Enforcement Action Identifiers
Informal enforcement actions in ICIS-NPDES are uniquely identified by a Enforcement Action Identifier (EAID). The EAID is set set automatically for new evaluations in nVIRO and is stored in the nVIRO database. This ensures that Enforcement Identifiers never change for a given enforcement action and allows for running nVISAGE reports based for a given identifier.
Enforcement Action Types
Each enforcement action must be prescribed an enforcement action type code. The table below shows the available enforcement action types for informal actions. . Enforcement action types are mapped in the nVIRO Compliance Action Type lookup screen.
Note that Informal actions are defined where the Activity Type Code is AIF in ICIS-NPDES and formal actions are defined for the AFR and JDC Activity Type Codes.
Informal Action Types
AERS | Agency Enforcement Review | AIF | State NPDES only |
CCA | Compliance Agreement | AIF | State NPDES only |
CSFOS | Citizen Suit Final Order | AIF | State NPDES only |
CSNOTS | Citizen Suit Notice | AIF | State NPDES only |
ENFMTGS | Enforcement Meeting | AIF | State NPDES only |
IRLS | Information Request Letter | AIF | State NPDES only |
LOVWL | Letter of Violation/ Warning Letter | AIF | EPA and State NPDES |
LRES | Letter to Regulated Entity | AIF | State NPDES only |
NFAS | No Further Action | AIF | State NPDES only |
NONC | Notice of Noncompliance Issued | AIF | EPA and State NPDES |
NOV | Notice of Violation | AIF | All |
ONVS | Oral Notification of Violation | AIF | State NPDES only |
PHEMLS | Phone Call/ EMAIL | AIF | State NPDES only |
SCLS | Show Cause Letter | AIF | State NPDES only |
UNDREVS | Under Review | AIF | State NPDES only |
Formal Action Types
ACC | Access Order | JDC | EPA and State NPDES |
BNK | Bankruptcy | JDC | EPA and State NPDES |
CIV | Civil Judicial Action | JDC | All |
COL | Collection Action | JDC | EPA and State NPDES |
EOGOV | Emergency Order - Governor | AFR | State NPDES only |
OSUSREV | Order of Suspension or Revocation | AFR | EPA and State NPDES |
PRN | Pre-Referral Negotiation | JDC | EPA and State NPDES |
SCRMACT | State Criminal Action | JDC | State NPDES only |
SCWAAO | State CWA Non Penalty AO | AFR | State NPDES only |
SCWAAPO | State CWA Penalty AO | AFR | State NPDES only |
STAOCO | State Administrative Order of Consent | AFR | State NPDES only |