This page provides a list of available documents for nFORM.
Please note that all documents posted here represent the documentation for the most currently release version of nFORM.
Release Notes
Formal Release Notes are available for each release of the system. Below are links to the release notes for the latest versions of nFORM
Client User Documentation
The nFORM Product provides a number of user focused documents for Windsor's clients. These include documents such as (each document will be available from the associated hyperlink):
- Form Design Guide - A guide to support the design and configuration of forms in nFORM.
- Advanced Form Design Guide - An advanced form design guide for designing forms in nFORM.
- Security Matrix - This matrix provides a summary of the security roles available in the system and their associated capabilities.
- Security Roles Overview - This document provides a high-level description of each security role.
- Submission Processing Guide - This document provides details on how to process form submissions and facilitate changes with the applicant.
- User Guides - User Guides (for Public and Agency Users) on system capabilities. These documents can be found here. Note: Many clients have their own branded version, but there is also a generic version available (i.e., Default).
- nFORM Standalone:
- Integrated with nVIRO:
Client Technical/Administrator Reference Documentation
The nFORM Product provides a number of technical reference and administrator documents which our clients might find useful/helpful. These include documents such as (each document will be available from the associated hyperlink):
- Control Attribute Reference Guide - A reference document used to provide a list of all attributes available for each control type, in support of data integration, document generation and data integration with the payment voucher.
- Data Dictionary - A dictionary of data elements in the database.
- Data Model Diagrams - Data model diagrams to accompany the Data Dictionary.
- Data Model Diagrams - A raw document with a number of different data model diagrams included representing different sub areas of the system.
- Full Data Model Diagram - A full image of the data model diagram.
- Deployment Verification Checklist - This checklist is intended to provide a 30 minute click through of the nFORM application to ensure it has been deployed properly in an environment, that core processes and integration points are active and functioning, and that users can exercise the basic workflows.
- Document Generation Design Guide - A guide supporting the creation and refinement of the Document Templates that can be generated by the system.
- Electronic Signature Agreement Design Guide - A guide supporting the creation and refinement of the Electronic Signature Agreement documents that can be generated by the system and presented to the user for signature and return to the agency. For nFORM Standalone only.
- NEW: Email Base Template Attributes - A spreadsheet detailing all the default properties, subject, content and presentation for all the emails, when using the base templates.
- Email Template Guide - A guide supporting the configuration of email templates that support the automated shipment of emails from the system.
- Hard Copy Signature Design Guide - A guide supporting the creation and refinement of the Hard Copy Signature documents that can be generated by the system and presented to the user for signature and return to the agency.
- IT Administration Guide - A guide describing how to administer the system. Included are topics such as architecture, implementation, configuration, administration features, accessibility, data integration, nTEGRATE and FAQs.
- Payment Voucher Design Guide - A guide supporting the creation and refinement of the Payment Voucher Templates that will be presented with payment requests from the system.
- Submission Certification Overview and CROMERR - This document provides a description of the form certification and submission processes. This document also summarizes the CROMERR features.
- System Requirements - This document inventories the minimum system requirements for installing a running nFORM.
- Technical Architecture - This document provides an overview of nFORM's technical architecture.
- VPAT - This document provides the 508 VPAT for ADA compliance received from Criterion (for version 4.3).