Searching Financials

Financials may be searched from the Global Search or, when viewing a site, from the Site Navigation Menu.

Search Financials from the Global Search

To search for Financials using the Global Search:

The Financials search page is displayed, allowing the user to search for submissions by site name, source, amount due, date range, etc. (See Navigation, Searching, and User Profile)

Searching Financials from the Site Menu

To search financials for a current site:

  • Click the Site tab on the left-hand navigation pane and click the Financials navigation menu item. The financials (i.e., receivables) associated with the currently selected site are displayed.

Financials associated with a penalty/fine linked to a compliance/action will display the dates the amount is due under the Due Date column.

Splitting a Payment across Multiple Financial Records

This option may not be available depending on your permissions and the configuration of your specific environment.

If a single payment needs to be split across multiple charge records, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the main Financials Search screen.

  2. Use the search bar to search for the financial records that need to be paid.

  3. Check the boxes next to the items that the payment is for.

  4. Record the payment information in the Financial Queue area on the right and click Save.

Note that payments are applied to items in the order in which they are selected from the search result list.

Maintaining Financials

Financial records are created through a variety of processes, such as form submissions, ad-hoc fee creation on a submission, periodic invoicing, or the issuance of a penalty.

Various adjustments may be made to the financial records. Authorized users may access these capabilities from the financial details - see Viewing and Editing Financial Details

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Viewing and Editing Financial Details