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Document Template Configuration

Document Templates are Microsoft Word-based documents used to merge data from specific functional areas, such as permits, evaluations, and compliance actions. Document templates are used to create a variety of documents, including letters, permits, and inspection reports, or just about any other document.

In order to use the Document Template editor, the AceOffix browser plugin must be installed on the client desktop browser.   In addition, Microsoft Office must also be installed on the desktopclient computer.  

For more information, see the Editing a Document Template and Document Template Syntax Guide topics.

To configure document templates, navigate to Admin > Document Templates. This page displays a list of existing document templates.

Editing a Document Template

To edit a template, click the Open button corresponding to the template to be edited. Or, to create a new template, click the Add New Document Template button.   In either case, a page will be displayed allowing opens on which the metadata associated with the template to can be edited.: 

To configure edit the content of the document template, click the Open Edit button at the bottom of the page.   The document template will open opens in an AceOffix window for editing.To review an existing document template click on Preview or Edit to start editing the document template.  If Preview or Edit is clicked, an AceOffix window opens (as the New Document Template or Edit Document Template page), which displays the document itself as an editable Word document, along with a list of merge fields available for insertion into the document. Usage of this Editor section is explained in the Editing a Document Template topic.


Note that, when editing a document template in the AceOffix window, a popup window will be displayed over the main nVIRO page, indicating that AceOffix is open in another window. 

Previewing a Document Template

Document templates can be previewed to show how they will look when generated with real data. To preview a document template with data merged into it, do the following:

  1. Open the document template and click the Preview button at the bottom of the Configure Document Template page. A dialog box opens, prompting you to specify an item from which to merge data into the document template. The type of item depends on the functional area in which the document template is being created. For example, if previewing a document in the Permit functional area, you will be prompted to enter a permit number. (When previewing a document, it is important to select an item–a permit, in this example–that contains data in the merge fields that are used in the document template. Otherwise, these fields will appear blank when the document is previewed.)
  2. The Document Template Preview window opens in read-only mode and any merge fields that were added to the document template are replaced with the data in those fields. 
  3. Click Cancel to close the Document Template Preview window.

The following fields are available on the Configure Document Template page:

View History (button)
Template NameThe name of the document template
Template DescriptionA description for the document template. The description is not displayed outside of the Administrative screens.
Security ClassificationSpecifies the security classification that will be assigned to the document upon generation.   Options are limited to Public or Internal.   Confidential or Restricted require individual owners\editors to be specified and the document may be set to one of these once it has been generatedPublic documents will be available to public/external users upon being published, whereas Internal documents are only ever visible to internal staff.
Functional AreaIndicates the functional area for the document template. This cannot be changed after a new document template is created., such as Permit, Schedule, Application/Request, etc.
Program AreaLists Specifies the program areas area(s) in which the document template is available. If left blank, the template will be available across all program areas.
Document CategorySpecifies the document category into which the document template is organized. Document categories are defined by functional area and are created and modified in Admin > Lookups > Document Categories.
Base DatasourceThe name of the merge field list; this determines which database fields are available to insert into the document. The available datasources are based on the selected functional area. 
Form DatasourcesIndicates which nFORM form's fields can be merged into the document template. This cannot be changed after a new document template is created. 
Side Bar
Active/Inactive (toggle button)

Activates or inactivates a template. Once inactive, the template can be deleted from the Document Template List, if desired.

Also, when a template is active, any edits made to the template will, upon saving, trigger a dialog box that prompts the user to describe the edits made. To avoid having to repeatedly fill out this dialog box during editing, keep the document in the Inactive status while main editing is being done, and only change it to Active when editing is complete and the document is ready to be used.

View HistoryDisplays a list of changes made to the document template metadata over time.
Options (for documents generated from the template)
Allow multiple documents to be finalizedIf unchecked, only one generated document based on this template is allowed for a given entity.
If checked, an event will be created with the Event Type "Document Generated" when a document is generated using this template.
Allow security classification changesWhen checked, the security classification on the generated documents of documents generated from this template may be changed.   When unchecked, they are locked down to the security classification specified on the templatedocuments that have been generated from this template cannot have their security classification changed
Allow file name changesIf checked, users will be given the option to type a name for the generated document before it is generated. If unchecked, the name of the generated document will be the same as the template name.

Editing a Document Template Using AceOffix

The AceOffix window contains the document Editor, which displays the document itself as an editable Word document, along with a list of merge fields available for insertion into the document. Usage of this Editor section is explained in the Editing a Document Template topic

Standard Document Template Fields

See the Editing a Document Template page for a complete list of fields available.

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