides the ability for the user to enter multiple search criteria.


Notifications are displayed based on the entered search criteria. Columns can be sorted and filtered using the standard nVIRO controls.


Viewing Notifications

The details of a notification may be displayed from the list. For reference, the source system action is also displayed to assist with tracking the specific action that triggered the notification.

To view a notification:

  • Click Open on the corresponding notification.

    • The notification pane opens displaying the notification details.

  • Click Close to return to the list

Exporting Notifications

The list page also supports the ability to export the items listed in .CSV (Excel) format.

To export the list data:

  • Refine the list using search criteria to limit the number of records exported.

  • Click the Export List button.

  • The list is exported to the browser download location.

  • Follow the browser specific instructions to find and open the downloaded file.

Info Macro

Use the "Info" macro for important or additional pieces of information that should be called out in the help page.

Tip Macro

Use the "tip" macro for helpful tips and tricks.

Code Block Example

Use the "Code Block" macro when including sample of code in the help documentation. 

<<foreach [ permit in permits.OrderBy(e => e.permitNum)]>><</foreach>>

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