Configuring Program Component Forms


Component forms allow agencies to display and edit custom fields that aren't included on any of nVIRO's standard pages. Component forms are configured within nVIRO via the Forms maintenance page. Form sections and controls are defined using the nFORM designer.

Managing Program Components

To manage a program component form, navigate to Admin > Forms. The Forms List page displays all available permit categories. Opening an existing form displays the Form Details page.

Adding or Editing a Program Component Form

As with application forms and schedule forms, details for component forms are configured on the Form Details page. Creating a new component form requires three main steps: 

  • Adding a new Component Form 

  • Defining the Form in the nFORM Designer

  • Editing the Form Details

Adding a new Component Form

A component form is created in the same manner as any other form.  To create the form:

  • Navigate to the Forms list from the Administration menu

  • Click the Add New Form button. A dialog box is displayed:

  • In the Create Form From dropdown, there is an option to either:

    • create a new form from scratch, or

    • copy an existing form as the starting point for the new form.  

  • To Create a New Blank Form:

    • Select "New Blank Form" in the Create Form From field

    • Select "Component Form" in the New Form Use Type field.

    • Click the Create Form button to create the new form.

      • The new form is created as a blank nFORM Form with a form name of "New Form Created by <username> on <datetime>".

      • The Form Details page opens in the current tab.

      • A new tab opens displaying the nFORM Form Designer, and the browser focus shifts to this tab. 

  • To Copy an Existing Form:

    • Select "Copy an Existing Form" in the Create Form From field

    • Select "Component Form" in the New Form Use Type field. The Component Source Form field is displayed. 

    • In the Component Source Form field, select the form to copy from.

    • Click the Create Form button to create the new form.

      • The new form is created as a copy of the specified component form with a form name of "Copy of <Component Source Form Name>".

      • The Form Details page opens in the current tab.

      • A new tab opens displaying the nFORM Form Designer, and the browser focus shifts to this tab. 

Defining the nFORM Form

  • Proceed to design the new form using the nFORM Form Designer. (See the nFORM Design Guide on the nFORM Release Notes Page.)

  • After completing definition of the form in the nFORM Form Designer, select the tab containing the form fields. Edit the form as described in Editing nVIRO Form Details below.

Editing nVIRO Form Details

The Form Details page is used to do the following:

  • Define a short name for the form

  • Associate a program component form with the form (which drives certain form behaviors)

  • Open the nFORM Form Designer to configure the form

  • Validate the form in the context of nVIRO

  • View 'at a glance' information about the form section and controls

The following navigation tabs are available across the top of the page:

Tab Name



Contains form details, such as name and type. 

From this the page short name and component type may be maintained and certain actions related to the form may be performed (available in the right side panel).


Information about the sections and controls on the form, and the tags associated with them.

The Details tab contains the following fields:



Short Form Name

The short form name is used to differentiate the internal name of the form from the external name of the form. This may be used, in particular, when the external name is quite long. Using the short form name may help ease readability and conserving page space in certain list pages.

If entered, the short form name is displayed in internal list pages. If not entered, the full form name is displayed.

Form Type

The type of the form (i.e., Program Component).

Component Type

The component type that the form is related to.

Note: A program component form must be related the a Component Type before it can be used. The Component Type specifies the context in which a program component form can be used and other behavioral settings.

Side Panel Fields


The publishing status of the form. Note that this status is maintained in the nFORM form designer.

nFORM Form Tag

The unique tag name of the form in nFORM.

Editing the form in nFORM Designer

To open the form in the nFORM designer for editing:

  • Click the Manage in nFORM button in the side panel of the Form Details page.

    • The form opens in the nFORM Form Designer. It will open in a new tab.

Limit Component Editability to Workgroups

Program Component editability can be limited to specific workgroups, should this be required by an Agency.

To limit the editability of a component to selected workgroups:

  • Admin -> Lookups -> Component Types.

  • Open the desired Component Type and scroll down to Permissions and Security to Workgroups:

    • Multi-select dropdown where, if a workgroup is selected, it allows users within that workgroup Component Form edit rights.


    • Workgroups not selected can only view the Component Form.

Limiting Editability is only available if workgroups are selected. I.e., if no Workgroups are selected, the Component Form is editable, irrespective of Internal Users' workgroup(s)

Validating a Form

A form validation function is available to ensure the form is valid in the context of nVIRO. To validate the form:

  • Click the Validate Form button in the side panel of the Form Details page.

    • This executes rules that examine the form and validate the form in the context of nVIRO.

    • Upon execution of the rules, a panel displays the rules that were applied and any errors or warnings that need to be addressed.

  • Click OK to close the panel.

See nCORE Form Validation for additional information related to form validations.

Viewing Form History

When form detail data is changed, a form has been validated, or a new version created, the information is recorded to form history. This is access via the View History button. When clicked, a history panel displays, listing the changes made, by whom they were made, and when they were made.

Form design changes in nFORM are not displayed in the history panel. nFORM provides form versioning and the ability to compare newer and older form versions.Â