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Component types connect an nFORM form to a functional area record, allowing for configurable data entry forms to be added to nVIRO. For more information, see the Related Content links available on this page.

Managing Component Types

To manage evaluation types, navigate to Admin > Lookups > Component Types. The Component Types List page displays all available component types.

Adding or Editing a Component Type

From the Component Types List page, either click the Add New Component Type button or click Open to open an existing component type.

Component Type Edit screen

  • Edit the fields as necessary to define the component type.
  • Click Save to save the new/updated record.

Each field available on the Edit Component Type page is described below:

Component Type CodeRequired. Internal identifier for the component type.
Component Type NameRequired. Text display for the component type.
Functional AreaRequired. Indicates the functional area to which the component type relates. 
Program AreaIndicates whether the component form is available only for a specific program area. Leave blank to make available regardless of the record's applicable program area.
Summary Description FormulaA formula used to compose a summary description of data provided on the component form. If configured, the summary description text will appear on a functional area record's Program Component List screen.
Allow this Component to be Added Multiple Times to Target Entity checkbox

If checked, the same component form can be added two or more times to the same record. For example, this option would be used if a component is created for data that changes from year to year.

If unchecked, the component form can only be added once to a functional area record.

Permissions and Security


If specified, indicates that only members of the specified Workgroups can edit the component form data.

Permit Program Component Editability Type

This field is only displayed if the Permit functional area is selected.

Allows for determining which user(s) should have rights to edit the program component data after a permit is issued.

Options include:

  • Editable by system administrators after the permit is issued. (default)
  • Editable by the compliance manager and supervisors after permit is issued.
Side Panel
Active / Inactive toggleActivates or inactivates the component type for future use. 
FormIndicates the form that is linked to this component type. This is configured on the Form Details administration screen.
Edit HistoryIndicates when, and by whom, the component type was created and last updated.

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