Permit Categories

Permit Categories


Permits are classified into a Permit Category and an optional Permit Type. Permit Types are an optional sub-classification of Permit Categories.

Managing Permit Categories

To manage permit categories, navigate to Admin > Lookups > Permit Categories. The Permit Categories List screen displays all available permit categories.

Adding or Editing a Permit Category

From the Permit Categories List page, either click the Add New Permit Category button or Open an existing permit category. This opens the Edit Permit Category page. Permit Category lookups are organized into four tabs: Details, Dates and Deadlines, Default Schedules, and Validation Rules.


Screenshot 2024-06-21 065359.png
Details Tab


The following fields are available on the corresponding tabs:




Permit Category Code/Lookup Code

The internal reference code used to uniquely identify the permit category.

Permit Category Description/Lookup Description

The text description for the permit category. This value must be unique.

Program Area Code

The program area to which the permit category belongs.

Related Permit Types

Permit Type Required

Indicates that a permit created under this category must also define the Permit Type before it can be issued.

Allow Permit Type Change on New Permit Version

Indicates that the permit type can be changed when modifying the permit. For example, if the permit changes from "small quantity waste generator" to "large quantity waste generator."

Related Permit Types

Lists the Permit Types that are associated with this category. Permit Types are a sub-classification of category.

Permit Numbering

Permit Number is Manually Entered

Indicates that the user will provide the permit number. It must be unique within the Permit Category. When this option is chosen, new permits in this category will be given a default permit number of MANUAL#99999 (where 99999 is a randomly generated number) until such time as it is overridden by the user.

Permit Sequence Number Prefix

Indicates the numbering scheme to use for the permit category. The general scheme used in nVIRO is prefix + sequence number. The Permit Sequence Number Prefix can be set at the type or category level. If a numbering scheme has been set at the type level, then that numbering scheme takes priority. If a type does not have a numbering scheme, the Parent Permit Category’s numbering scheme is used.

An administrator may select any value within this drop-down list. If a new value is needed, that will need to be added to the database directly.

Alternate Number

Provides an alternative permit number that may be used in addition to the nVIRO permit number (e.g., to relate to external systems). 

Other Settings

Coverage Type

Used primarily to categorize permits for flowing to ICIS-NPDES. Indicates whether the permit is one of the three following types:

  • Other (e.g., Individual Permit) - The most common choice. The permit is issued as a stand-alone permit.

  • Master General Permit - Indicates that the permit is not issued to a particular facility. It is a "template" permit that defines the conditions under which other coverages or authorizations are linked.

  • Coverage under Master General Permit - When a workflow is added to a submission that yields Coverage under the Master General Permit, the user may be prompted to select the Master General Permit under which the coverage will be issued, unless the default Master General Permit has been specified on the selected Workflow Template.

Coverage Inherits General Permit Expiration Date

If this box is checked in conjunction with the Enable Expiration Date above in the Permit Dates setting, then the coverage will automatically inherit the expiration date of the master general permit. This only shows if Coverage under Master General Permit is selected.

Copy Features from Submission to Permit (new permits only)

If checked, any features specified on the submission form will be copied to any permits that are created by submission workflows.

Copy Submission Assigned Processor to Permit as Permit Compliance Manager

If checked, when a workflow is added to a submission that creates a new permit or a new permit version/revision, the permit's Compliance Workgroup and Manager will automatically be set to match the submission processor and workgroup.

When revising an existing permit, this setting will be used as a priority. If unchecked, the old permit's compliance Workgroup/User will take precedence over this setting.

Expired Permit Shows as Site Alert and as Dashboard Priority Item

If checked, indicates that an expired permit is an item of significance that should display as an alert on the sidebar of all Functional Area detail screens and also as a priority item on the External User Dashboard. If unchecked, expired permits in this category are not displayed as a Site Alert or on the External User Dashboard.

Show Financial Assurance Tab

If checked, indicates that permits of this category may have financial instruments defined.

Show Agency Contact Selection for Permit

If checked, indicates that an Agency Contact drop down should appear on the Permit Details screen for permits of this category. If entered, the Agency Contact name, email, and phone number will be displayed in the "Agency Contact" column of the table on the Site Permits List. Otherwise, the assigned Compliance Manager’s name, address, and phone number displays here.

Show Project Activity Name from Related Submission on Permit Screens

If checked, indicates that, if a permit is related to a submission that has a Project Name specified, then the project name should display on various screens. This is useful for project-based permits, such as construction stormwater permits.

Allow Internal User to Initiate a Permit Change Without Submitting a Form

Reveals a button labeled "Modify/Renew/Terminate" on the sidebar of the Permit Details screen, allowing a user to create a new permit version without submitting a form.

Permit Issuance prevents additional submission revisions

If checked, it prevents additional submission revisions.

Permit Feature Display Mode

Specifies whether Limit Sets and Limits are applicable for this permit category. Based on the configuration, the Features and Limits tab is shown for permits in this category. In addition, fields on the Edit Permit Feature screen are displayed or hidden for Groundwater and Surface Water modes. Available modes are:

  • Basic - No Limit Sets/Limits. Permit Feature Edit screen displays only an “Additional Comments” field.

  • Limits Only - Limit Sets/Limits can be added. Permit Feature Edit screen displays only an “Additional Comments” field.

  • Groundwater - Limit Sets/Limits can be added. Permit Feature Edit screen displays fields specific to Groundwater.

  • Surface Water - Limit Sets/Limits can be added. Permit Feature Edit screen displays fields specific to Surface Water.

See Permit Features a for description of how each mode affects the tab and which feature attributes.

Periodic Invoicing

Show Periodic Billing Tab

If the permit has a periodic fee assessed, such as an annual fee, check this box to reveal the Periodic Billing tab on the Permit Details screen.

Default Fee Category (new permits only)

Sets the default fee category to assign to new permits.

For modifications to existing permits, the fee information is carried forward from the previous permit version.

Default Fee Type (new permits only)

Sets the default fee type to assign to new permits.

For modifications to existing permits, the fee information is carried forward from the previous permit version.


ICIS Permit Type Code

If set, indicates that permits of this category should flow to ICIS-NPDES using the Permit Type Code assigned.

ICIS Data Group Code

If set, the ICIS-NPDES batch data flow will create a Data Group Code entry for permits in this category. Starting with release 2019.3, multiple codes can be passed in using a semicolon to separate each code (e.g. "G2A;G2B").

See the official ICIS-NPDES documentation for more information.

Default Program Components

Program components can be configured to be added by default to corresponding permit categories and types. Default components listed in the permit category and type level will be added to the permit. If the same component type is added at both levels, the configuration of the permit type will take precedence.

Default Program Components

Component Type

Indicates the program component to be added by default.

Addition Type

Indicates whether the program component will be added as a new component or as a copy of a previous component.


If checked, a permit status change validation error will be presented if the permit is attempted to be set to “Issued/In Effect” and either the required component is missing from the permit or one or more required fields on the component are not filled out.



Dates and Deadlines


Dates and Deadlines



Permit Dates

Issue Date Determined By

Provides the option to automatically set the issue date to the same value as the submission received date.

Effective Date Determined By

Provides the option of how the effective date is determined. Options include:

  • Setting the effective date to the issue date (which will also make the effective date read-only)

  • Specifying a custom rule for the effective date (Days From Issue Date)

Days From Issue Date

Available if a custom rule is selected for Effective Date Determined By. Specifying a number in this field will calculate the effective date as the issue date plus the number of days specified.

Show Expiration Date

Indicates whether permits in this category should allow the user to set a permit Expire Date. If unchecked, the Expire Date is hidden from the Permit Details screen.

Leaving this box unchecked indicates that permits in this category do not expire and hides fields related to expiration.

Expiration Date Determined By

Provides options for automatically setting the expiration date to a Specific Calendar Date or based on a Custom Rule.

The Custom Rule choice allows the user to specify that the expiration date should be set to a number of years and days from the effective date.

Note that auto-filling of the expiration date will only occur if the expiration date is blank.

If under Other Settings the coverage type is 'Coverage under Master General Permit' and the box is checked for 'Coverage Inherits General Permit Expiration Date' then the Expiration Date Determined By will automatically fill in with 'Inherited from Master General Permit' and not be editable.

Years From Effective Date / Days from Effective Date

Available if Custom Rule is selected for Expiration Date Determined By. The effective date will be calculated based on the number of years and days specified.

Note: Negative numbers can be used. For example, a NPDES permit may choose 5 years and -1 days.

Action to Perform Upon Permit Expiration

Allows for configuring how permit status should be updated (or not) when an In Effect permit's expire date comes to pass. The permit can be set to:

  • Remain "In Effect" - No change to permit status.

  • Set to "Expired" - This is an active status, meaning permit change forms can still be submitted, periodic billing may still occur, schedules can still be submitted, etc.

  • Set to "Expired - Inactive" - This is an inactive status, treated the same as Terminated, Closed, and other inactive permit statuses.

The default behavior for a new permit category is Set to "Expired".

Automatically Extend Permit upon Expiration

If this field is checked, when the permit expiration date comes to pass and a newer version of the permit is in "Draft" status, a nightly batch process will set the permit from "In Effect" to "Extended."

Next Application Due Date

Permits in this category can have the Next Application Due Date set to either Optional, Hidden, or Required. If set to Optional or Required, the Days Before Expire Date that Renewal is Due can be specified, and the due date will auto fill once an expiration date is populated. Days Before the Renewal Due Date that Permit shows as Priority on the Dashboard may also be specified.

Note: Instead of using this option, users are encouraged to use permit schedules to remind permittees of upcoming permit renewal due dates. Using schedules allows for full automation and reminders associated with a required permit renewal, as well as the completion and submission of the permit renewal.




Default Schedules




Linked Schedule Templates

Indicates the Schedule Templates (Form Sets) to include by default on a new (v1.0) permit of this category.

Default schedules may also be set for specific Permit Types. Schedule templates specified at the permit type and category are additive (i.e., if specified at both the category and type level, they will both be added).

Allow Transferring Schedules Between Different Permits

When checked, it allows schedule to be transferred between different permits.

Allow Transferring Schedules Between Different Permits

When a change of ownership happens, the existing schedules and due dates are maintained. The transfer capability is available only when a new permit is being created, not on a modification. This feature was built specifically when the schedules needed to be transferred across permit numbers for a transfer-of-ownership scenario.



Validation Rules




Issuance Validation Rules

Linked Validation Rules

Defines the rules that must be satisfied before a permit status can be changed from "Draft" to "Issued" or “In Effect.”

Required Affiliation Types

Defines which contact affiliation types must be defined for the permit to be issued.

Saving Changes

To save changes, click the Save button. A message will display confirming the save. To cancel saving or return to the list after saving, click the Cancel button.

Inactivating or Activating a Permit Category

The Status displays in the right side panel. The toggle control Inactive | Active activates or inactivates the permit category. 

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