Configuring violations in nCORE is a multi-step process involving entries in three lookup lists: Violation Categories, Violation Types, and Violation Types to Categories.
Violation Categories
Violation Types
Violation Types to Categories
The Violation Types to Categories lookup maps each Violation Type to a Violation Category. This is also where the nSPECT integration tag for the violation is established.
The columns of this lookup table consist of: Violation Category, Violation Type, nSpect Tag, and Status.
Violation Category: the values in this column directly correspond to values in the Violation Categories lookup.
Violation Type: the values in this column directly correspond to values in the Violation Types lookup.
nSpect Tag: the value in this column is the tag configured in nSpect inspection forms to enable auto-creation of a violation on import. This value is populated into the "Reference/Citation" field on individual questions of inspection forms. This tag is created in this lookup table.