Managing Purchase Orders and Payables

Managing Purchase Orders and Payables


Agencies may solicit the services of vendors to complete work on project activities. As work is awarded to vendors, the agency issues one or more purchase orders to authorize the work. As work is performed, vendors may submit invoices for payment which are tracked as payables. When payments are made, they are tracked against the payable.

Working with Purchase Orders

Purchase orders are displayed on the Purchase Orders tab of the related Environmental Project Activity. From this tab, users may add new purchase orders and payables to the project.

It is important to note that the purchase order total in nVIRO represents the amount that is allocated towards the work as determined in the project activity. The actual purchase order mechanism may be a much higher amount and it may be referenced on multiple project activities for multiple sites. For example, the agency may authorize a purchase order totaling $1 million for a specific vendor/fiscal year, and this purchase order may be referenced in multiple project activity records in which the vendor is selected to complete the work. 


The following table lists the fields displayed on the Purchase Orders tab:



Add Purchase Order

Opens a new page to create a new purchase order.

Add Payable

Opens a new page to create a new payable. A purchase order to which the payable will be associated must already exist.

Project Activity P.O. Total

Displays the total amount of all purchase orders for the project. Note that this represents the amount allocated towards the work as determined in the project activity; the total amount of payables eventually recorded for the project activity may not match this amount.

Payable Total

Displays the total amount of all payables for the project.

Outstanding Payables

Displays the payables that have not been satisfied (paid).

Purchase Order List

The purchase order list contains all purchase orders and payables for the project. Payables are nested under the purchase order record and may be viewed by expanding/collapsing the parent purchase order record by clicking the the expand  or collapse icon.


The designated number given for the purchase order or payable.

Payee Name

The payee designated on the purchase order. The payee must be in nVIRO as a site/organization prior to creating the purchase order record. When first creating the purchase order record, selecting "Add New Payee" from the Payee Name drop-down will allow the user to search for and select the payee site/organization.


The date of the purchase order, or the receipt date of the payable.


The amount of the purchase order, or the amount of the payable invoice.


Description for the purchase order or payable.


The unpaid amount remaining on the purchase order, or the unpaid amount on the payable.


Opens the detail of the corresponding purchase order or the payable.

Trash can icon (Delete)

Deletes the corresponding payable or purchase order. Note that purchase orders with payables or paid payables may not be deleted.

Adding a Purchase Order 

To add a new purchase order to a project:

  • Click the Add Purchase Order button.

  • Enter information in the required fields:

    • Purchase Order Number

    • Purchase Order Date

    • Purchase Order Amount

  • Click the Save button.

Adding a Payable 

To add a new purchase order to a project:

  • Click the Add Payable button.

  • Enter information in the required fields:

    • Purchase Order - the payable must be associated with an existing purchase order

    • Payable Receipt Date

    • Payable Invoice Date

    • Payable Invoice Number

    • Description

  • Click the Save button.

  • The Payable Details page is displayed. From this page, payable line items and payments may be recorded against the payable.

Managing Payables 

Payables are managed from the Payable Details page. On this page, the following information may be managed:

  • Payable Items. Payable items provide a detail breakdown of the payable amount. Payable items may be used to designate the base invoice charge amount, retainage of charges, or charges that have been rejected by the agency.

  • Payments. Payments document individual payouts to the payee. In some cases, payable records are sent from nVIRO to the agency's accounts payable system, and payment details are then created and returned to nVIRO.

  • Documents . The documents tab provides the ability to upload or generate documents related to the payable. For example, an invoice document submitted by the vendor/payee may be uploaded and attached to the payable.

Payable Example

The vendor has invoiced $500 for work performed. The agency policy is to retain 10% of the invoiced amount until a specified milestone is reached.

The invoice is recorded as a new payable

Two payable items are entered:

  • a $500 Base Charge

  • a -$50 Retainage (10% of the base charge)

The payment is entered as $450 (base charge - retainage).


The following table lists the fields displayed on the Payable Details tab:



Purchase Order

Specifies the purchase order to which the payable is related.

Payable Receipt Date

The date that the agency received the payable (invoice).

Payable Invoice Date

The date specified on the invoice as the invoice date.

Payable Number

Agency-designated reference number for the payable.


Free-form text description of the payable.

Payable Items


Designation for the payable type such as Base Charge, Retainage Amount, Denial Amount.


Date for the payable item.


Amount of the payable item.


Number of items if not FLAT rate.

Payable Funding Code

Dropdown list of funding codes.


Free-form text comments used to further describe the payable item.


Opens the detail page of the corresponding payable item.

Trash can icon (Delete)

Deletes the corresponding payable item.



Agency-designated reference number for the payment.


Date of the payment.


Amount of the payment


Free-form text comments related to the payment.


Opens the detail page of the corresponding payable item.

Trash can icon (Delete)

Deletes the corresponding payable item.


Outstanding Balance

The unpaid balance for the payable.

Payable Amount

The amount of the payable (e.g., base charge(s) minus retainage minus denial amounts).

Amount Paid

The sum of the payments.

View History

Opens the history of additions, changes, or deletions on the payable.

Adding a Payable Item

To add a payable item:

  • Click Add New Payable Item. The New Payable Item Details page is displayed.

  • Select the Payable Item Type.

  • Enter the Amount, Date, Quantity if not FLAT rate, select a Payable Funding Code, and enter Comments.

  • Depending on the Payable Type, the system will calculate the total Amount.

  • Click Save.

  • The new payable item appears on the Payable Items list.

NOTE: Whether Payable Items are required is configured in the Project Type lookup table.

Adding a Payment

Once payable items have been created, a payment may be added. To add a payment:

  • Click Add New Payment. The Payable Payment Details page is displayed.

    • NOTE: in some cases, payable records are sent from nVIRO to the agency's accounts payable system, and payment details are created and returned to nVIRO. In this setup, the system may be configured such that there is no button available to add new payments.

  • Enter the Payment Number, Payment Amount, Date, and any Comments.

  • Click Save.

  • The new payment appears on the Payments list.

Adding Documents

Documents may be added by uploading a document to the payable, or generating a document from a document template. See Documents Documents for details on creation and management of documents.

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