Adding Documents


There are several methods by which a document may be added and related to a record. These methods are:

  • Generating a document from a document template

  • Uploading a document

  • Copying a document

  • Linking a document from another record

Generating a Document from a Document Template

nVIRO includes a robust document generation capability. Document Templates are defined by a document template administrator and generated in Microsoft Word format. Document templates merge boilerplate text with data for the current entity. Generated documents (and other Word-format documents) can be edited in Microsoft Word within the browser using integration with the third-party AceOffix plugin.

To generate a new document:

  • On the Documents tab of any functional area detail page, click the Add Document button:

  • Select the Generate option from the menu:

  • On the Generate Document panel, choose a Program Area and Document Category. The list of available templates in the selected category is displayed:

  • Click the Generate button. The document opens in Microsoft Word in the browser for editing once generation is complete. At this point, the document has already been saved and has been associated with the current functional area record, even if no additional steps are taken.

  • Edit the document as desired.

  • Click Save to save any changes.

Uploading a Document

Use the document upload function to add a document to nVIRO that was received from or created by a source outside of nVIRO.

To upload a new document:

  • On the Documents tab of any functional area detail page, click the Add Document button:

  • Select the Upload option from the menu:

  • Browse to the file to upload, or drag the file into the browser from another window onto the "Drop files here to upload" area of the page:

  • Supply a Document Date, Document Category, Security Classification and Description for the file(s) being uploaded.

  • Optionally indicate whether the document should automatically be Finalized (Finalize checkbox) and, if checked, whether a "Document Finalized" system event should automatically be created (Auto Create Event checkbox).

  • Click the Start Upload button to initiate uploading the chosen document(s). A progress bar appears next to each document to indicate the percent complete of each document upload.

  • Click the Done button when complete to return to the Documents list page. The documents now appear in the document list.

Copying a document

Documents may be copied from other records, or from the current record.

To copy a document:

  • On the Documents tab of any functional area detail page, click the Add Document button:

  • Select the Copy document(s) option from the menu:

  • A list screen appears with a selection of documents to copy from the current site.

  • Select one or more documents by checking the box to the left of the document name:

  • Click the Select for Copy button.

  • For each selected document, specify a Document Category for the new copy by selecting from the dropdown:

  • Click the Confirm Copy button.

  • The copied documents now appear in the document list.

Linking a document from another record

Documents may be referenced from other records; for example, a user may wish for a compliance action to link to certain permit or evaluation documents.

To link a document from another record:

  • On the Documents tab of any functional area detail page, click the Add Document button:

  • Select the Link document(s) option from the menu

  • A list screen appears with a selection of documents to link from the current site. The list contains documents related to active records. 

  • Select one or more documents by checking the box to the left of the document name:

  • Click the Link Documents button.

  • The linked documents now appear in the document list.