Release 2019.3 and Earlier

Release 2019.03

Released October 2019

Release Notes

nVIRO v2019.03 Release Notes.docx

nVIRO v2019.03 Release Notes List.xlsx

Database Reports

SQLCompare_nVIRO_2019.03.html - The SQLCompare report provides a comparison of the 2019.03 database to the 2019.02 database. 

Note: This is an interactive HTML report which must be downloaded to your computer.  It will open in your default browser.

Release 2019.02

Released June 2019

Release Notes

nVIRO v2019.02 Release Notes.docx    

nVIRO v2019.02 Release Notes List.xlsx

Database Reports

SQLCompare_nVIRO_2019.02.0.html  - The SQLCompare report provides a comparison of the 2019.02 database to the 2019.01 database. 

Note: This is an interactive HTML report which must be downloaded to your computer.  It will open in your default browser.

Release 2019.01 

Released February 2019

Release Notes

nCORE v2019.01 Release Notes.docx

Release 2018.06

Released January 2019

Release Notes

nCORE v2018.06 Release Notes.docx

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