Dynamic Spatial Layer Configuration (from nVISAGE Report)
nVIRO spatial layers may be defined by creating a site related report in nVISAGE. Once created, the layers are immediately available in the Site Plan and nSITE Explorer.
Dynamic layers are only visible to internal users (both on the Site Plan and on internal-facing installations of nSITE Explorer).
Map Layers Folder
A new, top level, Map Layers folder can be enabled (by a Windsor script) in nVISAGE. This folder will only display for nVISAGE Super users as the number of users creating global layers should be limited.
When a site report is saved into this folder, it immediately becomes available in the internal version of Site Explorer and the Site Plan.
Upon initial save of the report, the Site Explorer or Site Plan page may need to be refreshed.
Creating a New Spatial Layer
To create a new spatial layer
Define and test a new report in nVISAGE.
The layer report MUST include the CORE - Regulated Entity data source, as this data source contains the Sites that are mapped. This means that (currently) Custom data sources cannot be used.
Each column defined in the report will be used in the Site Explorer or Site Plan information pop-up. The columns display as <field name> and corresponding <field value>. They will only display in the pop-up if a field value is present, otherwise, both the name and value are omitted. It is recommended that the report limits the columns are limited to only useful data points.
Save the report to a sub-folder within the Map Layers folder. If a sub-folder does not exist, create it and then save.
The sub-folder name is used in the Site Plan and internal Site Explorer as a layer groups in the filter control.
Only one sub-folder level is allowed.
Dynamic Spatial Layer Display in Site Plan and Site Explorer
Once a site report has been defined and saved to the folder it will appear in the corresponding layer menus for Site Plan and Site Explorer. Upon selection / activation of the layer, sites are display using clustering based on the number of locations and map zoom level.
The data for any columns included on the report are visible when the user clicks on one of the points in the layer (but not when a cluster of many points is clicked).
Layers are rendered every time a user zooms or moves the map, so speed is important, and to ensure this, a report-based layer is cached once per day (in line with the source Data Hub refresh), or whenever the report is changed and saved.
The color associated with each report layer is randomly assigned at creation of that report, and cannot be modified.
Example Configuration Scenario
An authorized user creates a new report in nVISAGE listing sites with active compliance actions. The report contains the following data sources and columns:
Core - Regulated Entity (Regulated Entity is a required data source), with columns: Site Name.
Core - Compliance Action filtered on Active statuses with columns: Number, Program Area, Action Type, Action Date.
The user creates a new folder under Map Layers called Compliance to store the new report within.
The user saves the report to the Map Layers > Compliance folder with the name Active Compliance Actions.
After save and refresh the Site Plan, the layers menu displays the folder Compliance. When expanded, the Active Compliance Actions layer is selectable.
The user selects the Active Compliance Actions layer and it is displayed.
The user zooms to a single site (dot) clicks on the dot
A pop-up displays the values for Site Name, Number, Program Area, Action Type and Action Date.
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