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Cost recovery expenses can be recorded and invoiced against a Compliance and Enforcement Actions/Contract.

Expenses are recorded in two ways:

  • By using the Excel Data Upload functionality. This allows for bulk expenses to be applied to multiple Compliance Action Case Numbers (see Instructions for uploading Expenses via Excel Data Upload).

  • Or on an individual Compliance and Enforcement Action under the Expense tab. The Expense tab will only show for certain Compliance Action types (see Instructions for manually adding an Expense tab to a Compliance Action).

Cost Calculations:

  • Costs are calculated based on the rate specified in a Periodic Invoice Fee.

    • Non-Responsible Party Direct Costs or Non-Responsible Party Oversight Costs

    • Each of the Fee Categories have a sub fee type of

      • Direct Cost

      • Oversight Costs

  • The Compliance Action Type must be configured to support expense tracking for the expenses tab to appear.

  • The Excel Data Upload Functionality Spreadsheet will have to be configured before uploading. See "Instructions for Uploading Expenses via Excel Data Upload".

Instructions for manually an adding Expense tab to a Compliance Action

  • Select Program Area, Action, Compliance Action Type, and enter in a Compliance Action Case Number (all fields are required).

  • Add a SARR Billing role. This gives a Billing Contact role to whom the invoice is billed (a separate role for the Responsible Party).

  • Add the Program Component Form SARR Contract/Mechanism Details and select “Yes” for Billable. This tells us if you need to bill line items for this particular Compliance Action.

Compliance Action Types for Expenses


Non - Responsible Part (COST RECOVERY - NRP CONTRACTS)

Program: Drycleaners
Action: Agreement
Type: Cost Recovery Settlement Agreement

Program: Brownfields
Action: Agreement
Type: Brownfields Assessment Grant, Brownfields Cleanup Grant, Letter of Agreement, Memorandum of Agreement, Oversight Contract, Site Specific Assessment, Targeted Brownfields Assessment, Non-Responsible Party Voluntary Cleanup Contract, Voluntary Oversight Contract, Cost Recovery Settlement Agreement

Program: Site Assessment
Action: Agreement
Type: Cost Recovery Settlement Agreement

Program: Federal Remediation
Action: Agreement
Type: Oversight Contract, Letter of Agreement, Cost Recovery Settlement Agreement, Responsible Party Voluntary Cleanup Contract

Program: Federal Remediation
Action: Administrative - Formal
Type: Consent Agreement (SARR)

Program: State Remediation
Action: Agreement
Type: Oversight Contract, Letter of Agreement, Cost Recovery Settlement Agreement, Responsible Party Voluntary Cleanup Contract

Program: State Remediation
Action: Administrative - Formal
Type: Consent Agreement (SARR)

Program: State Voluntary Cleanup
Action: Agreement
Type: Oversight Contract, Letter of Agreement, Cost Recovery Settlement Agreement, Responsible Party Voluntary Cleanup Contract, Voluntary Oversight Contract

Program: State Voluntary Cleanup
Action: Administrative - Formal
Type: Consent Agreement (SARR)

  • Now you can add an expense via the Expense Tab.

Instructions for uploading Expenses via Excel Data Upload

Here, you can upload multiple expenses to multiple Compliance Actions.

  • Navigate to Admin/Excel Data Upload from the main left navigation.

  • Click the Upload Data button.

  • You can either “Drag and Drop” your Excel file or “Choose File” from your computer (the spreadsheet must follow format; see here info table for example).

  • Once you have selected your Excel spreadsheet, the system will ask for the Year and Frequency Type (both are required).

    1. These serve as a visual for reference after an upload is complete.

  • Select the Upload and Validate button.

    • The system will display any errors associated with this upload and will not apply these expenses until errors have been resolved. You can correct errors by selecting Open for details; otherwise, you will see “Pass” and your expenses will have been applied.

Required Excel Format

  • Format of the Excel spreadsheet for upload:

  • FY - Fiscal Year of Expenses in YYYY format (2023)

  • FYPP- Fiscal Year Pay Period Year of the Expense MMYY (2301= June 2023)

  • Name - name of the individual who performed the activity

  • ACT - code used for activity performed

  • TotHrs - total hours worked

  • Contract - Compliance Action Case Number (this will be associated with each line item for the specified Compliance Action)

Note: You can name the file however you choose, but this format must be followed. The system will display errors if not followed properly or if a Compliance Action Case Number does not exist.

Example of Excel Data Upload spreadhsheet

Creating an Invoice with Invoice Sets

Once you have entered in expenses either by Excel Data Upload or manual entry, the system will display all items ready to be invoiced.

  • Select the Admin/Invoice Sets tab from the main left menu.


  • You can sort by Fee Category, Fiscal Year, Effective Period, # of Records, Last Data Refresh, and Status.

  • Then select the Effective Period you wish to Invoice for and select the Open button.

  • Then select the Refresh Pre-List Data button (by doing this, the system will grab all expenses by Effected Period).

    • Invoice refresh is scheduled to occur within 5 minutes.

  • The system will display the status “Refreshing”, which lets us know that the system is grabbing our expenses from the backend.

  • When the system is finished, you will now see their expenses in the “Ungrouped Invoices” bucket. Select Open to select expenses to Invoice.

  • Here, you can select expenses by checking the box next to each line item and select the Invoice 'X' Items button.

    • Note: You can see Site Name, Compliance Action Number, Fee Type, Fee Cycle, Amount, Billing Contact for each line cost item. You can make changes to these costs by clicking on the Compliance Action Number. This will bring you to the Compliance Action and by clicking on the Expense tab, you can find each line item for edit. All edits must be done BEFORE selecting Invoice. Once an item is Invoiced, you will have to make an adjustment on the Invoice itself.

  • The System will display a pop-up box where you can name this batch of expenses to be Invoiced. When you are done naming, select the Generate button.

  • Now you can see your Invoiced Group set. Select the Open button, and the system will display all expenses that have been Invoiced for this Invoice Group.

    • Select Open on any line-item expense, and you will be taken to the Financial Details page for this entire invoice.

  • On the Details tab, you can see a summary of all line items that have been invoiced for this Compliance Action. The status of the Invoice, the Compliance Action and the Case Number; both are hyperlinked to the Compliance Action.

  • On the Documents tab, you can see the system generated Invoice (in final status).

Configuring a New Periodic Invoice Fee

Here you can configure yearly costs for COST RECOVERY - NRP CONTRACTS and COST RECOVERY - RP CONTRACTS for Direct Costs and Oversight Costs.

Each year and each type of cost recovery will need values for Direct Costs and Oversight Costs.

Navigate to Lookups/Periodic Invoice Fees

  • Click the Add New Invoice Fee button.

  • Add New Periodic Invoice Fee

    • Year - Enter year


    • Fee Type: - Select Direct Costs or Oversight Costs

    • Default Amount - If configuring a Direct Costs, this should always be 0, otherwise enter a dollar value for Oversight Costs.

NOTE: The Direct Costs Default Amount will always need to be 0. This fee-dollar amount is applied to the expense tab in the Compliance Action.

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