Relating and Superseding Permits



Permit Details - Related Permits Tab

The Related Permits tab allows the user to relate a permit to another permit. 

Two relationship types are supported:

  • Supersedes - Indicates that one permit supersedes another permit. See the description below for more information.

  • Related Permit - Indicates there is a relation between the permits. There is no automated functionality associated with this type of relationship.

Adding a Related Permit

To add a relationship to another permit click the Add Permit button. A search screen is displayed allowing the user to search for a permit to relate to the current permit. By default, the permits associated with the current permit's site are shown, but it is also possible to relate a permit from another site.

Superseding an Existing Permit via a Permit Relationship

When working on a draft permit that will replace (supersede) one or more permits, a 'Supersedes' relationship can be added.

When this is done and the current, draft permit status transitions to In Effect, the following changes are automatically made to any permits with the 'Supersedes' relationship:

  • the status is automatically changed to 'Superseded'

  • the terminated/closed date is set to one day before the effective date of the current permit

nVIRO will automatically add a 'Supersedes' relationship when a new permit version is created via a submission workflow.