Transferring Features Between Sites and Permits

Transferring Features Between Sites and Permits

Permit Features are geographically placed items of infrastructure that are referenced or regulated by a permit. Some examples include, but are not limited to: wells, intakes, outfalls, returns, emission points, and sites. Programs often need to transfer features between permits and sites depending on changing business needs. nVIRO offers the ability to move a feature and its associated data between sites and permits that meet a set of accepted criteria. 

Features cannot be moved if the following apply: 

  • The feature has Limits or DMRs linked to it.

  • The feature is tied to more than one active permit.

  • The feature is tied to more than one component type.

Permit Feature Component Rules 

  • If a feature has components tied to it, the target site must have an In Process permit with a component of the same type already added to it. As a result, the following validation checks are run:

    • If no In Process permits are tied to the site, the user is presented with a message indicating there are no eligible permits to receive this feature.

    • If an In Process permit exists on the target site but does not have the matching component type, the user is presented with a message indicating there are no eligible permits to receive this feature.

  • If component criteria are met, the user has the option to select one target permit.  

Target Permit Criteria

Source Permit/Feature State

Target Permit/Feature State

Permit List Page Result

Feature has no permit feature components.
Feature is tied to a permit, but not to a permit feature component.

Target Site has no in process permits.

Do not display permit list page, feature transfers successfully.

Feature has no permit feature components.
Feature is tied to a permit, but not to a permit feature component.

Target site has at least one in-process permit.

Display list of available permits returned by feature-permit service.

Transferring Between Sites

Features are moved between sites via the Site Plan - Feature Details pane. If a feature is eligible to be transferred, a new Change Site option is available on the Feature Details pane:


After clicking Change Site, the user is routed to the same Site Search page that is available on the Submission Details Change Site pane. The user has the option to select a site and if there are In Process permits tied to the site, they are displayed on the next page in the wizard:

Post-Transfer Behavior  

The newly moved feature is now linked to the new site, and the link is removed on the current site. When moved, a Site History record is created on both sites involved, and all attributes of the site feature are moved with the feature. Keep in mind that any environmental monitoring data is also moved to the new site. Finally, the component data on the latest permit is transferred to the selected permit on the target site. 

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