Submission Features

Submission Features


Features are geographically placed items of infrastructure or activity that are referenced or regulated by a permit. A feature must be added to the Site Plan before it can be added as a Permitted Feature. Features can be submitted as part of an application, which will be added to the site plan once the submission is received.

Feature information is displayed on the details page within each of the following functional areas as follows:

Functional Area

Detail Page(s)



Site Details

Site Plan


Application Details



Permit Details


Viewing & Deleting Submitted Features

When features are submitted on an application, they will automatically be displayed on the Site Plan for the given site. However, submitted features can be removed directly from the submission, and by extension, the Site Plan, by navigating to the Features tab on the Application Details page and clicking the button on the feature that you would like to remove/delete:

Note: When deleting a submitted feature from the Application Details page, it will only be removed from the Site Plan if the feature was created by the submission. If the feature existed on the Site Plan prior to the submission, it will not be removed when deleted from the submission.

To view all features for the site, click the View Site Plan at the top of the list.  This will navigation to the Site Plan displaying all feature records and locations.

To view a specific feature on the Site Plan, click the View Site Plan button for the corresponding feature record.  This will navigate to the Site Plan and display the selected feature record and location.

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