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Contacts are stored in multiple locations in nVIRO and can be associated directly with sites, applications, or permits. Typically, contacts are accessed via the “Contacts” tab on the details page for a site, permit, etc.
A contact consists of the following information
Title, First Name, Last Name, and Contact Name
One or more phone numbers, one of which can be designated as primary
Email Address
One or more Affiliation Types (Roles)
Contact information can be referenced in generated documents, if set up to do so in a given document template.
For submissions in particular, any contacts added that are entered on the submitted form are automatically added to the contacts Contacts tab .
Manually Adding/Editing Contactsfor that Submission.
Contacts can be added by agency staff. When adding a contact, the user is provided the ability to copy in a contact record from any other functional area records associated with the same site.
Note that contacts can only be added to Site records by agency staff. New contact information that is received on submissions can be manually curated and added to the site record as appropriate.
Contact Roles (Affiliation Types)
Every contact has one or more roles, also referred to as affiliation types. Each functional area has a primary role contact:
Submissionssubmissions, the primary contact role is Applicant.
Sitessites, the primary contact role is Owner.
Permitspermits, the primary contact role is Permittee.
Evaluationsevaluations, the primary contact role is Inspection Contact.
Compliance Actionscompliance actions, the primary contact role is Responsible Party.
The primary contact role for each of these functional areas is displayed on the Details page for that functional area. Specifically, it appears on the Status pane on the right sidebar area side of the functional area item details screen Details tab.
Notification Emails and Contacts
Any contact with the “Notification Recipient” role can be configured to receive certain email notifications, depending on how notifications have been configured (see Admin > System Actions for more information on setting up notifications and recipients). These contacts must have an email address specified in order to receive notifications.
Deleting Contacts
To delete a contact, edit the contact, and remove all the contact's roles. Upon saving, the contact will no longer appear.
Bulk Updating Contact Details
Upon saving a change to a contact, if the contact is used elsewhere in nVIRO related to the same site, a screen page will display allowing that allows the user to selectively update the contact’s information on other records belonging to the same site.
Bulk update contact functionality is currently only available to certain administrative roles.
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