DMR XML Upload

DMR XML Upload

DMR XML Upload

The DMR XML Upload  screen allows the user to upload a DMR XML file that contains sampling data for a single reporting period. After a valid file is uploaded, the data is inserted into the draft DMR. The user can then edit and correct the data if needed using the regular DMR data entry screens, review errors and violations that will be generated upon submission, and submit the DMR.

The XML file must conform to the XML schema. The XML schema can be found here. You can either build the XML file using your own software or you can download the XML requirements for a given DMR from the DMR List page and add the result values to the XML file. See the section titled XML Format below for more information

The screen has two steps:

  1. Select and Validate File to Upload

  2. Review Validations and Save to Draft DMR

Step 1: Select and Validate File to Upload

  1. Browse for the XML file to upload.

  2. Click the Validate button to upload the file and view validation errors, warnings, and messages.

Step 2: Review validations and Save to Draft DMR

If the Save to Draft DMR button becomes available, at least one DMR measurement was mapped successfully and you can proceed. If none of the data could be mapped, the button will not become available. Review the errors, adjust the XML file, and try again. Use the information below to help identify mapping errors. 

XML Format

The best approach for developing the XML file format for upload is to begin by downloading a XML DMR requirements file from the DMR List screen. Then use the instructions below to determine the best way to populate the file with the DMR values. Many of the values in the XML file are not used and can be omitted. See the link to the XML schema at the top of this page.

The system uses the following XML elements to populate the DMR:

Permit and Report Identification Elements

XML Element Path

Element Description

XML Element Path

Element Description


The permit to which the submission relates

eDMR/Submission/Facility/Report/ReportIdentification/ReportStartDate and ReportEndDate

The first and last day of the reporting period to which the submission relates

eDMR/Submission/Facility/Report/ReportIdentification/MonitoringLocationGroup and monitoringLocationName attribute

the Monitoring Point or Limit Set Name (e.g. 001A, 002B)

Daily and Summary DMR Value Elements

XML Element Path

Element Description

XML Element Path

Element Description

The five character parameter code used to uniquely identify a different constituent to be measured and reported. (e.g. 50050 = flow). If this value is omitted from the XML file, the System will attempt to look up the parameter code based on the ParameterName provided in the following XML element.

the name of the parameter that identifies the constituent to be measured and reported. (e.g. Flow, CBOD5, etc.). This value can be omitted from the XML file if a valid parameter code is provided in the previous ParameterCode element.

The unique identifier indicating the location where the sample is taken (e.g. 1 = Final Effluent, G = Influent). If this value is omitted from the XML file, the System will attempt to look up the monitoring location code based on the MonitoringSiteDescription provided in the following XML element.

The name of the location where the sample is taken (Final Effluent, Influent). This value can be omitted from the XML file if a valid monitoring location code is provided in the previous PCSLocationCode element.

Summary DMR Values

Summary DMR limits and values are located within the  eDMR/Submission/Facility/Report/ReportIdentification/MonitoringLocationGroup/MonitoringData/SummaryofMonitoringResult  block. Each reported value must be contained within the  SummaryofMonitoringResult  block containing two child elements; a  PermitRequirementforSummary  element containing the limit to which the DMR value relates, and a  SummaryResult  block containing the reported DMR summary value. The  PermitRequirementforSummary  block is used by the System to identify the limit to which the reported value relates. The  SummaryResult  block contains the values to be extracted from the XML file and inserted into the DMR summary form.

The following elements are relative to the SummaryofMonitoringResult parent element.

XML Element Path

Element Description

XML Element Path

Element Description

The statistical base code for the limit such as "Maximum Daily". The text must match exactly with the statistical base code description associated with the reporting requirement in the System.

The permit limit. If not a numeric value, it can be either "(Report)" or "(Optional").

The unit related to the permit limit (e.g. "mg/L", "MGD").

Less than or greater than sign, if applicable for the reported DMR value.

The reported DMR value ("0.00004", or "*T" if a no discharge code is applicable).

A text comment related to the reported value.

Daily DMR Values

Daily DMR limits and values are located within the  eDMR/Submission/Facility/Report/ReportIdentification/MonitoringLocationGroup/MonitoringData/IndividualMonitoringResult  block.
Each reported value must be contained within the  IndividualMonitoringResult  block containing two child elements; a  PermitRequirementforIndividual  element containing the limit to which the DMR value relates, and a  IndividualResult  block containing the reported DMR daily value. The  PermitRequirementforIndividual  block is used by the System to identify the limit to which the reported value relates. The  IndividualMonitoringResult  block contains the values to be extracted from the XML file and inserted into the DMR daily form.
The following elements are relative to the IndividualMonitoringResult parent element.

XML Element Path

Element Description

XML Element Path

Element Description

The statistical base code for the limit such as "Maximum Daily". The text must match exactly with the statistical base code description associated with the reporting requirement in the System.

The permit limit. If not a numeric value, it can be either "(Report)" or "(Optional").

The permit limit. If not a numeric value, it can be either "(Report)" or "(Optional").

 The unit related to the permit limit (e.g. "mg/L", "MGD").

Less than or greater than sign, if applicable for the reported DMR value.

The reported DMR value ("0.00004", or "*T" if a no discharge code is applicable).

The date when the Daily DMR value sample was taken.

A text comment related to the reported value.

Example XML File

The following example shows a valid XML file containing one Summary and one Daily result. The portions highlighted in Bold Red would be inserted by the reporter to indicate the DMR values to insert into the DMR daily and summary forms.

The values in bold black font indicate the data used by the System to identify the permit, reporting period, monitoring location, and parameter to which the values relate. These values are inserted automatically when XML is downloaded for a given DMR.

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