Searching Sites
Sites may be searched using one of the following options, which are initiated from the Global Search:
See Basic Search (NEW UI) for details
Displaying Site Details
Clicking the Site Name from the Basic Search or from the Extended or Advanced Search, the Open button corresponding to a site in the search results list, opens the Site Details page, and the Site Menu on the left. and also switches the menu context to the selected site; in this context, all menu items (Dashboard, Details, Permits, Evaluations, etc.) provide information related to the selected site listed.
Note: certain menu items displayed may not be applicable based on configuration.
Creating a New Site
New sites can be created by internal users or external users.
External User Site Creation
External users create a site in one of two ways:
If the external user is already associated with a site, they can create a new site by starting a new application form and selecting Create New Site.
If the external user is not associated with any sites, they can create a new site by starting a new application form and providing a new site name when prompted.
When an external user creates a site, that user automatically becomes an Administrator for the site. Administrators can edit site information, invite other users to join the site, inactivate users, and request certifier permissions for users.
Internal User Site Creation
Internal users may initiate the creation of a new site using either of the following methods:
Method 1: From the Site Search page.
Method 2: From the Site menu when viewing any site.
Adding the New Site
Fill in the details for the new site:
Select the Category for the new site: either Site, Person or Organization.
Enter required fields for the new site, person, or organization, and click Save.
The Site Details page for the new site opens, and the menu context is updated so that all items in the left-hand navigation pane correspond to the newly created site.
See Viewing and Editing Site Details for details on site-specific fields.
Modifying a Site
Perform the following steps to modify a site:
Search nVIRO for a specific site, following the steps above to search for a site or navigating to the site via an alternate site link.
After selecting the site, the user will be able to if the user has permission to modify the site, the fields on the Site Details page will be available to edit.
Edit fields as desired and click Save.
See Viewing and Editing Site Details for details on site-specific fields.