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Documents in this category:

  • Submission Certification and CROMERR Overview: This document provides an overview of the submission certification process in the nFORM system, including the different levels of certification authority that can be required, as well as the use of an electronic signature device to certify electronic documents.

  • Electronic Signature Agreement: This document provides information on how to create and use an electronic signature agreement (ESA) in the nFORM system. ESA forms are used to establish proof of identity and intent on the part of the submitting user.

  • Hard Copy Signature Design: This document provides information on how to create and use a hard copy signature form in the nFORM system. Hard copy signature forms are used to collect wet ink signatures from submitters.

  • Form Signature Requirements: This document provides information on how to set the signature requirements for a form in the nFORM system. The signature requirements can be set to require either an electronic signature or a hard copy signature.