Document List and Preview Gallery

Document List and Preview Gallery


Document lists display information about each document for a functional area record. The document list provides document thumbnails, document categorization and status, access to a document preview, and access to the document detail page (from which the full document may viewed and be edited).

Document Thumbnails

The document list display a preview thumbnail image for each file. Depending on the type of file and state of the document, the thumbnail represents the document or a default image.

When do document thumbnails get displayed?

Document thumbnails are displayed if the following are true:

  • The document is "PDF-able", meaning the document file is the type of document that can be converted to a standard Adobe PDF format.

  • The document has a status of Final. To prevent new PDF documents from being generated each time a document is edited and saved (for example, if the user is editing a large document and saving frequently), documents are not converted to PDF format until they are in Final status. If the document is not Final, a generic thumbnail image is displayed.

  • The document is not confidential. Confidential documents have restricted access. If the document is confidential, a generic thumbnail image is displayed.

When a user clicks on a document row, it opens the Document Detail page allowing the user to view and edit the document (based on permissions). 

Preview Gallery

When a user clicks the document thumbnail, it opens a "Preview Gallery". The Preview Gallery displays the first page of the document or the document image and information about the document in the right side preview panel. The user can browse through each document in the list using the forward (>) or backward (<) navigation arrows on the screen.

In addition, the user can navigate to the Document Detail page, download the original document, download the document as a PDF file, or choose to delete the document (based on permissions). 

Document Download

Document download is available for individual documents using the Actions menu (represented by this icon: ) on the list item. The user may download either the original document in its native format, or the PDF version. The Download (as PDF) option is only available if the PDF has been generated.

Bulk Download Documents 

Multiple documents can be downloaded simultaneously from the document list screen. The Download n Selected button will only be available if the user has rights to view these documents. Click this link to view internal role descriptions. If a document is marked ‘Confidential’, certain roles are required to download or view those documents, described here.

To download multiple available documents :

  • Click the checkbox associated with the documents you would like to download.

  • Click the Download n Selected button (where n is the number of documents selected).

The download is initiated and saved based on the user's browser settings.

Documents downloaded using the bulk document download feature are kept in their original format and packaged in a .zip file.

Bulk Finalize Documents

Multiple documents can be finalized simultaneously from the document list screen. Documents marked ‘Confidential’ will not be available to bulk finalize with other documents. To finalize multiple documents:

  • Click the checkbox associated with the draft documents you would like to finalize.

  • Click the Finalize n Selected button (where n is the number of documents selected).

The documents are transitioned from Draft to Final status.

Finalizing a Confidential Document

Finalizing a confidential document must be done by an internal user by opening the document and clicking Finalize. Documents attached by an external user during the submission of a form will already be set to ‘Final’.

Bulk Document Security Classification Change to Public

Multiple documents can be set to a 'Public' security classification from the list screen. Documents marked ‘Confidential’ will not be available to bulk change security classification with other documents. Please see Document Security Classification for information about security classifications and how to change them. To set multiple documents to the public security classification:

  • Click the checkbox associated with the documents you would like to update.

  • Click the Make n Public button (where n is the number of documents selected).

The documents are transitioned to Public status.