The centerpiece of nVIRO is the Site, Person, or Company record. All other information is tied to this main record.
A site, person, or company are all permutations of the same type of master record within nVIRO. When this master record is created, it contains a setting to indicate whether the record is one of these three types of entities. In some areas of nVIRO, it is referred to simply as a site.
Sites, persons, and companies can be related to each other. For example, one company can have three sites and each site can have multiple permits, evaluations, compliance actions, etc. Shared attributes are available on each functional area record, although not all shared attributes are available on all functional areas.
Site Status
Site statuses are divided into three categories: Pending, Active or Inactive.
Pending - A site is pending when it is first created. Sites have a status of pending when created by an external user starting an application. The site remains in this status until the first submission of the site is assigned to a processor via the Inbox or auto-assignment.
Active - The Site is active. Sites become active once the first submission for the site has been assigned to a processor via the Inbox or auto-assignment. Once a site is Active in the system, it remains in that status as long as the site remains a separate entity in the system.
Inactive - The site is no longer active. Sites become Inactive in the system only when a site is merged into another site.
In cases in which an Inactive site needs to be changed back to Active, this change can only be performed directly in the database; there is no way to accomplish this via the user interface. A processor will need to contact their Administrator to request this update.
The Active or Inactive status of a site has no effect on the site’s permits, compliance actions, inspections, violations, etc. It is simply used as an indicator. Internal users can continue to perform evaluations and other functions on an Inactive site.