Document Templates are Microsoft Word-based documents used to merge data from specific functional areas, such as permits, evaluations and compliance actions. Document templates are used to create letters, permits, inspection reports, or just about any other document. For more information on how to edit and format documents using Microsoft Word visit Microsoft Word Help Center.
In order to use the Document Template editor, the AceOffix browser plugin must be installed on the client desktop browser. In addition, Microsoft Office must also be installed on the desktop.
To edit document templates, navigate to Admin > Document Templates. This page displays a list of existing document templates; to edit a template, click the corresponding Open button. Or, to create a new template, click the Add New Document Template button. In either case, a page will display to configure the document template. To review an existing document template click on Preview or Edit to start editing the document template. If Preview or Edit is clicked, an AceOffix window opens (as the New Document Template or Edit Document Template page).
Info |
Note that, when editing or viewing a document template in the AceOffix window, a popup window will be displayed over the main nVIRO page, indicating that AceOffix is open in another window. |
Editing a Document Template Using AceOffix
AceOffix window contains the Editor section, which displays the document itself as an editable Word document, along with a list of merge fields available for insertion into the document (Left Side).
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Creating a document is the same as creating a document in Microsoft Word, the only change is the words or values that would change dynamically based on the Permit information, Inspection, or any other data that would be different from one document to another.
Insertable Fields Type
There are two types of fields, single insertable fields (nonbold), and multiple insertable fields (bold).
Single Insertable Fields
Listed in a nonbold typeface. To insert a field in the document, double click on any nonbold insertable fields from the list, a text will be inserted in the document (at the location of cursor) in the form of Code Block |
<<[FieldName]>> |
this field will be changed to its corresponding value when previewing or generating the document.
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Multiple Insertable Fields
Which is listed as a bold insertable field in the list. The Bold insertable field, groups multiple fields that represent a table of values. For example, a site usually have multiple contacts associated with it, to insert in a document all contacts, double click contacts, a text will be inserted in the document (at the location of cursor) in the form of
Code Block |
<<foreach [contact in contacts]>> Insert here fields to display <</foreach>> |
which will loop through all contacts available for that document. For more details on loops visit Document Template Syntax Guide
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To display the items within a bold insertable field, single-click on any bold insertable fields which will display the available fields.
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Document Template Possibilities
The Document template tool is a powerful tool which can regenerate complicated document based on logic and data sources, it This section provides details on how to view, edit, and configure document template metadata and content. Document template contents are edited using the AceOffix editor.
To edit template metadata:
Navigate to Admin > Document Templates.
Click Open next to an existing template or select Add New Document Template to create a new one.
The document template metadata editor page is displayed.
Image AddedConfigurable Fields on the Document Template Page
The following key fields are available when configuring a document template:
Field | Description |
Template Name | The name of the document template. |
Template Description | An internal description of the template. |
Security Classification | Defines visibility (Public, Internal, Authorized Users). |
Functional Area | Specifies the category of the document (Permit, Compliance Action, etc.). |
Document Category | Groups templates based on predefined categories. |
Program Area | Determines applicable programs for the template. This value is derived from the selected Document Category. |
Base Datasource | Defines the merge field list available for the template. |
Dynamic Datasources | Specifies the forms and reports whose fields can be merged. The available forms depend on the document template's functional area: For document templates in the application/request, complaint/incident, or schedule functional areas, submission forms within those functional areas and permit, submission, and site program component forms can be selected. For document templates in the permit functional area, application/request forms and permit, submission, and site program component forms can be selected. For document templates in the site functional area, application/request forms and program component forms from any functional area can be selected. For document templates in the compliance action functional area, compliance action and site program component forms can be selected. For document templates in the evaluation functional area, evaluation and site program component forms can be selected. For document templates in the project functional area, project and site program component forms can be selected. For document templates in the receivable functional area, permit program component forms can be selected.
Right Sidebar | |
Active/Inactive | Controls whether the template is available for use. When saving changes to an active document template in a production environment, a dialog box that prompts the user to provide a description of the edits made. |
Allow multiple documents to be finalized | If unchecked, only one generated document based on this template is allowed for a given entity. |
Auto-create event upon finalization | If checked, an event will be created with the Event Type "Document Generated" when a document is generated using this template. Notifications can also be configured to be sent when an event is created. A System Action will need to be created for the corresponding Functional Area Event. |
Allow security classification changes | When checked, the security classification of documents generated from this template may be changed. When unchecked, documents that have been generated from this template cannot have their security classification changed. |
Allow file name changes | If checked, users will be given the option to type a name for the generated document before it is generated. If unchecked, the name of the generated document will be the same as the template name. |
Prefix Generated File Name with Record Identifier | Prefixes the generated document name with the current record’s business identifier (e.g. Permit Number, Compliance Action Number, Site Number, etc). |
View History | Displays metadata changes over time. |
Previewing a Document with Merged Data
Clicking Preview opens a read-only version of the document with actual data merged from the selected source.
Editing Document Template Content using AceOffix
To edit template content:
Navigate to Admin > Document Templates.
Click Open next to an existing template or select Add New Document Template to create a new one.
Click Edit to modify the document content.
The template opens in an AceOffix window, displaying the document as an editable Word file along with a list of available merge fields.
When the AceOffix editor is open, a popup window will indicate that AceOffix is running separately from the main application.
Image AddedInsertable Fields
Templates contain insertable fields that dynamically merge data from the system:
Single Insertable Fields: Appear in non-bold text and are inserted as placeholders (e.g., <<[FieldName]>>
Looping Insertable Fields: Appear in bold text and represent repeating data structures (e.g., a list of contacts). These use <<foreach [item in items]>> … <</foreach>>
The available fields are driven by the selected datasources on the document template metadata page (see above).
To insert a field:
Double-click a non-bold field to insert it at the cursor location.
Double-click a bold field to insert a loop structure.
Click a bold field once to display its available subfields.
For more information on looping and advanced syntax, see Using Loops in Document Templates.
Variables, Formulas, Formatting Content and Controlling Logic
The Document Template editor is a powerful tool that can regenerate complicated documents based on logic and data sources. It can also perform data manipulation and calculations. Some of the codes that could be used in a document template can be found at Document Template Syntax Guide page.
Standard Document Template Fields
The table lists all of the standard document template fields for view-based data sources,
Image Removed the loop icon represents that the insertable field contains multiple fields and each field contains multiple data which will require a loop to display these data:
Ui expand |
expanded | true |
title | Document Template Fields Ui expand |
title | Application/Request Fields |
The view name for this data source in database is VW_SVC_DATASRC_APP_REQUEST_STDRD_NOPARSE
Subject Area | Insertable Field Name | Description |
Core Entity | Id | System Submission ID |
SubmissionReferenceNumber | Submission Reference Number |
SubmissionFormNumber | nFORM submission number |
SubmissionFormName | Form Name |
SubmissionFormType | Action Type |
SubmissionActionType | Submission Type (Application, Permit Change, etc..) |
SubmissionProjectName | Project Name |
SubmissionReceivedDate | Submission Received Date (yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM:SS) |
SubmissionCompleteDate | Submission Completed Date (yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM:SS) |
SubmissionPriority | Submission Priority |
SubmissionProcessDueDate | Submission Due Date |
SubmissionReviewCompleteDate | Submission Review Completed Date |
Core Entity Contact (Tag associated with this Field??) | ApplicantPrefix | Applicant Prefix |
ApplicantName | Applicant Display Name |
ApplicantFirstName | Applicant First Name |
ApplicantLastName | Applicant Last Name |
ApplicantAddress1 | Applicant Address Line 1 |
ApplicantAddress2 | Applicant Address Line 2 |
ApplicantCity | Applicant City |
ApplicantStateCode | Applicant State (2 letters format) |
ApplicantZip | Applicant Zipcode |
ApplicantPhone | Applicant Phone formatted with Extension if available |
ApplicantTitle | Applicant Title |
ApplicantOrganization | Applicant Organziation |
Assigned Staff | SubmissionStaffWorkgroupName | Assigned Workgroup Name |
SubmissionStaffDisplayName | Staff Display Name who's the application is assigned to |
SubmissionStaffFirstName | Staff First Name |
SubmissionStaffLastName | Staff Last Name |
SubmissionStaffEmail | Staff Email address |
SubmissionStaffPhone | Staff Phone Number with extinction if available |
SubmissionStaffOrganization | Staff Organization Name |
SubmissionStaffWorkgroupSupervisorName | Staff Supervisor Name |
System Info | AgencyAcronym | Agency Acronym |
AgencyFullName | Agency Full Name |
SystemContactUrl | Website address for agency contact information |
SystemName | System Name |
SystemUrl | System website address |
SystemIsProduction | System is Production (1/0 values) |
Site | SiteNumber | Site Number |
SiteName | Site Name |
SiteAddress | Site Address (combine Address and Address 2) |
SiteAddress1 | Site Address line 1 |
SiteAddress2 | Site Address line 2 |
SiteCity | Site City |
SiteStateCode | Site State (2 letters format) |
SiteZipCode | Site Zipcode |
SiteTaxParcelNumber | Site Parcel Id |
SiteAddressComments | Site Address Comments |
SiteOwnrshType | Owner Type (Public, Private, etc..) |
SiteSicList | Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC) |
SiteNaicsList | North American Industry Classification System Code (NAICS) |
Site Location | SiteLatitude | Site Latitude |
SiteLongitude | Site Longitude |
SiteCounty | Site County Name |
SiteFipsCode | Site FIPS Code (Federal Information Processing Standard) |
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Site Alt Name | SiteAltNames_Id_NoInOut | Site Alternative Name ID |
SiteAltNames_SubmissionId_ParentId_NoInOut | Site Alternative Submission Parent ID |
SiteAltNames_SiteAltNameTypeDescription | Site Alternative Name Description (Master ID, Historical Name, etc..) |
SiteAltNames_SiteAltNameTypeCode | Site Alternative Name Tag |
SiteAltNames_SiteAltName | Site Alternative Name Description |
District Office | DistrictOfficeName | Name of District Office (Based on County defined in District Office Lookups) |
DistrictSupervisorName | District Office Supervisor Name |
DistrictOfficeAddress | District Office Address (Full addres with City, State, and Zipcode) |
DistrictOfficeAddress1 | District Office Address Line 1 |
DistrictOfficeAddress2 | District Office Address Line 2 |
DistrictOfficeCity | District Office City |
DistrictOfficeState | District Office State (2 Letters Format) |
DistrictOfficeZip | District Office Zip code |
DistrictOfficePhone | District Office Phone number |
DistrictOfficeFax | District Office Fax number |
Image Removed | Contacts_Id_NoInOut | Contacts_SubmissionId_ParentId_NoInOut | Contacts_FunctionalAreaId | Contacts_ContactPrefix | Contacts_ContactFirstName | Contacts_ContactLastName | Contacts_ContactName | Contacts_ContactOrganizationName | Contacts_ContactTitle | Contacts_ContactAddress1 | Contacts_ContactAddress2 | Contacts_ContactCity | Contacts_ContactState | Contacts_ContactZipCode | Contacts_ContactCityStateZip | Contacts_ContactEmail | Contacts_AffiliationTypeCode | Contacts_AffiliationTypeDescription | Contacts_ContactPhone | Contacts_ContactPhoneExtension | Contacts_ContactPhoneTypeDescription | Submission Info | SubmissionReferenceNumber | SubmissionFormNumber | SubmissionFormName | SubmissionFormType | SubmissionActionType | SubmissionProjectName | SubmissionReceivedDate | SubmissionCompleteDate | SubmissionPriority | SubmissionProcessDueDate | SubmissionReviewCompleteDate | Permit Info | PermitNumber | PermitVersion | PermitRevision | PermitNumberAndVersion | PermitCategory | PermitType | PermitStatus | PermitIssueDate | PermitEffectiveDate | PermitExpireDate | Ui expand |
The view name for this data source in database is VW_SVC_DATASRC_PERMIT_STDRD_NOPARSE
Subject Area | Insertable Field Name | Description |
Assigned Staff | AgencyContactOrganization | AgencyContactUserDisplayName | AgencyContactUserEmail | AgencyContactUserFirstName | AgencyContactUserLastName | AgencyContactUserPhone | AgencyContactWorkgroupName | AgencyContactWorkgroupSupervisorName | Compliance Staff | ComplianceManagerDisplayName | ComplianceManagerEmail | ComplianceManagerFirstName | ComplianceManagerLastName | ComplianceManagerOrganization | ComplianceManagerPhone | ComplianceManagerWorkgroupName | ComplianceManagerWorkgroupSupervisorName | Image Removed
Contact | Contacts_AffiliationTypeCode | Contacts_AffiliationTypeDescription | Contacts_ContactAddress1 | Contacts_ContactAddress2 | Contacts_ContactCity | Contacts_ContactCityStateZip | Contacts_ContactEmail | Contacts_ContactFirstName | Contacts_ContactLastName | Contacts_ContactName | Contacts_ContactOrganizationName | Contacts_ContactPhone | Contacts_ContactPhoneExtension | Contacts_ContactPhoneTypeDescription | Contacts_ContactPrefix | Contacts_ContactState | Contacts_ContactTitle | Contacts_ContactZipCode | Contacts_FunctionalAreaId | Contacts_Id_NoInOut | Contacts_PermitId_ParentId_NoInOut | Core Entity | Id | AccountVerificationCode | PermitApplicationDueDate | PermitCategory | PermitComments | PermitEffectiveDate | PermitExpireDate | PermitIsAfterTheFact | PermitIssueDate | PermitNumber | PermitNumberAndVersion | PermitRevision | PermitStatus | PermitTerminationDate | PermitType | PermitVersion | Core Entity Contact (Tag associated with this Field??) | PermitteeAddress1 | PermitteeAddress2 | PermitteeCity | PermitteeFirstName | PermitteeLastName | PermitteeName | PermitteeOrganization | PermitteePhone | PermitteePrefix | PermitteeState | PermitteeTitle | PermitteeZip | District Office | DistrictOfficeAddress | DistrictOfficeAddress1 | DistrictOfficeAddress2 | DistrictOfficeCity | DistrictOfficeFax | DistrictOfficeName | DistrictOfficePhone | DistrictOfficeState | DistrictOfficeZip | DistrictSupervisorName | Permit Info | PermitApplicationDueDate | PermitCategory | PermitComments | PermitEffectiveDate | PermitExpireDate | PermitIsAfterTheFact | PermitIssueDate | PermitNumber | PermitNumberAndVersion | PermitRevision | PermitStatus | PermitTerminationDate | PermitType | PermitVersion | Image Removed
Schedule | Schedules_Id_NoInOut | Schedules_IsReoccurring | Schedules_NumDaysBeforeDueAllowSubmission | Schedules_PermitId_ParentId_NoInOut | Schedules_ScheduleAchievedDate | Schedules_ScheduleDecisionDate | Schedules_ScheduleDueDate | Schedules_ScheduleDueDateTypeDescription | Schedules_ScheduleGroupName | Schedules_ScheduleName | Schedules_ScheduleReceivedDate | Schedules_ScheduleSequenceNumber | Schedules_ScheduleStatusDescription | Schedules_SubmissionDecisionDate | Schedules_SubmissionDecisionDescription | Schedules_SubmissionReceivedDate | Schedules_SubmissionVersionNumber | Site | SiteAddress | SiteAddress1 | SiteAddress2 | SiteAddressComments | SiteCity | SiteNaicsList | SiteName | SiteNumber | SiteOwnrshType | SiteSicList | SiteState | SiteTaxParcelNumber | SiteZip | Image Removed
Site Alt Name | SiteAltNames_Id_NoInOut | SiteAltNames_PermitId_ParentId_NoInOut | SiteAltNames_SiteAltName | SiteAltNames_SiteAltNameTypeCode | SiteAltNames_SiteAltNameTypeDescription | Site Location | SiteCounty | SiteFipsCode | SiteLatitude | SiteLongitude | Submission Info | SubmissionActionType | SubmissionCompleteDate | SubmissionFormName | SubmissionFormNumber | SubmissionFormType | SubmissionProjectName | SubmissionReceivedDate | SubmissionReferenceNumber | System Info | AgencyAcronym | AgencyFullName | SystemContactUrl | SystemIsProduction | SystemName | SystemUrl | Ui expand |
The view name for this data source in database is VW_SVC_DATASRC_EVAL_STDRD_NOPARSE
Subject Area | Insertable Field Name | Description |
Assigned Staff | EvaluationAssignedUserDisplayName | EvaluationAssignedUserEmail | EvaluationAssignedUserFirstName | EvaluationAssignedUserLastName | EvaluationAssignedUserOrganization | EvaluationAssignedUserPhone | EvaluationAssignedWorkgroupName | EvaluationAssignedWorkgroupSupervisorName | Compliance InfoComplianceActionCaseNumber | ComplianceActionCategory | ComplianceActionDate | ComplianceActionNumber | ComplianceActionProgramArea | ComplianceActionResolutionDate | ComplianceActionResolutionDescription | ComplianceActionStatus | ComplianceActionType | Image Removed
Contact | Contacts_AffiliationTypeCode | Contacts_AffiliationTypeDescription | Contacts_ContactAddress1 | Contacts_ContactAddress2 | Contacts_ContactCity | Contacts_ContactCityStateZip | Contacts_ContactEmail | Contacts_ContactFirstName | Contacts_ContactLastName | Contacts_ContactName | Contacts_ContactOrganizationName | Contacts_ContactPhone | Contacts_ContactPhoneExtension | Contacts_ContactPhoneTypeDescription | Contacts_ContactPrefix | Contacts_ContactState | Contacts_ContactTitle | Contacts_ContactZipCode | Contacts_EvaluationId_ParentId_NoInOut | Contacts_FunctionalAreaId | Contacts_Id_NoInOut | Core Entity | Id | EvaluationComments | EvaluationDecision | EvaluationDecisionDate | EvaluationEndDate | EvaluationNumber | EvaluationReportTransmittedDate | EvaluationSamplesTransmittedDate | EvaluationScheduledDate | EvaluationStartDate | EvaluationStatus | EvaluationStatusDescription | EvaluationType | Core Entity Contact (Tag associated with this Field??) | InspectionContactAddress1 | InspectionContactAddress2 | InspectionContactCity | InspectionContactFirstName | InspectionContactLastName | InspectionContactName | InspectionContactOrganization | InspectionContactPhone | InspectionContactPrefix | InspectionContactState | InspectionContactTitle | InspectionContactZip | PermitteeAddress1 | PermitteeAddress2 | PermitteeCity | PermitteeFirstName | PermitteeLastName | PermitteeName | PermitteeOrganization | PermitteePhone | PermitteePrefix | PermitteeState | PermitteeTitle | PermitteeZip | District Office | DistrictOfficeAddress | DistrictOfficeAddress1 | DistrictOfficeAddress2 | DistrictOfficeCity | DistrictOfficeFax | DistrictOfficeName | DistrictOfficePhone | DistrictOfficeState | DistrictOfficeZip | DistrictSupervisorName | Evaluation Info | EvaluationComments | EvaluationDecision | EvaluationDecisionDate | EvaluationEndDate | EvaluationNumber | EvaluationReportTransmittedDate | EvaluationSamplesTransmittedDate | EvaluationScheduledDate | EvaluationStartDate | EvaluationStatus | EvaluationStatusDescription | EvaluationType | Permit Info | PermitApplicationDueDate | PermitCategory | PermitComments | PermitEffectiveDate | PermitExpireDate | PermitIsAfterTheFact | PermitIssueDate | PermitNumber | PermitNumberAndVersion | PermitRevision | PermitStatus | PermitTerminationDate | PermitType | PermitVersion | Project Info | MasterProjectEnvironmentalEventDate | MasterProjectName | MasterProjectNumber | ProjectActivityCategory | ProjectActivityEndDate | ProjectActivityName | ProjectActivityNumber | ProjectActivityStartDate | ProjectActivityStatus | ProjectActivityType | Site | SiteAddress | SiteAddress1 | SiteAddress2 | SiteAddressComments | SiteCity | SiteNaicsList | SiteName | SiteNumber | SiteOwnrshType | SiteSicList | SiteState | SiteTaxParcelNumber | SiteZip |
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Site Alt NameSiteAltNames_EvaluationId_ParentId_NoInOut | SiteAltNames_Id_NoInOut | SiteAltNames_SiteAltName | SiteAltNames_SiteAltNameTypeCode | SiteAltNames_SiteAltNameTypeDescription | Site Location | SiteCounty | SiteFipsCode | SiteLatitude | SiteLongitude | Submission Info | SubmissionActionType | SubmissionCompleteDate | SubmissionFormName | SubmissionFormNumber | SubmissionFormType | SubmissionProjectName | SubmissionReceivedDate | SubmissionReferenceNumber | System Info | AgencyAcronym | AgencyFullName | SystemContactUrl | SystemIsProduction | SystemName | SystemUrl | Image Removed
Violation | Violations_ComplianceActionId_ParentId_NoInOut | Violations_DetectEndDate | Violations_DetectStartDate | Violations_Id | Violations_IsSignificantNonCompliance | Violations_RegulationReference | Violations_ViolationCategoryDescription | Violations_ViolationCategoryTypeId_NoInOut | Violations_ViolationComments | Violations_ViolationId | Violations_ViolationTypeDescription | Ui expand |
The view name for this data source in database is VW_SVC_DATASRC_CMPL_ACTN_STDRD_NOPARSE
Subject Area | Insertable Field Name | Description |
Assigned Staff | ComplianceActionAssignedUserDisplayName | ComplianceActionAssignedUserEmail | ComplianceActionAssignedUserFirstName | ComplianceActionAssignedUserLastName | ComplianceActionAssignedUserOrganization | ComplianceActionAssignedUserPhone | ComplianceActionAssignedWorkgroupName | ComplianceActionAssignedWorkgroupSupervisorName | Compliance Info | ComplianceActionCaseNumber | ComplianceActionCategory | ComplianceActionComments | ComplianceActionDate | ComplianceActionNumber | ComplianceActionProgramArea | ComplianceActionResolutionDate | ComplianceActionResolutionType | ComplianceActionStatus | ComplianceActionType | Image Removed
Contact | Contacts_AffiliationTypeCode | Contacts_AffiliationTypeDescription | Contacts_ComplianceActionId_ParentId_NoInOut | Contacts_ContactAddress1 | Contacts_ContactAddress2 | Contacts_ContactCity | Contacts_ContactCityStateZip | Contacts_ContactEmail | Contacts_ContactFirstName | Contacts_ContactLastName | Contacts_ContactName | Contacts_ContactOrganizationName | Contacts_ContactPhone | Contacts_ContactPhoneExtension | Contacts_ContactPhoneTypeDescription | Contacts_ContactPrefix | Contacts_ContactState | Contacts_ContactTitle | Contacts_ContactZipCode | Contacts_FunctionalAreaId | Contacts_Id_NoInOut | Core Entity | ComplianceActionCaseNumber | ComplianceActionCategory | ComplianceActionComments | ComplianceActionDate | ComplianceActionNumber | ComplianceActionProgramArea | ComplianceActionResolutionDate | ComplianceActionResolutionDescription | ComplianceActionResolutionType | ComplianceActionStatus | ComplianceActionType | Id | Core Entity Contact (Tag associated with this Field??) | ResponsiblePartyAddress1 | ResponsiblePartyAddress2 | ResponsiblePartyCity | ResponsiblePartyFirstName | ResponsiblePartyLastName | ResponsiblePartyName | ResponsiblePartyOrganization | ResponsiblePartyPhone | ResponsiblePartyPrefix | ResponsiblePartyState | ResponsiblePartyTitle | ResponsiblePartyZip | District Office | DistrictOfficeAddress | DistrictOfficeAddress1 | DistrictOfficeAddress2 | DistrictOfficeCity | DistrictOfficeFax | DistrictOfficeName | DistrictOfficePhone | DistrictOfficeState | DistrictOfficeZip | DistrictSupervisorName | Evaluation Info | EvaluationComments | EvaluationDecision | EvaluationDecisionDate | EvaluationEndDate | EvaluationNumber | EvaluationReportTransmittedDate | EvaluationSamplesTransmittedDate | EvaluationScheduledDate | EvaluationStartDate | EvaluationStatus | EvaluationStatusDescription | EvaluationType | Permit Info | PermitApplicationDueDate | PermitCategory | PermitComments | PermitEffectiveDate | PermitExpireDate | PermitIsAfterTheFact | PermitIssueDate | PermitNumber | PermitNumberAndVersion | PermitRevision | PermitStatus | PermitTerminationDate | PermitType | PermitVersion | Image Removed
Schedule | Schedules_ComplianceActionId_ParentId_NoInOut | Schedules_Id_NoInOut | Schedules_IsReoccurring | Schedules_NumDaysBeforeDueAllowSubmission | Schedules_ScheduleAchievedDate | Schedules_ScheduleDecisionDate | Schedules_ScheduleDueDate | Schedules_ScheduleDueDateTypeDescription | Schedules_ScheduleGroupName | Schedules_ScheduleName | Schedules_ScheduleReceivedDate | Schedules_ScheduleSequenceNumber | Schedules_ScheduleStatusDescription | Schedules_SubmissionDecisionDate | Schedules_SubmissionDecisionDescription | Schedules_SubmissionReceivedDate | Schedules_SubmissionVersionNumber | Site | SiteAddress | SiteAddress1 | SiteAddress2 | SiteAddressComments | SiteCity | SiteNaicsList | SiteName | SiteNumber | SiteOwnrshType | SiteSicList | SiteState | SiteTaxParcelNumber | SiteZip | Image Removed
Site Alt Name | SiteAltNames_ComplianceActionId_ParentId_NoInOut | SiteAltNames_Id_NoInOut | SiteAltNames_SiteAltName | SiteAltNames_SiteAltNameTypeCode | SiteAltNames_SiteAltNameTypeDescription | Site Location | SiteCounty | SiteFipsCode | SiteLatitude | SiteLongitude | Submission Info | SubmissionActionType | SubmissionCompleteDate | SubmissionFormName | SubmissionFormNumber | SubmissionFormType | SubmissionProjectName | SubmissionReceivedDate | SubmissionReferenceNumber | System Info | AgencyAcronym | AgencyFullName | SystemContactUrl | SystemIsProduction | SystemName | SystemUrl | Image Removed
Violation | Violations_ComplianceActionId_ParentId_NoInOut | Violations_DetectEndDate | Violations_DetectStartDate | Violations_Id | Violations_IsSignificantNonCompliance | Violations_PermitNumberAndVersion | Violations_RegulationReference | Violations_SourceEvaluationNumber | Violations_ViolationCategoryDescription | Violations_ViolationCategoryTypeId_NoInOut | Violations_ViolationComments | Violations_ViolationId | Violations_ViolationTypeDescription |