nVIRO Core Concepts

nVIRO Core Concepts

The nVIRO Regulatory Life Cycle

The full regulatory life cycle is supported by nVIRO from the initial receipt of an application for a new permit, through the permitting, evaluation, compliance, and enforcement processes.

  1. Submissions - The regulatory life cycle begins with the receipt of an application or service request from a member of the public or regulated community. Submissions are based on forms designed in the nFORM product module. If paper applications are accepted, agency staff can submit forms into nVIRO on behalf of the applicant to initiate the regulatory process. Once a submission is received and assigned to an agency staff person for processing, workflows and tasks track the progress of the submission through to completion.

  2. Permitting - Permits, licenses, registrations, and other authorizations are tracked in the permitting module. Permit versions keep track of how permits change over time for modifications, transfers, renewals, and terminations. Permit conditions, monitoring requirements, and other details are fully tracked.

  3. Compliance Reporting - Schedules keep track of reporting requirements imposed on the regulated party as a condition of their permit or authorization. Schedules are special forms, often with a specific due date. Schedules are used for items such as annual reports and other notifications that the regulated party must submit. Schedules can also be used for permit renewals.

  4. Evaluations - On-site inspections or desk audits are tracked in the nVIRO evaluations module. Integration with the nSPECT mobile platform provides the capability for offline field inspections. System-generated evaluations occur when schedules or other reports are not submitted by the due date. Evaluations can yield violations if deficiencies are found.

  5. Compliance and Enforcement - Violations recorded during the evaluation process may yield a compliance or enforcement action. Enforcement actions can be informal, such as a warning letter, or formal, such as a consent decree. 

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