nSPECT provide the ability to conduct inspection in the field while online or offline using nSPECT Mobile app for Apple iOS and Android.
Download Link
To download nSPECT for iOS devices

To download for Android devices

Connection Settings
Once the app is downloaded, it will direct the user to the 'Connection Settings' page. The user will enter the nSPECT server address for the environment they will be using.
Once the server address is entered, Click Save

If the server address does not exist, the user will not be able to proceed. Clicking Save will validate the server.
Logging In
Once the connection setting is validated, the user will be asked to sign in.

Once the user signs in, the app will begin to automatically synchronize.

Main Page Navigation
On the top of the main page there are 3 options: 'My Queue', 'Unassigned', and 'Search'
My Queue: Inspections assigned to the logged in user.
Unassigned: A list of inspections that are not assigned to a user.
Search: Look up exisiting inspections.

Under 'My Queue', each inspection will show the Site Name, Inspection Date, Inspection Type, Site Address, Status, and Score. 
Score: The Score will appear on select inspections 
Status types: Complete, Not Started, In Progress, Reviewing, and Sync Conflict
Not Started:
In Progress: 
Sync Conflict:
-A Sync Confilict will occur if there are two versions of the inspection with conficting data.
On the bottom of the main page there is a bar with 3 sections: 'Inspection', 'User', and 'Sync'.

Inspection: Shows the list of open inspections 
User Icon: Pulls up the user's login, first name, last name, and the option to sign out. 

Diagnostics Icon:
If the user spots an issue, they can click the 'i' in the top right corner. This icon will pull up a diagnosis page where they can diagnose an issue. The issue will get sent to Windsor developer and will be logged.

Sync Icon: An indication of the last time the data was synced to the server. 
When the user clicks this icon, a popup will appear that allows the user to manually sync the data, or set it to auto sync.
Auto Sync: When set, everytime the user goes in and out of an inspection all data will sync by default.
Manual Sync: Every time you go back to the home page you will have to sync the data manually.
Assigning an Inspection to the Logged in User
On the main page, navigate to the unassigned tab.
Select the inspection you wish to assign.

On the top right corner, click 'Assign to Me'. This should now move the inspection under the users 'My Queue' Tab.
Adding an Inspection