Permits are classified into a Permit Category and an optional Permit Type. Permit types are an optional sub-classification of permit categories.
Managing Permit Types
To manage permit types, navigate to Admin > Lookups > Permit Types. The Permit Types List screen displays all available permit types.
Adding or Editing a Permit Type
From the Permit Type List page, either click the Add New Permit Type button or click Open to view/edit an existing permit type. The permit type page will display:
The following fields are displayed on the permit type screen:
Permit Type Code
The internal reference code used to uniquely identify the permit type.
Permit Type Description
The text description for the permit type. This value must be unique.
Permit Number Prefix
Allows selection of a permit numbering configuration consisting of a Prefix plus a sequential number.
Permit Categories
Identifies the permit categories for which this permit type is valid.
Default Fee Category
Specification of a default fee category that is automatically added to permits of this type at time of creation.
Default Fee Type
Specification of a default fee type that is automatically added to permits of this type at time of creation. Fee types are based on fee category.
Linked Schedule Templates
Indicates the Schedule Templates (form sets) to include by default on a new (v1.0) permit of this type.
Default schedules may also be set for specific permit categories. Schedule templates specified at the permit type and category are additive (i.e., if specified at both the category and type level, they will both be added).
Saving Changes
To save changes click the Save button. A message will display confirming the save. To cancel saving or return to the list after saving, click the Cancel button.
Inactivating or Activating a Permit Category
The Status displays in the right side panel. The Inactive | Active toggle control activates or inactivates the permit type.