nFORM is a complete package for the online processing of permits, license & certification applications and other various requests and complaints. The nFORM tool is a very powerful and dynamic forms engine that’s used to support the receipt and processing of customized online forms. It’s one of many tools available within the nVIRO suite of tools.
Using an intuitive interface, users can easily submit forms and have full transparency into the processing of their submission.
nFORM utilizes a low-code approach to form design. This allows agencies to build and modify their own forms to accept submitted data or use one of many existing forms as a baseline. Forms can be simple or may support complex logic, electronic signatures, payments, and more.
Staff can also collaborate with applicants to ensure all appropriate information is submitted, saving both parties valuable time and energy. Members of the community can interact with the agency in a variety of ways such as applying for permits, licenses, or grants.
The system can support internal functions as well as external functions. This gives internal staff the ability to utilize the system for inspections and to record forms received on paper that can follow a similar workflow process as a submission received online.
Agency users can dynamically design their online forms by specifying and customizing the form attributes, layout, questions asked, certification process and workflow for which the submitted form will be processed.