Security Roles Overview

Security Roles

Role Descriptions

Global Staff Roles

  • Administrator: Provides the ability to perform all system functions.

  • User Account Administrator: Provides the ability to: change account status, unlock/reset passwords, resend confirmation emails, and reset security questions.

  • Common Template Designer: Provides the ability to manage and design the master Common Template.

  • Payment Account Administrator: Provides the ability to administer 3rd party payment processor settings.

Organization Specific Roles

  • Internal Users:

    • Confidential Attachment Viewer: Provides the ability to view confidential attachments for submissions assigned to the organization.

    • Form Designer: Provides the ability to design and manage form content for an organization.

    • Form Publisher: Provides the ability to publish refined form(s) for an organization.

    • Internal Form Viewer: Provides the ability to view and navigate to forms that are considered internal-only.

    • Internal Organization Viewer: Provides the ability to view and navigate to organizations that are considered internal-only.

    • Organization Manager: Provides the ability to manage submissions for an organization, manage user security for assigned organization and manage organization content.

    • Organization Publisher: Provides the ability to publish refined organization content.

    • Payment Processor: Provides the ability to adjust Payment information submissions for an organization.

    • Payment Report Viewer: Provides the ability to view Payment Processing report for an organization.

    • Submission Processor: Provides the ability to perform submission processing functions for submissions assigned to the organization.

    • Submission Viewer: Provide the ability to view and search for all submissions and use internal processing features in a read-only state.

  • External Roles:

  • Electronic Signatory: Provides the ability to submit forms that require an electronic signature.

  • Verified User: Provides the ability to submit forms that require verified user level authentication. Note a user which is assigned the Electronic Signatory role is assumed to be a Verified User.

  • Authorized Submitter: Provides the ability to submit forms that require explicit permission to submit (e.g., Authorized Submitter level authorization).

All Users (assigned by default)

Self-Registered User: Provides the ability to sign into system, manage the account information for the user, submit forms that only require Self-Registered User level authorization and view a history of all submissions assigned to the user. Note: all users are assigned this base role by default following registration.

Anonymous Users

Anonymous User: Provides the ability to view all information that is anonymously available in the system such as organization summary content, forms summary content, form finder, public help content. Note: this role is assigned when a user is not signed into the system.

Submission Roles

The following roles are assigned to users within a specific submission by other submission users (via Submission Sharing or Signing Invitation features).

  • Viewer: Provides the ability to view a submission. User is assigned this role via security pre-population service.

  • Editor: Provides the ability to edit and submit a form. User is assigned this role via submission sharing invitation or security pre-population service.

  • Contributor: Provides the ability to edit a submission, when in a draft status. No ability to submit a form or edit a submission while not in a draft status. User is assigned this role via submission sharing invitation or security pre-population service.

  • Signer: Provides the ability to sign and submit a form. No ability to edit a form. User is assigned this role via submission signing invitation or security pre-population service.


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