Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs)

Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs)


Discharge Monitoring Reports are periodic water pollution reports requiring submittal by regulated entity as a condition of a National Pollution Discharge Emission System (NPDES) permit.  NPDES permitted facilities collect wastewater samples, conduct chemical and/or biological tests of samples and submit reports to the state as a Discharge Monitoring Report.

In order for nVIRO to produce DMRs, NPDES monitoring requirements and effluent limits must be added to a permit. The ability to add monitoring requirements to a permit is configured by permit category.

nVIRO provides sophisticated DMR entry that is generated based upon effluent limits specified in an nVIRO Permit.  Depending upon the agency configuration, users may be required to enter Daily DMR report values or Summary report values. 

Violations are assessed against the permittee for late DMR reporting, or when reported values exceed permit limits.

DMR List Page

The DMR List Page allows for searching for DMRs for a DMR date range.


DMR List Page

The File Upload button in the page header allows for uploading DMR data in Excel and/or XML format. The available upload formats will vary depending on system configuration settings.

DMR Data Entry Page


Example DMR Summary Data Entry Screen


Determining Whether DMRs will be Created for a Permit

Foremostly, nVIRO can be configured to never produce Daily or Summary DMRs for any permit. This is controlled by Deployment Setting codes DMR.GEN_DLY and DMR.GEN_SUMM. If set to '0' (off) then Daily or Summary DMRs will never be generated. See the section below for more details.

Secondarily, if the “Generate DMRs” checkbox is unchecked on a Limit Set, DMRs will never be produced for that limit set.

Finally, a Daily or Summary DMR will not be produced if none of the parameters in the limit set qualify for inclusion on the DMR. Individual parameters can be configured to display or not on a Daily or Summary DMR. See the following section for more information.

Determining which Parameters appear on Daily and Summary Forms

In order for a parameter to appear on a Daily DMR form, The Parameter (under Admin → Lookups → Parameters) must have the “Display on Daily DMR Form” checkbox checked. Furthermore, the Statistical Base Code reference table must indicate that the monitoring requirement’s statistical base code is eligible for display on the daily form. The Statistical Base Code reference table is not manageable via the user interface. The lookup values must be administered by a database administrator.

In order for a parameter to appear on a Summary DMR form, The Parameter (under Admin → Lookups → Parameters) must have the “Display on Summary DMR Form” checkbox checked. Furthermore, the Monitoring Location Type code must indicate that the monitoring requirement’s monitoring location is eligible for display on the Summary DMR form. The Monitoring Location Type reference table is not manageable via the user interface. The lookup values must be administered by a database administrator.

Note if a parameter is configured to display on the Daily DMR form, effluent exceedence violations are performed on the data entered into the Daily DMR for that parameter. Exceedence values on the summary form are not generated in this case. This is to avoid double counting violations across both the daily and summary forms.

DMR Configuration Deployment Settings

Deployment settings are managed by Windsor and are configured as part of system setup. Contact Windsor if adjustments are needed to DMR settings.

Form Generation and Display Options

These settings affect the structure and visibility of forms within the system.

  • DMR.GEN_DLY: Generate daily DMRs when a permit is issued.

  • DMR.GEN_SUMM: Generate summary DMRs upon permit issuance.

  • DMR.DLY.SHOW_LIMIT: Display the Monitoring Requirement/Effluent Limit section in the Daily DMR form.

  • DMR.DLY.SHOW_STAT_BASE_DESCR: Show the "Statistical Base Description" header row in the Daily DMR screen.

  • DMR.SHOW_CMNTS: Show the "General Report Comments" section on both daily and summary forms.

  • DMR.SHOW_NUM_EXCURSIONS: Display the "Number of Excursions" column in the Summary DMR form.

  • DMR.SHOW_VAL_CMNTS_INPUT: Allow users to enter/view comments in individual data fields.

  • DMR.ENABLE_XML_UPLOAD: Enable XML upload of DMR data.

  • DMR.GEN_DLY_UNQ_PARAMS: Generate unique parameter combinations for daily DMRs.

  • DMR.PARAM_SORT_TYPE: Controls sorting in daily and summary DMRs (e.g., by Parameter, then Monitoring Location).

  • DMR.GEN_EXT_NUM_MONTHS: Number of months beyond the current date to generate DMRs for extended or expired permits.

DMR Data Entry and Validation Behavior

These settings control DMR data entry behavior.

  • DMR.ALLOW_NEGATIVE_NUMBERS: Allow negative numbers in DMR fields.

  • DMR.REQUIRED_COMMENT_MODE: Defines when comments are required for exceedances. Options include "DETAILED", "SUMMARY", or "NONE".

  • DMR.VALIDATE.DISALLOW_DMR_VALUE_OPERATORS: Prevent the use of "<" or ">" operators in submitted values.

  • DMR.VALIDATE.WARN_ON_GREATER_THAN_OPERATOR: Display warnings for values containing the ">" operator.

  • Display of Lab ID text entry field on DMR Summary parameter row is toggled using table APP_DB_METADATA and setting ORM_HIDDEN flag.

Additional rules can be enforced depending on the DMR parameter on the Edit Parameter lookup screen.

DMR “Validate and Review” Screen Rules

These settings define the behavior on the “Validate and Review” step of the DMR data entry.

  • DMR.VALIDATE.PREVENT_SUBMIT_BLANK_SUMM_VALS: Prevent submission if required summary values are blank.

  • DMR.VALIDATE.WARN_ON_ALL_NODIS: Issue warnings for all non-violation "No Discharge" codes on the validation page.

  • DMR.VALIDATE.VIOL_WILL_BE_CREATED_MSG: Message to display on the review page when violations are expected upon submission.

  • DMR.ALLW_SUBMIT_FUTURE_PERIOD: Allow submission of DMRs for future periods.

  • DMR.ALLW_SUBMIT_DMR_NODI_BEFORE_END_DATE: Allow submission of "No Discharge" DMRs before the report end date.

DMR Violation Generation Rules

These settings define how DMR violations are handled.

  • DMR.GEN_LATE_VIOL_FOR_EXPR_PRMTS: Generate late violations for expired permits (1=True, 0=False).

  • DMR.GEN_MISSING_VAL_VIOLS_BEFORE_DUE_DATE: Generate violations for missing required values, even before the DMR due date.

  • DMR.LATE_VIOL_GEN_GRACE_PERIOD_DAYS: Number of grace days allowed before late violation generation.

  • DMR.VIOL_STAT_LATE_SUBM: Default violation status for late DMR submissions.

Review, Submission, and Routing Controls

These settings determine rules around DMR submission, review, and routing processes.

  • DMR.ENABLE_REVIEW_ROUTING: Enable DMR routing for review (1=True, 0=False).

DMR Copy of Record Options

These settings manage PDF generation and content in DMR reports.

  • DMR.PDF.WATERMARK_TEXT.DRAFT: Watermark text for draft DMR PDFs.

  • DMR.PDF.WATERMARK_TEXT.OFFICIAL_COR: Watermark for PDFs submitted by external users.

  • DMR.PDF.WATERMARK_TEXT.UNOFFICIAL_COR: Watermark for PDFs created by internal users.

  • DMR.PDF_INCLUDE_VALIDATION_RESULT_PAGE: Include a validation results page in DMR PDFs.

DMR List Display Options

These settings determine the display and behavior of the DMR List screen.

  • DMR.LIST.DUE_DATE_FILTER.DFLT_MNTHS_MAX: Max month offset for filtering DMRs by report end date.

  • DMR.LIST.DUE_DATE_FILTER.DFLT_MNTHS_MIN: Min month offset for filtering DMRs by report end date.

  • DMR.LIST.EXTERNAL_MIN_RPT_DUE_DATE: Hide DMRs from external users where the report due date is before a specific date.

  • NAV.SITE.DMR: DMR menu item label in the Site navigation.

Calculation Logic

These settings define how specific values are automatically calculated within the system.

  • DMR.CALC_DLY_LOAD_FROM_CONC_AND_FLOW: Calculate daily load based on concentration and flow values.

  • DMR.CALC_SUMM_FROM_DLY_VALS: Calculate summary values based on daily entries.

External System Integration

Settings related to integration with external systems, such as ICIS-NPDES.

  • ICIS.NPDES.DMR_ELEC_SUBM_TYPE_CODE_INTRNL: Code for electronic submission of internally-submitted DMRs.

Core System Configuration

Settings that limit data retention or control fundamental system behavior.

  • DH_CORE_DMR_YEARS: Limit the number of past years’ data to load into Data Hub.

  • DMR_CERT_TXT: Certification text used in the system.

This structure ensures a logical organization and keeps related settings grouped for better clarity and management.

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