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Workflow Templates define the tasks that make up a business process.
Workflow Templates are categorized by Functional Area. For example, ta a "Conduct Inspection" workflow template can be defined for evaluations, and a "Process Submission" workflow can be defined for an Application/Service Request. Workflows are supported on Submissions, Evaluations, and Compliance Actions.
Workflow Templates can be added by default to various items when they are first created.
- Submissions - Default workflows are configured in the Form Settings for a given form
- Evaluations - Default workflows are configured on the Evaluation Type lookup edit screenpage
- Compliance Actions - Default workflows are not supported. They must be manually added to a compliance action at the time it is created
Searching Workflow Templates
To manage workflow templates, navigate to Admin > Workflow Templates. The Workflow Template List screen will is displayed. To aid in searching for a specific workflow template, use the column sort buttons, or type a value in the filter text box at the top of each column in the list. When entering a filter value, the list is dynamically filtered to display all list items that match the entered value:
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Deleting a Workflow Template
If the workflow template has never been used, a delete button will appear on the Workflow Templates List screen list page next to the workflow template list item. Once a workflow template has been used it cannot be deleted, but it can be set inactive.
Adding or Editing a Workflow Template
From the Workflow Template List list page, either click the Add New Workflow Template button or Open an existing workflow template.
Alternatively, the Copy button can be clicked to create a clone of an existing workflow template.
The following fields can be configured on the New Workflow Template (or Edit Workflow Template) page:
Field | Description |
Workflow Template Name | The name of the workflow template. |
Functional Area | The functional area to which the workflow template relates. |
Program Area(s) | The program area(s) to which the workflow template relates. In If no program area is assigned, then the workflow template is available for use on any item, regardless of it's its program area. |
Link Workflow To Drop Down BoxOnly To | This field only applies to Application/Request and Schedule functional areas. Indicates that a workflow should create or modify , and it designates what effect, if any, the workflow will have in creating or modifying a permit. Options include:
Permit Category to Create | Only applies to Application/Request and Schedule functional areas. Indicates the type of Permit permit to create if the workflow creates a new permit. |
Default General Permit | Only applies when the "Permit Category to Create" is set to a permit category with a Coverage Type of "Coverage under Master General Permit". When this workflow is added to a submission, the General Permit general permit set here will be selected automatically. Note: General Permits will become ineligible for selection over time if they become inactive (superseded, terminated, etc.). When this happens, an alert message will appear appears below this field indicating that a new General Permit general permit needs to be selected. |
On Application/Request Import, Automatically Assign Workflow to Sites | Options include Unassigned, Statewide, or By County). Only applies to the Application/Request and Schedule functional areasarea. Indicates that the workflow template should only be created if the workflow is attached to a submission whose site is physically located in one of the specified counties. |
Workflow Template Tasks
Each workflow template must contain at least one task. To add a task to a workflow template, click the Add Task button.
Tasks can be reordered via drag-and-drop or by changing the Order sequence.
The following fields are available on the Template Edit Task edit screenpage:
Field | Description |
Task Name | The name of the task. |
Due Date Trigger Event | Can be used to automatically set a due date on a task based on some other date, such as the completed date of another task. If a trigger event is selected, the Due Date Days from Trigger Event (Calendar Days) field displays, in which the user can specify the appropriate number of days. |
Allow user to override calculated due date Checkbox | Indicates that user can update the task due date even though it is calculated by the system. Once overridden by a user, the system will no longer update the due date based on the trigger condition. This field was labeled "Lock Due Date" Prior to nVIRO version 2021.01 |
Don't Create Task By Default Checkbox | Indicates that the task can optionally be added by a user at a later time if the task is needed but that the task will not appear in the generated workflow by default. |
Task must be closed before associated Workflow can be closed (e.g. Required Task) Checkbox | Indicates Indicates that the task must be explicitly set to Completed or Withdrawn before a workflow can be closed. A required task will have an orange circle next to the task name indicating it is required. |
Allow user to Override Notification Checkbox | If this box is checked, the user will see a checkbox on the Edit Task screen page, allowing them to suppress the task status update notification that is sent to an item's owner when a task status is changed. |
Assign Task to Item Owner/Processor by Default | Indicates that Configures the task is typically performed by the user that is assigned to process the overall item |
Default Workgroup | Indicates the workgroup that will be assigned to the task by default |
Default User | Indicates to be automatically assigned to the Owner/Processor of the parent item (e.g., application, schedule, evaluation, etc.). |
Default Workgroup | Used to select the workgroup from which the default assigned user will be selected. To assign a default user, a workgroup must first be selected using this field. Then the selected workgroup's members will be displayed in the Default User field and the desired assigned user can be selected there. |
Default User | Used to select the user that will be assigned to the task by default. A workgroup must first be selected in the Default Workgroup field. |
Workflow Component Rules
Component Rules will prevent a user from adding a workflow until a given program component has been added to a submission.
Workflow Component Rules are only available for Application/Request or Complaint/Incident Functional Area functional area workflow templates.
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