Versions Compared


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About Forms

Forms are documents available to the public and internal users for submission. The form type distinguishes the purpose of the form. Form types include applications, service requests, permit change forms (modifications, renewals, transfers and, terminations), complaints, and schedules. Form submissions are the primary means of initiating a work activity in nVIRO. Forms are designed and managed by internal users with specific administrative rights.

Searching Forms

To manage forms, navigate to Admin > Forms. The Forms List screen will display. From this screens, the following data fields are available:

  • Form Name / Short Form Name

  • Form Type

  • Program Area

  • Status

    • Up to two statuses will display; if there exists a draft version (always the most recent), a Draft label will display. If there is a version behind the Draft, the status of that version will also display (Published or Inactive). In addition, the validation status of each of the two versions is displayed.

Users can filter and sort the forms list by most of these values.

Creating a New Form

To create a new form:

  • Navigate to the Forms list screen from the Administration menu

  • Click the Add New Form button. This will open window prompting the user to specify criteria for the form they wish to create.

  • Select the option in the Create Form From drop-down from where where the new form will be created from. The options are:

    • New Blank Form - Creates a new, blank form.

    • Import from File - Navigates to the nFORM Forms List screen where an Import Form button is displayed.

    • Copy an Existing Form - Creates a clone of an existing form.

  • Select the New Form Use Type. The options are::

    • Standard Form - Creates a new form that is not a component form type.

    • Component Form - Only creates a component form. Component forms are customizable data entry screens that can be added to an item within nVIRO.

  • If Copy an Existing Form was selected, the user will be prompted to select a source form to copy from.

    • The list of source forms available will be filtered based on the Form Use Type selected.

      • If Standard Form is selected, forms that are not components will be available for selection.

      • If Component Form is selected, only component forms will be available for selection.

  • Click the Create Form button. Selecting this button will generate the new form.

    • The user will be directed to the nCORE Form Details page for the newly created form.

    • A second browser tab should also open and direct the user to the nFORM Design Wizard for the same, newly created form.

  • At this point the user may design the form in nFORM.

  • Once the form has been designed and saved, the Form details should be edited to activate the form (see below).

Exporting and Importing a Form

A new form can also be created by exporting the form from one environment (e.g., UAT or Test) and importing it into another (e.g., Production). The export/import process differs depending on the version of nVIRO in use:

nVIRO Version 2021.2 and Later:

  • In the source environment, navigate to the Form Details page (Admin > Forms) and click the Design button for the form in question to open the Form Designer page.

  • At the bottom of the page, click the Export button to download the form to your computer as a .export file.

  • In the target environment, navigate to the Form Details page (Admin > Forms) and click the Add New Form button.

  • In the Add a New Form dialog box, click the Create Form From drop-down control and select Import from File:

  • Click the Click Here link to navigate to the Forms Manager page.

  • Click Import Form in the upper right of the Forms Manager page.

  • In the Import New Form dialog box, click the Choose File button, browse to the .export file on your computer, and select your organization under “Select the organization the new form will be associated with”.

  • Click the Import button.

  • A new form is created and given an initial tag consisting of a randomly generated number (e.g., 3423423662). Be sure to change the form tag to a meaningful value, consistent with how other forms are tagged. (This doesn't have any effect on functionality but is important for organization and being able to identify forms by their tag names. For example, the tag AIR_NEW_TITLEV_APP is more useful than a tag of 23485430457.) Important: The tag must be unique, i.e., it must be different from any other form tags in use.

  • Text is automatically appended to the form name to indicate it was imported; edit the form name to remove this text. At this point, the form can be edited and published just like any other form.

  • It will take a few minutes for the form to appear on the Forms list page in nVIRO; you might need to navigate elsewhere in the application first, or log out and log back in.

  • nVIRO Version 2021.1 and Earlier:

  • In the source environment, navigate to the Form Details page (Admin > Forms) and click the Design button for the form in question to open the Form Designer page.

  • At the bottom of the page, click the Export button to download the form to your computer as a .export file.

  • In the target environment, navigate to the following URL by entering it directly in the browser's address bar: https://baseURL/nform/FormItem, where baseURL is the URL of the nVIRO implementation. This is different for every implementation and determining the correct base URL might require contacting an administrator or Windsor support.

    • For example, if the URL of your nVIRO installation is, you would enter the following URL:

    • This opens the Forms Manager page.

  • Click Import Form in the upper right of the Forms Manager page.

  • Click the Browse button and navigate to and select the .export file you saved earlier.

  • A new form is created and given an initial tag consisting of a randomly generated number (e.g., 3423423662). Be sure to change the form tag to a meaningful value, consistent with how other forms are tagged. (This doesn't have any effect on functionality but is important for organization and being able to identify forms by their tag names. For example, the tag AIR_NEW_TITLEV_APP is more useful than a tag of 23485430457.) Important: The tag must be unique, i.e., it must be different from any other form tags in use.

  • Text is automatically appended to the form name to indicate it was imported; edit the form name to remove this text. At this point, the form can be edited and published just like any other form.

  • It will take a few minutes for the form to appear on the Forms list page in nVIRO; you might need to navigate elsewhere in the application first, or log out and log back in.

Editing Form Details

From the Form List page click the Open button to view the form details.

Depending on the form type, up to five tabs may be displayed:

  • Details Tab - Basic settings for the form behavior and usage

  • Dates and Deadlines Tab - Sets various date and deadline options for the form

  • Default Workflows Tab - Settings for one or more workflow to add to a new submission by default

  • Workgroup Routing Tab - Settings for which workgroup(s) should be assigned to the new submission

  • Form Sets Tab - Indicates whether the form is part of a Form Set or is used by a Schedule Type

  • Tags Tab - Lists the nFORM form sections and controls that make up the form

Details Tab

The following elements are displayed on the Details tab:



Short Form Name

This field may be used to specify an abbreviated name that will be used for display in internal list screens (e.g., My Tasks, Submissions Lists). This saves screen space and minimizes text wrapping when very long names have been used in the nFORM form configuration. If this field is left blank, the nFORM name is displayed in the list screens.

Form Type

Each form must be assigned a Form Type. The default is "Unspecified" when a form is first created. The following types are available:

  • Application - The most common type of form. Allows users to fill out and submit a form online.

  • Service Request - Almost identical to an Application, but the name "Service Request" conveys to users that it is not associated with a permitting activity.

  • Permit Change - A type of form that can only be filled out in the context of an existing permit. Permit change forms can be configured to prepopulate permit information into a form submission, such as permit number, dates, and permit category and type. 

  • Schedule - A form that is used exclusively in the context of an existing permit, compliance action, or triggered by another submission. Schedule forms cannot be discovered and submitted on their own. They must be made available or triggered by another item such as a permit or compliance action. See the Managing Form Sets topic for more information.

  • Complaint - Similar to Application or Service Request.

  • Program Component - A customizable data entry screen. Component forms must be further configured under Admin > Lookups > Component Types.

Program Component Type

Only visible when Form Type is set to Program Component. Allows for linking a form to a Component Type.

Program Area

The program area that applies to the form.

Form External Security Level

Indicates whether external users can view or use the form. Internal forms are typically used for rapid data entry of only key information off a received paper application.

Fee Category / SKU Number / HotKey

Used for integration with financial systems. If a form has a fee associated with it, a Fee Category must be assigned before the form can be made available for use.

Draft Submission Retention Days Before Deleting (Blank to Never Delete)

Submissions that have been abandoned will be deleted after the specified number of calendar days. There are currently no notifications associated with this function.

Import Settings and Defaults

Assignment Type

Indicates whether new submissions should land in the inbox ("Manual," via the Submissions - Inbox page) or bypass the inbox and be automatically assigned to a workgroup/processor ("Auto Import").

Processor Must be Selected Before Import Checkbox

Only applies when Import Type is Manual. When this box is checked, a specific processor must be selected before the "Assign" button becomes available in the inbox. This setting controls whether the form is managed using "push" or "pull" processing. Push processing means that the person that monitors the inbox decides which specific processor should be assigned to a submission. Pull processing puts the submission in the "My Tasks" list at the Workgroup Level. Workgroup users would be trained to monitor the My Tasks lists for any submissions that are unassigned within their workgroup and assign them to themselves when they are ready.

Entity Category to Create

Specifies the category of the entity (Site, Person, or Organization) that will be created when the form is submitted (if SITE tags are specified in the form).

Default Program Components

Provides the ability to specify one or more program components that are automatically created when the form is submitted.

Submission Reference Number Prefix

Allows configuration of a specific prefix for system-generated submission numbers. Note that this is separate from the nFORM reference number.

Submission PDF and Attachments Security Classification

Determines the document security class setting for the submission form pdf and any attached files when the form is submitted. 

Summary Description Formula

A formula used to compose a summary description of data provided on the related form submission. If configured, the summary description text will appear on various screens, including My Tasks, Submissions - All, Submission Details. See this page for details.

Other Settings

'Priority' Field Options

Defines the behavior of 'Priority' assignment fields for submissions associated with the form:

  • Hidden - Priority fields are hidden and will not display for the form.

  • Optional - Priority fields are displayed but are not required. 

  • Required - Priority fields are displayed and entry is required to set the submission to completed status.

'Processing Hours Spent' Field Options

Defines the behavior of the 'Processing Hours Spent' fields for submissions associated with the form:

  • Hidden - Processing Hours Spent fields are hidden and will not display for the form.

  • Optional - Processing Hours Spent fields are displayed but are not required. 

  • Required - Processing Hours Spent fields are displayed and entry is required to set the submission to completed status.

Processor Instructions

This field may be used to add instructions for the processor of the submission. It will display as a read-only field on the Submission Details page.

Dates and Deadlines Tab

The Dates and Deadlines tab is hidden for Component and Schedule form types.

The following elements are displayed on the Dates and Deadlines tab:

Administrative Completeness Settings

'Application Review Complete Date' Field Options

Indicates whether the Application Review Complete Date field should be hidden, displayed/optional, or displayed/required.

Required indicates that the field must be entered before the Submission status can be updated to "Closed".

Allow Application Review Complete Date to be greater than Admin Complete Date

If unchecked, the user will be prevented from entering an Application Review Complete Date greater than the Admin Complete Date.

'Administratively Complete Date' Field Options

Indicates whether the Administratively Complete Date field should be hidden, displayed/optional, or displayed/required.
Required indicates that the field must be entered before the submission status can be updated to "Closed."

Days from receipt to determine Administrative Completeness

Creates a deadline for determination of administrative completeness. This setting can trigger notifications as the date approaches. The calculation uses calendar days.

Automatically set Administratively Complete Date when date occurs

Indicates that, when the administratively complete due date comes to pass, the system will automatically set the admin complete date. This is performed as part of a nightly batch process.

Holds and Extensions

Allow holds after Administratively Complete Date 

If unchecked, users will be prevented from adding holds that begin or end after the administratively complete date.

Hold duration affects Processing Deadline Date 

Indicates that hold days should push out the processing deadline date. When an open hold is in place, the deadline date will be blank since it is indeterminate until all holds are ended.

Allow Extensions 

Indicates that the "Extensions" tab should be visible. This will extend the processing deadline date up to the maximum allowed processing days.

Actions and Deadlines

Action Types and Deadline Rules can be configured at a form level. An action type indicates the type of processing the agency will perform on submissions using the form. The primary reason to assign an action type to a form is to configure one or more processing deadlines for that form.

A single form can be configured to have one or more action types. For example, an application may have two action types—one for regular processing and one for expedited processing. When action types are configured for a form type, the processor can manually assign one of those action types to submissions of that type after they are imported into the system. This is done by selecting from the list of available action types in the Action Type field on the submission details page. Forms can also be configured in such a way that the Action Type of the form is automatically set based on data in that submission.

Once one or more Action Types/Deadlines are added to a form, only the selected action types are available for selection for a submission of the form. If no Action Types/Deadlines are added, then all action types are available for selection on a submission.

Configuration of Processing Deadlines

An application or permit change form can be configured with one or more deadlines, each of which sets a “processing clock”—a deadline for how long the agency has to complete processing of that submission. These deadlines can then be used to trigger notifications within the system, such as reminders to the agency processor that the deadline is approaching. The steps to configure deadlines are as follows:

  • On the Dates and Deadlines tab of the Form Details page, click the Add Action Type/Deadline button.

  • Select the action type in the Action Type field.

  • Select the appropriate deadline rule in the Deadline Rule field. To do this, either select one of the predefined rules or select Custom Rule.

  • If creating a custom rule, select the appropriate options in the Custom Rule Options section.

    • In the Deadline Calculation Start Date Trigger field, select which date to use as the start of the processing clock.

    • In the Number of Days to Complete Processing field, enter the number of days that the agency has to process the application, starting from the date selected above.

    • In the Day Interval Type field, indicate whether the deadline date should be calculated using business days or calendar days.

  • Click OK. The action type and deadline are added to the Actions and Deadlines table.

  • If necessary, repeat the above steps to configure additional action types and deadlines for the form. For example, you might configure a 90-day deadline for a “New” action type and a 30-day deadline for an “Expedited” action type.

To summarize, the deadline for a form (called the Processing Due Date in nVIRO) is calculated as follows:

Processing Due Date = Deadline Calculation Start Date Trigger + Number of Days to Complete Processing

The Processing Due Date is displayed on the Application Details (or Permit Change Details) page in the Processing Due Date field. This is a calculated, read-only field that will only display a value if both of the following are true:

  • An action type has been selected for the submission (either manually via the Action Type field, or automatically via nFORM configuration).

  • The trigger field (the field specified in the Deadline Calculate Start Date Trigger field) contains a value.

For example, for the form in the following screenshot, the Processing Due Date has been configured as 90 days from the Application Administratively Complete Date. Because that field has not yet been populated, the Processing Due Date field is blank. Once the Application Administratively Complete Date field is populated, the system will automatically calculate the Processing Due Date.

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Additional Deadline Settings

Maximum Processing Deadline Days

Indicates the longest possible period allowed for processing an application. Extensions will never be allowed to exceed this number. Value is either Business or Calendar days, as specified in the Day Interval Type used by the applicable Action Type/Deadline.

Deadline Type

Indicates whether the deadline is a legal deadline (defined in a law or rule) or just an internal target. This setting has no bearing on system behavior.

Default Workflows Tab

The Default Workflows tab lists the Workflow Templates that are automatically added to a submission upon receipt.

The Default Workflows tab is hidden for Component form types.

Default Workflow Assignment Based on Geographic Location

If certain workflows should only be added if the site or project is in a certain county (such as special reviews for projects in coastal areas, for example), this can be set up in the Workflow Template configuration. If a workflow is applied based on county, the Assignment Type column will indicate By County. 

Statewide or no assignment type workflow templates will always be assigned to the submission record. County-based workflows are assigned if the determined county matches the counties listed on the workflow template.

Workgroup Routing Tab

The Workgroup Routing tab is used to route received submissions to the appropriate workgroup.

This tab is hidden for Component and Schedule form types.

If processing is always performed by a specific individual in a workgroup, the Default Processor can be set.

Routing Submissions to a Workgroup Based on Geographic Location

Submissions can be routed to specific a workgroup depending on the geographic location of the site or project referenced on the form. For this to function properly, the assigned workgroups must have a county-based geographic boundary. Furthermore, nVIRO must be configured with the appropriate SQL spatial layer data for county boundaries.

A submission record is assigned by default to a workgroup based on the workgroup's inclusion in a county. A workgroup is assigned to a submission based on the county's assignment to that workgroup. The county will be determined by one of three values in the system:

  1. The system will first look to identify the latitude and longitude obtained in the site's location control of the submission record (this is the location control in a tagged SITE within a section also tagged SITE). In order for this method to work, the appropriate SQL spatial layer data for county boundaries must be accurately configured.

  2. If the system cannot determine the county based on the method above, nVIRO will designate the county value on the corresponding site's Site Details page as the determined county for the submission. 

  3. If both of the above methods have failed to determine a county for the submission, the site county provided in the submission record is set as the determined county (this is usually a short text or single select with the tag SITE_CNTY). If the submission is associated with a person or organization site entity, the county in the contact control that is the site will be used (this is a contact control tagged SITE in a section tagged SITE).

Upon submission of a form, nVIRO looks for workgroups associated with the form where the coordinating county has been configured. This workgroup will then be assigned as the default workgroup. If no workgroup associated with the correct county is available, any statewide workgroup associated with the form will be assigned. No default workgroup will be assigned if there are no county-based workgroups that match and no statewide workgroups assigned to the form. 

Note: If there is only one workgroup assigned to the form, this workgroup will always be assigned to the submission record regardless of the workgroup configuration.

Form Sets Tab

The Form Sets tab lists any Form Sets or Schedule Types that reference the current form. This is a read-only list screen. The Add Schedule Type button can be used to create a new schedule type that is based on this form.

The Form Sets tab is hidden for Component form types.

Tags Tab

The Tags tab provides a list of the form sections and controls in the form. This can be useful as a quick method for auditing the questions on a form and can also be used to verify that form fields are integrated with nVIRO correctly.

Tag Inheritance Indicators

When a form has been set up to use inheritance as the parent or child of another form using nFORM data Inheritance, the inheritance is displayed at the top of the tags table. 

Individual control-level source mapping is visible in the Form Tags list illustrated in the picture below. The highlighted icon denotes inheritance on the control.

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Lookup Mapping Validation

A green mark should appear next to the control tag value for rows where the control type is Contact. The system performs a validation of each contact control to ensure that a matching value exists in the Affiliation Types (Roles) lookup table. If a matching value exists in the affiliation types list, then a green check mark is present. If no match exists, the form will be invalid and no green check mark will be present.

Dependencies Tab

The dependencies tab lists and documents or notification templates that reference this form. This can be useful for administrators to analyze whether any pending changes to form design may have downstream impacts. Renaming or removing tags from forms will break any notification or document templates that reference a tag that no longer exists.

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