

Submission records represent the record of a submitted application, complaint, scheduled report, permit change, or agency service request.  Submissions utilize forms configured in nFORM and nCORE which are filled out and submitted by a registered user.  The registered user may be an external user or, an internal user submitting on behalf of the external user. 

Submissions have the following features:

  • A unique submission number. Submission number sequence is a system default.

  • A form type. The form type determines the type of submission, how a submission is accessed and generated, and what fields are available in the detail screens. These include:

  • A submission status indicating whether it is draft, active, or closed.

  • An applicant contact indicating the individual who submitted and is responsible for the submission record. If a permit or other type of authorization record is generated from the submission, the applicant becomes the permittee. 

  • Submission dates including system received date, paper received date (a.k.a. received date override), application review complete date, application administratively complete date, and processing due date. Some types of form submission, such as Complaints, have differing dates. These are specified on the related topic pages.

  • An optional project name field to track project-related submissions. 

  • Submissions may be have one or more Public Notice events.

  • Most submissions, depending on type and configuration settings of the associated form, have a Holds tab where processing of a submission can be paused.

  • Other shared attributes such as Events, Documents, Contacts, and Program Components.

Submission Versions

All submission records are assigned a version number. The initial submission of any form is version 1. If a revision to the form submission is submitted, the new version is 2. Subsequent revisions follow the same numbering pattern (3, 4, 5, etc.). Revisions are initiated by opening the submission record in nFORM, selecting to begin a new revision, making edits to the form, and then submitting the new, revised version. An internal user must then update the submission record to the new version. 

Submission Status

Like other statuses throughout nVIRO, submission statuses are divided into three categories: Draft, Active or Closed.  These status categories drive system behavior and allow for additional statuses to be configured.

  • Draft - The submission has not yet been submitted.

  • Active - The submission has been submitted and is assigned to an internal processor. 

  • Closed - The submission has been closed for processing. Only users with elevated permissions can set a submission from Closed back to Active status.

Among these three categories, there are several status descriptions.  Note that these statuses in Draft and Active status categories are system required. Statuses in the Closed category can be modified, other than the Complete status..

Status Category

Status Description

Special Considerations


Not Started

The status of Not Started applies only to Schedule forms where a submission is due but the responsible party has not begun a draft submission yet.


Submissions with a status of Draft have a submission record generated, may or may not have some or all data entered into the form, but have not yet been submitted.


Submissions with a status of Preprocessing have been submitted but not yet assigned to an internal user for processing. These are submission records that are in the Inbox pending assignment.

Certain forms may be configured to auto-assign (thereby bypassing the Inbox assignment step).  Auto-assign submissions will have this status briefly while the system directs the submission to the appropriate user for processing.

Payment Due

Submission requires payment before being submitted. Once payment is received, the submission will be submitted automatically.


In Process

Submissions with a status of In Process have been assigned to an internal user for review and processing. 

Locked for Review

Submissions with a status of Locked for Review have been locked for editing by an internal user. This occurs when an internal user selects to 'Begin Review' of the submission. 

On Hold

Submissions with a status of On Hold have been paused for processing.  Depending on form configuration settings, the hold status may (or may not) pause the processing clock. 

A hold can be manually set by going to the Holds tab within the submission record. 

The hold status may also be automatically set when an internal user adds Corrections Requests to the submission and completes the review sending it back to the submitter for correction.  


The status of Contested is used to re-open a completed submission record when an issued permit has been contested by some party. An alert banner appears on all associated permits notifying the user that the associated submission record is in a Contested status. Note that any associated nFORM submissions will remain in Completed status.



Submissions with a status of Completed have been fully processed and accepted by the processor.


Submissions with a status of Withdrawn have been closed by request of the applicant.


Submissions with a status of Denied have been closed without finalized processing due to reasons such as invalid criteria or data provided, an application for the wrong permit was submitted, or some other form of denial.


Submissions with a status of Rejected have been closed without full processing due to incomplete data.

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