Agencies may solicit the services of vendors to complete work on project activities. As work is awarded to vendors, the agency issues one or more purchase orders to authorize the work. As work is performed, vendors may submit invoices for payment which are tracked as payables. When payments are made, they are tracked against the payable.
Working with Purchase Orders
Purchase are displayed on the the Purchase Order tab of the related Environmental Project. From this tab, users may add new purchase orders and payables to the project.
The following table lists the fields displayed on the Purchase Order tab:
Add Purchase Order
Opens a new page to create a new purchase order.
Add Payable
Opens a new page to create a new payable. A purchase order to which the payable will be associated must already exist.
Project Activity P.O. Total
Displays the total amount of all purchase orders for the project.
Payable Total
Displays the total amount of all payables for the project.
Outstanding Payables
Displays the payables that have not been satisfied (paid).
Purchase Order List
List Items:
The purchase order list contains all purchase orders and payables for the project. Payables are nested under the purchase order record and may be viewed by expanding/collapsing the parent purchase order record by clicking the the expand or collapse icon.
The designated number given for the purchase order or payable.
Description for the purchase order or payable.
Payee Name
The payee designated on the purchase order.
The date of the purchase order, or the receipt date of the payable.
The amount of the purchase order, or the amount of the payable invoice.
The unpaid amount remaining on the purchase order, or the unpaid amount on the payable.
Opens the detail of the corresponding purchase order or the payable.
Trash (icon)
Deletes the corresponding payable or purchase order. Note that purchase orders with payables, or paid payables may not be deleted.
Adding a Purchase Order
To add a new purchase order to a project
Click the Add Purchase Order button
Enter required fields
Purchase Order Number
Purchase Order Date
Purchase Order Amount
Click the Save button
Adding a Payable
To add a new purchase order to a project
Click the Add Payable button
Enter / select required fields
Purchase Order - the payable must be associated with an existing purchase order
Payable Receipt date
Payable Invoice Date
Payable Number
Click the Save button
The payable screen is displayed. From this screen payable items (invoices) and payments may be recorded against the payable.
Use of Macros
Code Block
Use the "Code Block" macro when including sample of code in the help documentation.
<<foreach [ permit in permits.OrderBy(e => e.permitNum)]>><</foreach>>
Use tables to organize lists and columns of data.
Permit ID
Use this tag on a form control when integrating with nCORE
Site Name
Use this tag on a form control when integrating with nCORE
Info Macro
Use the "Info" macro for important or additional pieces of information that should be called out in the help page.