nVIRO Complaints
This page is a step-by-step guide on how to submit a complaint on nVIRO’s Public Interface and how to manage Complaints as an Internal User.
Submitting a Complaint as an External User
Do not log into nCORE, the Complaint Form is found on the Public Facing Interface.
On the Public Facing Interface, click Report Incidents, Pollution, Unauthorized Activities.
Click Begin Form Entry, and complete the Complaint Form.
Once the form is complete, finalize the submission by clicking Submit Form.
A submission confirmation will appear, letting the User know the Complaint Form has been complete.
Viewing and Managing a Complaint as an Internal User
Once the User submits the complaint form, the submission can be found on the Internal Interface under Submissions-All.
When the User clicks Open, they will be able to view the Complaint Form Details.
The user will need to update the Workgroup and Processor to continue the submission process. Once they are updated, click Save.
The Internal User has the option to add or modify Workflows and Tasks, Additional Documents, Events, and Program Components.
The Internal User can also view the Initial Submission under the Documents Tab.
The Internal User also has the ability to Manage a Submission and review the form.
When the User clicks Manage Submission, it will direct the them to the Submission page where they will be able to view, review, print, download, or view the form confirmation.
Once the complaint has been reviewed and all the necessary actions are completed, the User can then update the status of the complaint. To update the complaint, click Update Status in the top righthand corner.
Once all the requirements are met, the User can then change the status to completed.
Once the Status is marked as Complete, the User can then enter the decision.
Once the Status and Decision are entered, the Complaint Status will update in the system.