Working with Environmental Projects (Pre-2022.3 release archive)

Working with Environmental Projects (Pre-2022.3 release archive)

Searching Projects

Searching Projects from the Home Menu

Environmental projects can be searched globally (i.e., across all sites) by searching from the Home menu, as follows:

  1. Click the Home button on the navigation menu to open the Home menu.

  2. Click Environmental Projects on the Home menu. The Environmental Projects list page opens, displaying a list of projects that match the current search criteria. Depending on the specified search criteria, this list might include projects from many different sites.

  3. Use the drop-down search panel to select projects by various criteria, such as Project Activity Number, Site Name, and Program Area. Click the Search button to perform the search.

  4. Project activities matching the search criteria are listed. The search results list can be filtered using the filter boxes that appear at the top of each column.

  5. Click the Open button to Viewing and Editing Project Activity Details  for a project activity.

Searching Projects from the Site Menu

To search for an environmental project associated with a specific site, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Site button on the navigation menu to open the Site Details page for the site.

  2. Click Environmental Projects on the Site menu. The Environmental Projects list page opens, displaying a list of projects associated with the current site.

  3. If necessary, use the filter boxes at the top of the columns to filter the project activities list based on specified criteria.

  4. Click the Open button to Viewing and Editing Project Activity Details for a project activity.

Creating a Project

A new project can be created as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Site > Environmental Projects page, as described above, and click the Add Project Activity button. (Note that new projects can only be added from Site > Environmental Projects, not from Home > Environmental Projects.)

  2. The Master Project for New Project Activity dialog box appears. Click the Select Master Project drop-down control and either select an existing master project, or click Create New Master Project to create a new master project. Click the Create Project Activity button.

    1. The user must have the Project - Administrator role assigned to one of their Security Groups in order to have access to the Create Project Activity button

    2. The user must have the Master Project - Administrator role assigned to one of their Security Groups in order to have access to the Create New Master Project selection option.

  3. If Create New Master Project is selected, the user needs to enter basic information about the master project, such as master project number, master project name, and, when applicable, event start date and event description.

  4. On the Project Activity Information page, enter the relevant information about the project activity, as described on the Viewing and Editing Project Activity Details page. Click Save when finished.