Viewing and Editing Form Details

Viewing and Editing Form Details

From the Form List page, click the Open button to view the form details.

Depending on the form type, up to five tabs may be displayed:

  • Details Tab - Basic settings for the form behavior and usage

  • Dates and Deadlines Tab - Sets various date and deadline options for the form

  • Default Workflows Tab - Settings for one or more workflows to add to a new submission by default

  • Workgroup Routing Tab - Settings for which workgroup(s) should be assigned to the new submission

  • Form Sets Tab - Indicates whether the form is part of a Form Set or is used by a Schedule Type

  • Tags Tab - Lists the nFORM form sections and controls that make up the form for each version of the form.

  • Dependencies Tab - Lists other forms that inherit data to or from this form, reports that provide data inheritance to this form, and notification and document templates that reference this form.

Details Tab

The following elements are displayed on the Details tab:



Short Form Name

This field may be used to specify an abbreviated name that will be used for display in internal list screens (e.g., My Tasks, Submissions Lists). This saves screen space and minimizes text wrapping when very long names have been used in the nFORM form configuration. If this field is left blank, the nFORM name is displayed on the list screens.

Form Type

Each form must be assigned a Form Type. The default is "Unspecified" when a form is first created. The following types are available:

  • Application - The most common type of form. Allows users to fill out and submit a form online.

  • Service Request - Almost identical to an Application, but the name "Service Request" conveys to users that it is not associated with a permitting activity.

  • Package Form - A form that is only made available as a form within a Submission Package Form Set. In other words, the form must be submitted as part of a package of other forms.

  • Permit Change - A type of form that can only be filled out in the context of an existing permit. Permit change forms can be configured to prepopulate permit information into a form submission, such as the permit number, dates, and permit category and type. 

  • Schedule - A form that is used exclusively in the context of an existing permit, compliance action, environmental project activity, or triggered by another submission. Schedule forms cannot be discovered and submitted on their own. They must be made available or triggered by another item such as a permit, compliance action, or environmental project activity. See the Managing Form Sets topic for more information.

  • Complaint - Similar to an Application or Service Request.

  • Program Component - A customizable data entry screen. Component forms must be further configured under Admin > Lookups > Component Types.

Program Component Type

Only visible when Form Type is set to Program Component. Allows for linking a form to a Component Type.

Program Area

The program area that applies to the form.

Form External Security Level

Indicates whether external users can view or use the form. Internal forms are typically used for quick data entry of only key information from a paper application. Options include:

  • View - External Users can view submissions

  • Edit - External Users can create and edit submissions (default)

  • Internal - Forms/Submissions are invisible to external users

  • Restricted - External users that have been explicitly granted access to the form can create and edit submissions.

See the article on restricting forms to specific users for more information.

Fee Category / SKU Number / HotKey

Used for integration with financial systems. If a form has a fee associated with it, a Fee Category must be assigned before the form can be made available for use.

Draft Submission Retention Days Before Deleting (Blank to Never Delete)

Submissions that have been abandoned will be deleted after the specified number of calendar days. Notifications may be triggered via system actions to inform users in advance of pending deletions.

Allow Additional Fees to be Added After Import (e.g. Expedited Review Fees)

Checking this box allows users with the “Submissions - Manager - AddFee” role to add additional fees to submissions using this form.

Import Settings and Defaults

Assignment Type

Indicates whether new submissions should land in the inbox ("Manual," via the Submissions - Inbox page) or bypass the inbox and be automatically assigned to a workgroup/processor ("Auto Import").

Processor Must be Selected Before Import Checkbox

Only applies when Import Type is Manual. When this box is checked, a specific processor must be selected before the "Assign" button becomes available in the inbox. This setting controls whether the form is managed using "push" or "pull" processing. Push processing means that the person that monitors the inbox decides which specific processor should be assigned to a submission. Pull processing puts the submission in the "My Tasks" list at the Workgroup Level. Workgroup users would be trained to monitor the My Tasks lists for any submissions that are unassigned within their workgroup and assign them to themselves when they are ready.

Entity Category to Create

Specifies the category of the entity (Site, Person, or Organization) that will be created when the form is submitted (if SITE tags are specified in the form).

Default Program Components

Provides the ability to specify one or more program components that are automatically created when the form is submitted.

Submission Reference Number Prefix

Allows configuration of a specific prefix for system-generated submission numbers. Note that this is separate from the nFORM reference number.

Submission PDF and Attachments Security Classification

Determines the document security class setting for the submission form PDF and any attached files when the form is submitted. See Submission PDF File Naming for more details.

Submission PDF File Naming Schema

This field allows the user to customize the format of the file name for the generated submission PDF.

Summary Description Formula

A formula used to compose a summary description of data provided on the related form submission. If configured, the summary description text will appear on various screens, including My Tasks, Submissions - All, Submission Details. See this page for details.

Other Settings

'Priority' Field Options

Defines the behavior of 'Priority' assignment fields for submissions associated with the form:

  • Hidden - Priority fields are hidden and will not display on the form.

  • Optional - Priority fields are displayed but are not required. 

  • Required - Priority fields are displayed, and entry is required to set the submission to completed status.

'Processing Hours Spent' Field Options

Defines the behavior of the 'Processing Hours Spent' fields for submissions associated with the form:

  • Hidden - Processing Hours Spent fields are hidden and will not display for the form.

  • Optional - Processing Hours Spent fields are displayed but are not required. 

  • Required - Processing Hours Spent fields are displayed, and entry is required to set the submission to completed status.

Processor Instructions

This field may be used to add instructions for the processor of the submission. It will display as a read-only field on the Submission Details page.

Data from submissions using this form can be copied to new submissions.

If this checkbox is checked, then previously submitted forms of this type will have a Copy Submission option available on the submission list page. Note: This option is only available to external users, and only on submissions that were submitted by external users.

When selected from the submission list screen, the Copy Submission option will copy the selected submission as a new draft submission on the specified site. The user will be prompted to either select an existing site or create a new site as the destination site for the copied submission. Once copied, the draft submission form will open for editing.

To support this form copy capability, the form must be configured in nFORM to inherit from itself, with any controls to be copied mapped. This means that any new submissions of this form type will automatically inherit data from the previous submission, if there is one.


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