Navigation, Searching, and User Profile

Navigation, Searching, and User Profile

Main Navigation

Upon logging in, the main navigation menu is displayed across the top of the page.

There are several menu items in the main navigation menu:

  1. My Tasks – Provides access to the My Tasks Dashboard page listing tasks assigned to the current user. This is the default landing page upon signing in to nVIRO.

  2. Inbox – Provides access to the Inbox page, which provides the ability to search for and assign new submissions .

  3. AdminAdministrative functions. This menu is only visible to users with administrative rights.

  4. Reports – Opens a new instance of nVISAGE reporting in a separate tab.

  5. Explorer – Opens a new instance of nSITE Explorer in a separate tab.

  6. nSPECT Opens a new instance of nSPECT in a separate tab.

Global Search

There are two types of searches:


The nVIRO header contains a series of charms (colored icons) with distinct functionality.

History Charm

Clicking the History charm displays a drop-down list showing the last 10 functional area detail screens visited. The most recently visited pages are at the top of the list. Simply click an entry to navigate directly to the detail screen shown.

Notification Charm

Clicking the Notification charm displays a list of the most recent notifications.

  • Clicking on a listed notification link opens the Notification page and opens the Notification Detail panel, which contains the full notification text.

  • Clicking View All opens the Notification Page, which provides full viewing and management of user notifications.

Help Charm

Clicking the Help charm displays the help menu, which contains one or more user help links. Help links are configurable by agency and implementation and can vary depending on whether the current user is internal or external. When you click a link, the linked page opens in a new tab.

By default, nVIRO will provide internal users with a link to this Product Support Wiki. Clicking this link navigates to the nVIRO product support home page. If page-specific help is available for the current screen, an entry appears for “Help with this Page - Product Support”. Clicking the link navigates to the support page for the currently displayed screen.

User Profile

The User Profile is accessed by tabbing to or hovering over and clicking on the user name. This provides access to maintain user information and application preferences, and to view the workgroups and security groups of which the user is a member.


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