


nVIRO serves as an electronic file cabinet, storing files that have been generated within nVIRO or added to nVIRO through various mechanisms.

Documents are a type of shared attribute available across several functional areas within nVIRO. Documents are managed within the context of the related functional area record. For instance, submission documents are managed within the related submission record, evaluation documents are managed within the related evaluation record, and so on. This provides for ready access to relevant documents when working within a particular functional area record.

In-Browser Editing for nVIRO Documents

nVIRO Provides an in-browser editing capability using Microsoft Word through the use of a third-party plug-in. When a document is opened by a user with edit permission to the document, it opens in a browser-independent window for editing. With a few exceptions (such as development macros) the in-browser editor has all of the editing capabilities of Microsoft Word. Internal users must have Microsoft Word installed on their desktop machine in order to use this feature. For this reason, this feature is not available on tablet or mobile devices.

Draft vs. Final Document Status

Each document has a status of Draft or Final. The Draft designation is used by internal processors to indicate that the document is still in development. The internal processor can then set the document to Final when it is complete. Internal processors can update the document status on the document's Details page.

Document status, in conjunction with other factors, has implications for visibility to external users. See this page for more information.

Document Security Classification

nVIRO Release 2020,01 introduced a new document attribute called Security Classification. The security classification is designed to align with government document security classifications. All documents are assigned a document security class. Security classes define system behavior related to visibility and access of a given document. Document class names are configurable, however there are three required document classes, which provide the behaviors described below.

  • Internal - Internal documents have visibility restricted to internal users only, and are accessible based upon the user security and state of the owning entity.

  • Confidential - Confidential documents have visibility restricted to designated internal users. See Designating a Document as Confidential for information on how to manage confidentiality settings when designating a document as confidential.

  • Authorized External User - External documents have visibility restricted to external account holders when the owning entity is in a completed state.

  • Public - Public documents have unrestricted visibility, but still depend on the owning entity being in a completed state. If the owning entity is in a completed state, Public documents are accessible to internal users, external account holders, and depending on configuration, to the public in Site Explorer. See Document Visibility to External and Public Users for additional information related to visibility of Public documents.


By default, nVIRO has implemented five base document security classes: Internal, Confidential, Restricted, Authorized External User and Public. System behavior for Confidential and Restricted is the same. The separate designations are implemented to differentiate the reason for the classification. Any non-required document class (that is, any document class other than Internal, Confidential, Public, or External) can be configured on or off for a given implementation. Additional document classes can also be added, if necessary.

Bulk Set Documents to Internal or Public Security Classification

nVIRO Release 2024.1 introduced the ability to bulk update documents from Public to Internal. When viewing the Documents List screen on a functional area item, checkboxes are present to the left of the documents. Selecting the checkbox next to the document that has the security classification “Public” will produce a button at the bottom of the screen “Make 1 Internal”. Selecting additional documents with the “Public” security classification will increase the count shown on the button.

Once the button to make internal has been pressed, a confirmation note at the lower right screen will appear stating “Documents have been made internal”

Only users who have the rights to make document(s) into “Public” security classification status are able to bulk set the document(s) into “Internal”

Automatic PDF and Thumbnail Creation 

nVIRO will automatically create a PDF version of a document at the time of upload if the following are true:

  • The document is "PDF-able", meaning the document file is the type of document that can be converted to a standard Adobe PDF format.

  • The document has a status of Final. To prevent new PDF documents from being generated each time a document is edited and saved (for example, if the user is editing a large document and saving frequently), documents are not converted to PDF format until they are in Final status. If the document is not Final, a generic thumbnail image is displayed.

The document is queued for generation of its PDF and thumbnail at the time of file upload, import, or generation. If the document is a draft Word document, it is queued when the status changes from Draft to Final. It may take up to 5 minutes for the PDF version to appear.

When available, the thumbnail is displayed in the document list screen and the document will be viewable in the preview gallery (see Document List and Preview Gallery

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