The Site Details page allows for viewing and editing details of a site, person, or organization. (Note that here, as elsewhere throughout nVIRO and its related documentation, the term "site" is used to refer to an entity that can be either a physical site, a person, or an organization.)
Navigation Tabs
The following navigation tabs are available across the top of the page:
Additional data entry fields related to the site. These components are customized for a particular agency or program, to display fields that are not included elsewhere in nVIRO.
Names, addresses, and phone numbers related to the site.
Other sites that are in some way related to the current site.
Site Details Tab
The following table lists the fields available on the Site Details tab.
Designated Name
The name of the site.
Site Type
One or more types that indicate the categories of environmental activities relevant to the site, such as Wastewater, Biosolids, or Air Title V.
Address Line 1 and 2
The physical address of the site.
The city or locality in which the site is located.
The county in which the site is located.
The state or province in which the site is located.
Postal Code
The postal code or ZIP code for the site.
The country in which the site is located.
Address Comments
Any comments related to the site's address or physical location.
Local Unit of Government (LUG)
Where applicable, the Local Unit of Government in which the site is located.
Tax Parcel Number
The number of the tax parcel in which the site is located.
Primary Ownership Type
The type of entity that owns the site–for example, private, state, municipal, or federal.
SIC Codes
A list of SIC codes pertaining to the site. Multiple codes can be listed, separated by commas. When a code is recognized by the system, its description will appear below the text box.
A list of NAICS codes pertaining to the site. Multiple codes can be listed, separated by commas. When a code is recognized by the system, its description will appear below the text box.
Other Facility Classifications
Optional, additional types or classifications applicable to the site. These additional facility classifications are customized for each nVIRO implementation and so this list might not contain any values for some agencies.
Site Managers
One or more internal users designated as a Site Manager for this site.
The Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) in which the site is located.
HUC Segment
Prevent External Access
Right Sidebar Controls
The following table lists the fields available on the right sidebar.